33 research outputs found

    Le opportunitĂ  per una rivoluzione urbana. Il caso delle capitali europee della cultura.

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    L'articolo si propone di fornire una breve panoramica sulle questioni di pianificazione urbanistica delle Capitali europee della cultura, con una particolare enfasi sulla organizzazione della cittĂ  di Matera

    Impact of the COVID-19 virus pandemic on hospitalizations for skin cancer treatment in Brazil

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    Introduction: COVID-19 virus infection was a severe health impact in 2020. The direct repercussion is easily measured through its morbidity and mortality rates. Its indirect repercussion on health is still little measured, and this is the objective of this study. Methods: To determine the number of hospitalizations for general treatments, for the treatment of neoplasms and malignant skin cancer in the SUS, from 2008 to 2020, in the department of informatics of the SUS. Results: The parallelism of the data referring to the three groups selected above allowed to observe a drastic reduction in the number of hospitalizations in the SUS between the same months of 2019 and 2020: a decrease of 10.60% in general hospitalizations, 58.65% in hospitalizations for neoplasia and 156% in hospitalizations for malignant skin cancer. The reduction gradually worsened in 2020 from January. In June 2020, the number of hospitalizations for skin cancer treatment reflected values from 12 years ago. Conclusion: The follow-up of the historical series of hospitalizations in the SUS provides a tangible value that serves as a basis for understanding the direction of health measures. The indirect implications of COVID-19 may have an outcome as tragic as its mortality, as they impact specialized health services availability. Services of great specialization such as hospital cancer treatment attend complex cases, and their unavailability may reflect an increase in mortality from these causes - an indirect impact of COVID-19

    "Climate Change 2021": VI Rapporto IPCC (AR6)

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    Nel rapporto del Gruppo di lavoro dell’IPCC “Cambiamenti Climatici 2021 – La basi fisico-scientifiche” approvato il 9 agosto di quest’anno, si evidenzia che i cambiamenti climatici sono diffusi, rapidi e si stanno intensificando. ll Rapporto si basa su simulazioni climatiche di ultima generazione che prevedono i cambiamenti futuri nella temperatura superficiale globale, nel riscaldamento degli oceani e nel livello del mare mediante proiezioni di modelli climatici che raccolgono e comparano tutti i dati scientifici disponibili. Le evidenze contenute nel VI Rapporto rendono coscienti tutti a livello globale che le influenze umane sono alla base delle cause dei cambiamenti climatici e che esse stanno accelerando gli eventi climatici estremi come le ondate di calore, le piogge e le alluvioni e la siccità, eventi che aumentano con l’aumento delle temperature globali

    L'inquinamento acustico nelle Politiche europee

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    L’UE in materia di lotta all’inquinamento acustico ha da tempo adottato una politica comune al fine di evitare o ridurre gli effetti nocivi dell’esposizione al rumore, stabilendo che debba essere perseguito l’obiettivo della protezione dall’inquinamento acustico nell’ambito delle politiche per la tutela della salute e dell’ambiente. Il Quinto Programma d’Azione per l’Ambiente del 1993 e il Sesto Programma d’Azione per l’Ambiente perseguono l’obiettivo di rendere più sostenibili le città dell’UE, col Settimo programma d’Azione per l’ambiente è stata prefissata una drastica riduzione dell’inquinamento acustico entro il 2020

    Masdar City, modello di cittĂ  sostenibile

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    The article is experimenting with a new model of sustainable city, built in the desert from the United Arab Emirates, with the use of renewable energy and advanced technologies for a future with zero impact. The construction of Masdar City achieves a whole new city through a radical change in energy approach, with the use of advanced technologies with zero impact and contributions of professionalism, such as architects and engineers, with high capacity and from all over the world, engaged in the search for new solutions. It also raised the profile on the promotion of sustainable business solutions related to promotion and dissemination of new technologies, with the settlement in the city of the largest companies in the development and marketing of environmentally friendly products. When completed, Masdar City will be a prototype that can be used in order to make smart cities of the near future, completely self-sufficient regarding energy supply

    Nuove norme per il rilancio dell'edilizia

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    The article analyses the new laws and regulations in the field of construction industry which surely can affect with its effect the territorial conformation of the Country