343 research outputs found

    Embryoid and Callus Formation from Eggplant Microspores by Cultrre of Anthers Treated with High and Low Temperatures

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    Anthers containing uninucleate microspores of eggplant cv.'Wase-Shinkuro' were cultured on MS supplemented with 0.02mg/1 2,4-D and kinetin,3% sucrose and 0.2% Gelrite with high and low temprerature treatments to increase number of haploids,in early August and September and on November 4,1992.Anthers plated were kept heated at 35℃ for 48h in early November,and callus and embryoid were formed from microspores.The frequency of anthers foming callus was as high as 28% in treated anthers,but 14% in non-treated ones.Embryoids were obtained only in treated anthers,and the frequency of anthers forming embryoid was 5.1%.On the other hand,low temprerature pretreatments at 4℃ for 0,5 or 10days to flower buds in summer season were ineffective for embryoid formation and inhibitory for callus formation with treatement for langer periods.ナス(品種’早生真黒’)を供試し、葯培養におけるカルス及び杯様体形成を高めるために高温処理を試みた。培地はMS培地に2,4-Dとkinetinをそれぞれ0.02mg/ℓ、ショ糖を3%、Gelriteを0.2%添加したものとした。葯は11月上旬に採取したものを用いた。カルス形成率は対照では14%であったのに対し、葯置床後35℃で48時間の高温処理を行った場合は28%と約2倍まで向上した。また胚様体は高温処理区のみで得られた。また、夏期に同様の品種、培地を用いて花蕾に対する低温処理(4℃-0,5,10日)の効果について検討した。低温処理の効果は認められず、カルス形成葯率は処理日数が長くなるにつれて低下した。また胚様体はいずれの区でも形成されなかった

    Selection of Salt-tolerant Callus from Eggplant Hypocotyl

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    ナスの胚軸の切片を種々の濃度のNaClを添加した培地に植え付けて培養した.0.2% NaCl添加培地において,カルスの生体重は,NaCl無添加培地の2分の1になった(Fig.1).1.0% 以上のNaCl濃度では,カルスは全く形成されなかった.そこで,0.8% NaCl添加培地で形成したカルスを,その後のカルス選抜に用いた.0.8% NaCl添加培地で2年間継代培養すると,活発に増殖するカルスが得られた(これをC-0.8とする).さらに,0.8% NaCl添加培地で形成したカルスを1.0,1.2,1.4,1.6とNaCl濃度を上げた培地に順次継代し,1.6% NaCl添加培地でも生存するカルスを作出した(これをC-1.6とする).対照とするカルスには,NaClを含まない培地で2年間継代培養したものを用いた(これをC-0とする). カルスの色は,C-0は白色であったが,C-0.8およびC-1.6は緑色であった.カルスのかたさは,C-0.8はC-0よりやわらかく,C-1.6はC-0よりかたかった.カルスの乾物率は,C-0とC-0.8は差がなかったが,C-1.6は高かった(Table1).0.8% NaCl添加培地では,C-0の増殖は著しく抑制されたが,C-0.8およびC-1.6の増殖はわずかに抑制されたのみであった(Table2). カルスの耐塩性の安定性を調べるため,C-0.8およびC-1.6を60日間NaCl無添加培地に移殖し培養した後,0.8% および1.6% NaCl添加培地にそれぞれ戻した.60日間NaCl無添加培地で培養後も,C-0.8は耐塩性を示したが(Table3),C-1.6の耐塩性は失われた(Table4). 不定芽は,C-0.8を1.0mg/literBAを添加したNaCl無添加培地に移植すると再生した.本実験の結果,ナスのカルスを0.8% NaCl添加培地で継代培養することにより,耐塩性カルスが得られることが分かった

    Morphological Characters and Yields of Regenerated Plants from Callus Cultured for Long Period in Taro

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    Characters of plants regenerated from calli cultured for long period in taro (Colocasia esculenta Schott cv. Eguimo) were studied. Calli were obtained by culturing etiolated stem segments on Murashige and Skoog's (MS) medium supplemented with 30 g・liter-1 sucrose, 2 me・liter-1 NAA and 2 me・liter-1 2 ip. They were proliferated by subculturing on the same fresh medium for 10 or 15 months from initial planting. Plants regenerated after transferring them to hormone-free MS mediium. The yield of corms from plants regenerated from callus was lower than those of original 'Eguimo' (control). Leaf blade of plants regenerated from callus for 15 months (C-15) was more round than that of control plants. Corm shape of C-15 plants was more round than that of control plants.サトイモの品種'えぐいも'を供試し、長時間培養したカルスから再生した植物の収量と、形態について調べた。黄化茎切片を2mg・liter-1 liter-1 2ipを添加した基本培地で培養し、カルスを形成させた。カルスは約1ヵ月ごとに同組成の新しい培地に継代培養して増殖・維持した。初代培養から通算して10ヵ月または15ヵ月培養後、カルスをホルモン無添加のMS培地に移植し、再生した植物を順化した。これからの植物から繁殖した球茎を、翌年植え付けて栽培し、収量などの調査を行った。その結果、長期間培養したカルスから再生した植物は、元の’えぐいも’植物と比較して収量が低かった。また、15ヵ月間培養したカルスから再生した系統は、葉身が丸く、丸い球茎を形成した

    Somaclonal Variation in Plants Regenerated from Callus and Protoplasts of Taro cv. 'Yatsugashira'

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    Characters of plants regenerated from callus and protoplasts of taro (Colocasia esculenta Schott cv. Yatsugashira) were studied. Many green compact cell masses (calloid) and small number of yellow friable calli were formed by culturing segments of etiolated stem on Murashige and Skoog's (MS) medium supplemented with 30 g・liter-1 sucrose, 1 mg・liter-1 2,4-D and 2ip. Friable calli were proliferated by subculturing on the same fresh medium, and then they were suspension-cultured in a liquid medium. Protoplasts were isolated from these suspension cells. Shoots were regenerated from calloids, friable calli and protoplast derived-calli by transferring them to MS medium supplemented with 30 g・liter-1 sucrose, 0~2 mg ・liter-1 NAA and 2 mg・liter-1 BA or 2 ip. These shoots formed roots after being transferred to basal MS media. Plantlets were acclimatized and grown in the field. Original 'Yatsugashira' formed many shoots from the main corm, whereas 2 of 4 plants regenerated from calloid formed a single shoot from the main corm. Plants regenerated from friable calli were dwarf type and grew slowly. plants regenerated from both friable calli and protoplasts formed larger number of shoots than original 'Yatsugashira'.サトイモの品種'八頭'供試、カルスおよびプロトプラストから再生した植物の形成を調査した。無菌植物を暗黒下で培養した伸長させた黄化茎の切片を、30g・liter-1ショ糖、1mg・liter-1 2,4-D+ 1mg・liter-1 2ipおよび2g・liter-1ジェランガムを添加したMS培地で培養し、カルスを誘導した。黄化茎切片から形成した組織は、ほとんどが緑色の塊状であったが、一部黄白色の柔らかいカルスも形成された。この黄白色の柔らかいカルスを同組成の培地で継代培養して増殖させた。このカルスを振とう培養として懸濁細胞を形成し、それから、プロトプラストを単離した。緑色塊状組織、カルスおよびプロトプラストを、種々の濃度のNAAとBAを添加した培地で培養し、植物体の再生させた。'八頭'は、親芋から多くの菌条が伸長する性質を持っているが、緑色塊状組織から再生した植物4個体のうち2個体は、親芋から1本しか苗条が伸長しなかった。カルス由来の再生植物や、カルスから単離したプロトプラスト由来の再生植物は、元の'八頭'植物に比べて草丈が著しく低く、苗条数、葉数が多かった

    Anti-angiogenic effect of siphonaxanthin from green alga, Codium fragile.

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    Since anti-angiogenic therapy has becoming a promising approach in the prevention of cancer and related diseases, the present study was aimed to examine the anti-angiogenic effect of siphonaxanthin from green alga (Codium fragile) in cell culture model systems and ex vivo approaches using human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) and rat aortic ring, respectively. Siphonaxanthin significantly suppressed HUVEC proliferation (p<0.05) at the concentration of 2.5 μM (50% as compared with control) and above, while the effect on chemotaxis was not significant. Siphonaxanthin exhibited strong inhibitory effect on HUVEC tube formation. It suppressed the formation of tube length by 44% at the concentration of 10 μM, while no tube formation was observed at 25 μM, suggesting that it could be due to the suppression of angiogenic mediators. The ex vivo angiogenesis assay exhibited reduced microvessel outgrowth in a dose dependent manner and the reduction was significant at more than 2.5 μM. Our results imply a new insight on the novel function of siphonaxanthin in preventing angiogenesis related diseases

    Production and Proliferation of Bulbs from Receptacles of Virus Free Garlic Plant

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    Seismic Velocity Structure in and around the Japanese Island Arc Derived from Seismic Tomography Including NIED MOWLAS Hi-net and S-net Data

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    Japanese Islands are composed of four plates, with two oceanic plates subducting beneath the two continental plates. In 2016 the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience (NIED) Seafloor Observation Network for Earthquakes and Tsunamis along the Japan Trench (S-net) started seismic observation of the offshore Hokkaido to Boso region in the Pacific Ocean, and Dense Oceanfloor Network System for Earthquakes and Tsunamis (DONET) was transferred to NIED. We add the NIED S-net and DONET datasets to NIED high-sensitivity seismograph network (Hi-net) and full range seismograph network (F-net) datasets used in the previous study and obtain the three-dimensional seismic velocity structure beneath the Pacific Ocean as well as Japanese Islands. NIED S-net data dramatically improve the resolution beneath the Pacific Ocean at depths of 10–20 km because the seismic stations are located above the earthquakes and on the east side of the Japan Trench. We find a NS high-Vp zone at depths of 20–30 km. The 2018 Eastern Iburi earthquake occurred below the northern part of this high-V zone. The coseismic slip plane of the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake has low Vp/Vs, but its large slip region has high Vp. The broad low-Vp/Vs region may play a role in large earthquake occurrence