13 research outputs found

    A Minor Modification of Lichtenstein Repair of Primary Inguinal Hernia: Postoperative Discomfort Evaluation.

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of a modification of the Lichtenstein hernioplasty procedure by evaluating its impact on postoperative discomfort. From December 1999 to May 2006, the Lichtenstein inguinal hernioplasty was performed in 406 patients with noncomplicated unilateral inguinal hernia. During reconstruction, the mesh was fixed to the inguinal canal floor without stitching its upper margin to the internal oblique muscle. Control of postoperative pain proved to be satisfactory; 72 hours after surgery, 26.1 per cent of patients no longer felt any pain, whereas 54.4 per cent had slight pain without the need for painkillers; on Day 7, 92.8 per cent felt no pain at all. After 10 days, 86.7 per cent of those with sedentary jobs were able to return to work, whereas 79.1 per cent of those with heavier jobs resumed work in 11 to 15 days. Our modification of the original Lichtenstein procedure permitted us to obtain satisfactory results with regard to the control of postoperative chronic pain and a rapid reprisal of normal working activity

    Gastrooesophageal reflux and "Epileptic" attacks: casually associated or related? Efficiency of antireflux surgery, a case report

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    P02.30 GASTRO-OESOPHAGEAL REFLUX AND “EPILEPTIC” ATTACKS: CASUALLY ASSOCIATED OR RELATED? EFFICIENCY OF ANTIREFLUX SURGERY A CASE REPORT Achille Mastrosimone1, Alessia Cusimano2, Silvia Marino2, Gianni Pantuso2, Eugenio Fiorentino2 1Policlinico Of Palermo, Palermo/ITALY, 2University Of Palermo, Palermo/ITALY Background: Although a possible link between gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) and obstructive sleeping apnoea has already been reported in the literature, there has never been any suggestion of an association with epilepsy, and epileptic attacks have not so far been included among gastro- oesophageal reflux disease symptoms. Methods: We report the case of a patient with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease associated with a sliding hiatus hernia, a short oesophagus and oesoph- agitis, who for the last ten years had not only presented the typical symptoms of gastrooesophageal reflux, but also symptoms of obstructive sleep apnoea and epileptic- like attacks occurring occasionally and only during sleep. Results: Partial posterior fundoplication was performed and considerably reduced the reflux symptoms, and in addition brought about a drastic decrease in the number of epileptic-like attacks. Discussion: Our case suggests that epileptic-like episodes in patients with obstructive sleeping apnoea may well be linked to the simultaneous presence of GORD associated with hiatus hernia, and surgical treatment of GORD may bring about an improvement of the neurological problems. Disclosure: All authors have declared no conflicts of interest

    Fundoplicatio sec. Nissen videolaparoscopica e metaplasia intestinale in esofago: osservazioni preliminari

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    The aim of this preliminary study conducted in a few cases was the retrospective evaluation of the effects of laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication on oesophageal intestinal metaplasia. Seventy-seven patients with hiatal hernia underwent digital videofluorography, endoscopy with biopsies, motility studies and 24-h oesophageal pH-monitoring. On the basis of the results of the diagnostic procedures and considering the patients' ages and response to proton-pump inhibitor treatment, 8 patients underwent laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication; in 5 cases intestinal metaplasia was present at histopathological examination. Two of these had Barrett's oesophagus at endoscopy and intestinal metaplasia was associated with low-grade dysplasia in both at histology; the other 3 did not present a columnar mucosa at endoscopy and 1 had low-grade dysplasia. In all 5 patients, at 1 year postoperative histopathological control, disappearance or decrease of metaplastic epithelium and regression of dysplasia were noted, with excellent results in terms of reflux symptoms at clinical control. On the basis of these preliminary data, it is our opinion that antireflux surgery is not only a suitable treatment in the management of Barrett's oesophagus but also has a favourable effect on intestinal metaplasia regression when a normal oesophageal mucosa is present

    Hiatal hernia, gastro-oesophageal reflux and oesophagitis: videofluorographic, endoscopic and histopathological correlation

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the correlation between hiatal hernia and gastro-oesophageal reflux and related histological abnormalities in patients without endoscopic oesophagitis. A consecutive series of 78 patients with a history of gastro-oesophageal reflux symptoms and hiatal hernia, as defined by videofluorography combined with a water siphon test, underwent oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and multiple biopsies. Hiatal hernia was confirmed endoscopically in 99% of cases. The water siphon test was positive for reflux in 72% of cases. At endoscopy 42% of patients had oesophagitis and/or Barrett's oesophagus and 58% had no lesions. In the group without endoscopic lesions, at histology oesophagitis-related alterations were found in 98% and intestinal metaplasia in 27%. In conclusion, this study shows that symptomatic gastro-oesophageal reflux patients with radiologically defined hiatal hernia should undergo endoscopy with multiple biopsies above the squamocolumnar junction, even when endoscopy is normal. This is in order to detect histological gastro-oesophageal-reflux-related alterations, above all, when a positive water siphon test is also present, owing to its known correlation with intestinal metaplasi

    Minor hepatic resection using heat coagulative necrosis.

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    Intra- and postoperative bleeding represents an extremely serious and frequent complication of hepatic surgery. In this study, we evaluated the effectiveness of a radiofrequency (RF) device using heat to cause coagulative necrosis of the hepatic parenchyma to control hemostasis in minor hepatic resection. Between December 2005 and November 2007, a study was conducted of 21 patients undergoing 22 hepatic resections with the RF-assisted technique. Sixteen of these were affected by hepatocellular carcinoma and five had liver metastases from colorectal cancer. Intraoperative blood loss, the need for blood transfusion, the complication rates, operating times, and the duration of postoperative hospitalization were evaluated. Four segmentectomies and 18 tumorectomies were performed. The average blood loss was of 15.7 mL (range, 0–40 mL); the average operating time was 25.7 minutes (range, 12–43 minutes); the mean postoperative hospital stay was 8.2 days (range, 3–49 days) with a median of 6.0 days. The authors concluded that the RF-assisted technique can be a useful method not only for reducing blood loss and avoiding blood transfusions, but also for reducing operating time and postoperative hospitalization for minor liver resections