283 research outputs found

    Sensory description of varieties of dried stockfish

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    Three different varieties of dried stockfish were analyzed: traditional, whole dry stockfish from Norway, rehydrated, vacuum packaged, newly thawed fillets of stockfish from Norway, and dry stockfish snacks, small pieces from Iceland. "Brainstorming" provides an overview of sensory words that are particularly important for describing a product or product group. Words that are most prominent in the word cloud are the words that are mentioned the most times by the assessors. The main odour sensory profile from dry stockfish is dominated of an odour from trimethylamine and some odour notes described as wetdogfur and ammonia. There were some minor differences depending on which dry stockfish variety that were evaluated. Traditional dry stockfish is described mainly with an odour of ammonia, trimethylamine, rubber, and, pungent. While rehydrated, vacuum packaged, thawed fillets of stockfish are described with trimethylamine and last dry stockfish snacks is described with trimethylamine, wetdogfur, sulphur, marine.publishedVersio

    Historical development and outlook of offshore wind. Dudgeon Offshore Wind Farm case study.

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    The Dudgeon Offshore Wind farm is located off the coast of the seaside town of Cromer in North Norfolk in the UK. After the final financial investment decision was made in mid-2014, the wind farm started construction in early 2015 and was completed in late 2017. The wind farm consists of 67 turbines with a total installed capacity of 402MW. In recent years, an increasing number of companies have started investing in offshore wind projects. Increased interest makes for more competitive bidding on Contracts for Differences (CfD), resulting in lower strike prices. The Dudgeon Offshore Wind farm was one of the first UK offshore wind projects to be awarded a CfD and as a result received a strike price of £150/MWh compared to the anticipated £46/MWh in allocation round 4. In the thesis, the profitability of Dudgeon Offshore Wind is analyzed at different stages. Firstly, the profitability at the investment decision in 2014 is evaluated, before it is compared with an updated analysis of the project outcome as of 2022. After, a third analysis is performed to assess the economics of constructing a similar wind farm today with larger more modern wind turbines, but with a lower CfD strike price. The results show that the Dudgeon Offshore Wind project so far has been more profitable than what was expected at the investment decision, mainly due to a reduction in capital expenditure and increased future electricity price estimates. The analysis covering the construction of a similar wind farm today shows that the farm is unlikely to turn out profitable due to the lower CfD strike prices awarded in 2022

    Historical development and outlook of offshore wind. Dudgeon Offshore Wind Farm case study.

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    The Dudgeon Offshore Wind farm is located off the coast of the seaside town of Cromer in North Norfolk in the UK. After the final financial investment decision was made in mid-2014, the wind farm started construction in early 2015 and was completed in late 2017. The wind farm consists of 67 turbines with a total installed capacity of 402MW. In recent years, an increasing number of companies have started investing in offshore wind projects. Increased interest makes for more competitive bidding on Contracts for Differences (CfD), resulting in lower strike prices. The Dudgeon Offshore Wind farm was one of the first UK offshore wind projects to be awarded a CfD and as a result received a strike price of £150/MWh compared to the anticipated £46/MWh in allocation round 4. In the thesis, the profitability of Dudgeon Offshore Wind is analyzed at different stages. Firstly, the profitability at the investment decision in 2014 is evaluated, before it is compared with an updated analysis of the project outcome as of 2022. After, a third analysis is performed to assess the economics of constructing a similar wind farm today with larger more modern wind turbines, but with a lower CfD strike price. The results show that the Dudgeon Offshore Wind project so far has been more profitable than what was expected at the investment decision, mainly due to a reduction in capital expenditure and increased future electricity price estimates. The analysis covering the construction of a similar wind farm today shows that the farm is unlikely to turn out profitable due to the lower CfD strike prices awarded in 2022

    Recycling Lingware in a Multilingual MT System

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    We describe two methods relevant to multi-lingual machine translation systems, which can be used to port linguistic data (grammars, lexicons and transfer rules) between systems used for processing related languages. The methods are fully implemented within the Spoken Language Translator system, and were used to create versions of the system for two new language pairs using only a month of expert effort.Comment: 6 pages, needs aclap.sty. To appear in "From Research to Commercial Applications" workshop at ACL-97, see also http://www.cam.sri.co

    GIS i søk etter savnet person

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    Oppgavens bakgrunn er interessen Oslo politidistrikt har vist for bruken av geografiske informasjonssystemer (GIS). I oppgaven viser vi til potensialet bruken av GIS har i temaet søk etter savnet person på land. Det blir også besvart på hvilken måte politiet kan ta i bruk en militær geografi (MilGeo) ressurs som Forsvaret har tilgjengelig. En kvalitativ metode er tatt i bruk, og denne baserer seg på intervju, teori og analyser. Konklusjonen viser til effektivisering av en søksprosess ved bruk av GIS i politiet. Den peker også på hvordan MilGeo som ressurs kan gagne både politiet og forsvaret på kort og lengre sikt

    Er gresset grønnere på den andre siden? En empirisk analyse av hvordan finansmarkedene reagerer på olje- og gasselskapers strategiske skifte mot fornybart og dekarbonisering

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    Denne utredningen undersøker hvordan markedet reagerer på fossile energiselskaper sin strategiske pivotering mot fornybart gjennom å analysere grønne M&A transaksjoner og utvikling i implisitt kapitalkostnad blant strategiske grupperinger i bransjen. Som en av industriene i fronten av både klimakrisen og det nødvendige energiskiftet har produsentene av hydrokarboner fått politikernes, investorenes og medias søkelys rettet mot seg for deres karbonavtrykk og sentrale rolle i overgangen til en net-zero økonomi. Senest ved COP28, hvor de var et nøkkeltema. Funnene i oppgaven peker på at investorer reagerer svakt positivt på nyhetene om «grønne» transaksjoner for oppkjøper, men kontrollert for sammenlignbare tradisjonelle kjerneoppkjøp virker markedet å være mer entusiastiske for «brune» tradisjonelle transaksjoner. Verdiskapingen rundt grønne transaksjoner virker i større grad å tilfalle selgerne enn kjøperne. Videre avdekker utredningen at det eksisterer en «karbonspread» mellom rene fornybaraktører og fossilselskapers kapitalkostnad, noe som kan skyldes lavere overgangsrisiko og støtte fra de midlertidige kapitalstrømmene fra brunt til grønt. Bildet er derimot noe ulikt innad i fossilsektoren, hvorpå energiselskaper med grønne transformasjonsstrategier overraskende nok har en høyere implisitt aksjepremie. Disse funnene indikerer i sum at markedet ikke virker til å premiere karbonintensive energiganter som forsøker å pivotere mot grønt. Vi argumenterer for at dette kan forklares i den høye konkurransen i fornybarsektoren, stramme verdikjeder, anstrengte lønnsomhetsforhold og økt kompleksitet. Samtidig opplever tradisjonelle fossile virksomheter rekordsterk lønnsomhet. Når man ser den avmålte grønne investorentusiasmen blant fossiltunge selskaper i sammenheng med en ellers sterk midlertidig eufori og kapitalallokering mot ESG, er det rom for å spekulere i den finansielle bærekraften i videre satsning på dekarbonisering. En satsning som nylig har blitt satt under sterkt press fra investorer og eiere som bekymrer seg for den underliggende verdiskapingen, og hvorvidt denne gradvise dekarboniseringen koster mer enn det smaker. Oppgaven finner alt i alt indikasjoner på at markedsperspektivet kan gjøre videre grønn strategisk transformasjon utfordrende og mer tvilsom. Det fremhever også vanskeligheten av å balansere klima og aksjonærverdier, en effekt som kan ha ringvirkninger i andre karbonintensive sektorer.nhhma

    CO2 packaging increases shelf life through reduction of off-odor production by CO2 tolerant bacteria in addition to growth inhibition of the spoilage bacteriota

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    Optimized packaging conditions to improve the shelf life of chicken fillets is important to prevent food spoilage and food waste. Anaerobic packaging with CO2 or by vacuum packaging is commonly used to increase the shelf life of skinless chicken fillets, but the literature is inconsistent about the spoilage bacteriota. The aim of this work was to determine which bacterial genera that spoil raw chicken fillets packaged under two common packaging conditions and how the packaging gas itself affects the production of off odors for these genera. The spoilage potential of Pseudomonas, Carnobacterium, Hafnia, Serratia, Brochothrix and Shewanella isolated from spoiled chicken fillets was evaluated. Fresh chicken fillets were inoculated with mono- and multi genera strain cocktails (4 log CFU/cm2) and packaged with 100% N2 or 60% CO2/40% N2, stored at 4 °C, and bacterial numbers, bacteriota, gas in headspace and sensory profiles assessed. Additionally, the effect of CO2 on the production of off-odors from fillets inoculated with similar levels of Shewanella spp. or Brochothrix spp. was determined by both sensory profiling and measuring volatile organic components. All bacterial cocktails grew relatively well in chicken meat packed with 100% N2, while 60% CO2/40% N2 resulted in growth inhibition of all isolates compared to 100% N2. All genera except Serratia and Pseudomonas gave rise to off-odors after 11 days of storage in 100% N2. During storage in 60% CO2/40% N2, only fillets with Carnobacterium spp. and Brochothrix spp. showed significantly higher intensities of off-odors compared to the reference fillets. Shewanella spp. and Brochothrix spp. also exhibited significantly higher intensities of negative odor attributes during storage in 100% N2 compared to 60% CO2/40% N2, at a similar total bacterial count. Thus, CO2 improves shelf life not only by reduction of the growth of CO2 tolerant and sensitive bacteria, but also through inhibition of the production of off-odors.CO2 packaging increases shelf life through reduction of off-odor production by CO2 tolerant bacteria in addition to growth inhibition of the spoilage bacteriotapublishedVersio