9 research outputs found


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    女子学生の食生活の実態を把握し食教育の実践に生かすことを目的として、本学女子学生128名にアンケート調査を行った結果、以下のような食生活を取り巻く実態が判明し、今後の食教育のあり方について多くの助言が得られた。摂取頻度のもっとも高い食品は、その他の野菜で、次いで油類、牛乳・乳製品であった。また、摂取頻度の低い食品群として、海藻類、豆類・豆腐製品、魚・肉またはその加工品、緑黄色野菜が挙げられた。「改善の必要あり」および「放っておくと健康を損なう恐れあり」と判断された学生がそれぞれ27%および5%存在する一方、「健康状態が良い」が13%で、「まあまあ良い状態」が55%であった。また、80%の学生が米を主食としており、パンが10.5%、麺類が9.5%であった。今回の調査で初めて「外食」と「中食」の領域に共通な食べ物として「ハンバーガ」「サラダ」「寿司」が挙げられた。「外食」は、80%以上の学生が週に1~3回利用しているが、「中食」は、1日に1~2回利用している学生と、週に1~3回利用している学生とが半分ずつ観察された。飲料では「お茶」が60%以上の学生にもっとも高頻度で飲まれており、菓子では第1位に「チョコレート」が挙げられた。約50%の母親が食事作りをしており、学生自身が自分で作るが33%.で、そのうちの1人暮らしの2/3が「自分」で食事作りをしていることが判った。A questionnaire survey of food preference on daily meals was conducted for 128 second-year female students who belong to Seitoku nutrition junior college in Tokyo. For the intake of foods, whitish vegetables were the highest used and sea foods, soybeans or soybean products, fish or meat products and greenish vegetables were the lowest. 5% students earned a bad score who were judged to be completely "out of health" and 27% were needed to be further refined by scoring the above results. While only 13% were "good health" and 55% were neither good nor bad. 80% students live on rice as stable food on daily meals. The most used favorite beverage and confectioneries were tea and chocolate, respectively. "Gaisyoku (eat-out food)" was used once or three a week by 80% students. "Nakasyoku was used once or twice by about 50% every day. A hamburger, salad and sushi were appeared in both of them. The result of this survey showed some important contents about eating daily meals of female students, and that will give valuable advice to teaching of health and foods in our junior college

    Pilot and Feasibility Studies of a Lifestyle Modification Program Based on the Health Belief Model to Prevent the Lifestyle-Related Diseases in Patients with Mental Illness

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    In this study we have examined the feasibility of a program based on the health belief model (HBM), for its effectiveness in improving lifestyle-related diseases in patients with schizophrenia (SZ) and bipolar disorder (BD), which are often complicated with physical conditions. In this model, we attempted to enable patients to identify a “threat” and to find “balance between benefits and disadvantages”. Subjects were carefully selected from among psychiatric patients by excluding any bias. Thus, the enrolled patients were 30 adult men and women with lifestyle-related diseases, or those with a body mass index (BMI) of over 24. Of these 30 subjects, 15 were randomly assigned to the intervention group and 10 the control group, since 5 subjects in the control voluntarily left from the study. Comparison of the intervention and control groups revealed significant improvement (p < 0.05) in HDL cholesterol in the intervention group. However, there were no significant changes in other variables. These findings support the usefulness and efficacy of HMB-based nutritional interventions for preventing lifestyle-related disorders among psychiatric patients. Further evaluation is needed with a larger sample size and a longer intervention period. This HMB-based intervention could be useful for the general population as well