81 research outputs found

    Suvremeni život drevnih priča: likovi, konteksti i kritička pitanja

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    Aligned with the sociocultural nature of traditional tales and other folk literature of the Western world, this study examines three picturebooks to consider the significance of contemporary retellings of traditional tales. A critical content analysis approach to text and images employs select tenets of a particular theory for each book inclusive of childism, post-colonial, and archetype theories. The findings relate each book to current sociocultural issues: the agentic child in building community; colonial and post-colonial understandings; and identity, stereotypes, and archetypes. Additionally, environmental themes are woven through each. The findings support the ongoing significance of these living folktales for personal and community development as they connect intertextually across eras and national cultures.Uz društvenokulturnu narav tradicionalnih priča i drugih oblika folklorne književnosti zapadnoga svijeta, ovaj rad istražuje tri slikovnice te razmatra suvremene inačice drevnih priča. Tekstu i slikama pristupa se kritičkom analizom sadržaja te se upotrebljavaju odabrane perspektive određenih teorija u raščlambi pojedinih naslova, uključujući teoriju djecizma (childism), postkolonijalnu i arhetipsku teoriju. Rezultati povezuju svaku analiziranu knjigu sa suvremenom sociokulturnom tematikom, tj. temom djelatnoga djeteta u uspostavljanju zajednice, kolonijalnoga i postkolonijalnoga razumijevanja, kao i identiteta, stereotipa i arhetipa. Osim toga, u svim se analizama provlači i tematika okoliša. Utvrđuje se trajna važnost živih folklornih priča za osobni razvoj i razvoj zajednice jer one intertekstualno povezuju različita razdoblja i nacionalne kulture

    Quantum Computing: Computing of the Future Made Reality

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    Abstract—Quantum computing is an emerging new area focused on technology consisting of quantum theory aspects such as electrons, sub-atomic particles, and other materials engineered using quantum mechanics. Through quantum mechanics, these computers can solve problems that classical computers deem too complex. Today the closest computing technology compared to quantum computers are supercomputers, but similarly to classical computers, supercomputers also have faults. With supercomputers, when a problem is deemed too complex, it is due to the classical machinery components within the computer, thus causing a halt in solving the task or problem. In contrast, these problems could be solved with a quantum computer due to the advancements in engineered materials based on quantum mechanics. Apart from the hardware that enables a quantum computer to function more intelligently, the software developed for these computers can also show tremendous improvements in certain aspects, such as cryptography. This research examines quantum computing from its origins and details how the computer runs, its faults and limitations, ways to protect from quantum computing attacks, and demonstrates what programming a quantum computer would entail

    Wichtigkeit der Kunst in der Kultur: Lernen durch Kinderliteratur

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    Cultural studies frequently rely on the arts to reveal traditions, history, ideologies, and other aspects of a particular group. However, at what point and how are child readers asked to consider the significance of the arts to individuals’ cultural lives? This paper shares an inquiry that addresses how children’s literature, outside being a distinctive art form in itself, can offer stories that place the arts inseparably at the heart of one’s life experiences – defining culture, traditions, family history, and personal identity. The inquiry shared here focuses on a text set of 12 children’s picturebooks in which characters connect to some form of the arts in very specific and purposeful ways – facing a life challenge as a result of his or her passion for the arts or a challenge for which the arts hold resolution. Through the lens of New Historicism supported by social semiotics, a critical content analysis of these books reveals their potential for powerful, authentic insights into the role of the arts in one’s personal culture.Kulturni studiji često se oslanjaju na umjetnost da bi otkrili tradicije, povijest, ideologije i ostale aspekte određene skupine. Međutim, u kojemu se trenutku i na koji način od djece traži razmišljanje o važnosti umjetnosti u kulturnome životu pojedinca? Ovaj rad istražuje kako dječja književnost, osim kao samosvojna umjetnička forma, može ponuditi priče koje neraskidivo smještaju umjetnost u središte životnoga iskustva neke osobe – definirajući kulturu, tradiciju, obiteljsku povijest te vlastiti identitet. Istraživanje je usmjereno na dvanaest slikovnica, dječjih knjiga u kojima se likovi povezuju s nekom umjetnošću na poseban i svrsishodan način, pri čemu se svaki lik suočava sa životnim izazovom koji je posljedica strasti za nekom umjetnošću ili s izazovom za koji umjetnost nudi rješenje. S pomoću novohistorističke književne teorije, dopunjene društvenom semiotikom, kritička analiza sadržaja ovih knjiga otkriva njihov potencijal za snažan i autentičan uvid u ulogu umjetnosti u kulturi pojedinca. Dok se u obrazovanju koncept pismenosti proširuje različitim načinima na koje razumijemo svijet koji nas okružuje i na koje s njime komuniciramo, uloga umjetnosti postaje presudna u izgradnji znanja o prošlim i sadašnjim kulturama te za razumijevanje društvenoga i kulturnoga konteksta koji uokviruju opseg i dubinu našega znanja. „Samo odbijanjem razdvajanja umjetničkoga izraza od drugih formi društvene i kulturne interakcije, ističu novohistoristi, umjetnost ili književnost mogu postati smislenima i važnima za sve nas“ (Malpas 2013: 67).Kulturwissenschaften greifen oft nach der Kunst, um die Merkmale der Tradition, der Geschichte, der Ideologie und sonstiger Aspekte des Zusammenlebens einer Gruppe festzuhalten. Es stellt sich jedoch die Frage, in welchem Augenblick und auf welche Weise man von den Kindern verlangt, dass sie über die Wichtigkeit der Kunst im kulturellen Leben des Einzelnen nachdenken? Im Beitrag wird die Art und Weise untersucht, auf welche die Kinder- und Jugendliteratur Geschichten anbietet, worin die Kunst zum Mittelpunkt der Lebenserfahrungen wird, indem sie Kultur, Tradition, Familiengeschichten sowie eigene Identität bestimmt. Es werden zwölf Bilder- und Kinderbücher besprochen, worin die Gestalten mit einer der Kunstformen verbunden und zugleich mit Lebensherausforderungen konfrontiert werden, welche das Ergebnis ihrer Begeisterung mit der Kunst sind oder eine Herausforderung darstellen, wofür die Kunst eine Lösung anbietet. Anhand der durch die Theorie der gesellschaftlichen Semiotik unterstützten neuhistoristischen Literaturtheorie wird der Inhalt dieser Bücher einer kritischen Analyse unterzogen und ihr Potenzial für die Erlangung von Einblicken in die Rolle der Kunst in der Kultur des Einzelnen festgestellt. Während im Bildungssystem das Alphabetismuskonzept auf verschiedene Weisen, auf die wir die umgebende Welt verstehen und mit ihr kommunizieren, erweitert wird, wird die Kunst zum entscheidenden Faktor im Ausbau der Wissensbestände über die vergangenen und gegenwärtigen Kulturen sowie für das Verständnis des gesellschaftlichen und kulturellen Kontextes, welcher den Umfang und die Tiefe unserer Wissens umrahmt. „Nur dadurch, dass man die Abgliederung des Kunstausdruckes von anderen Formen gesellschaftlicher und kultureller Interaktion ablehnt, erlangen Kunst oder Literatur nach den Neuhistoristen für uns Sinn und Wichtigkeit“ (Malpas 2013: 67)

    Gay and Lesbian Literature in the Classroom: Can Gay Themes Overcome Heteronormativity?

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    Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) characters do exist in children’s and young adult literature, yet there is a lack of classroom exposure to such literature. Educational organizations have realized the need for dispelling prejudices about LGBT people by including such texts in the classroom as well as discussions regarding LGBT themes and characters in the books. Yet the practice of simply including diverse texts without discussing LGBT issues could cause greater marginalization for students because the silence regarding LGBT issues and characters encourages the practice of heteronormativity. This inquiry examined a range of children’s and adolescent books that could be used in classroom discussions to develop insight about LGBT themes and characters in order to understand if the texts were saturated with LGBT themes and characters to the point that teachers and students could not avoid the LGBT factors while reading