17 research outputs found

    Studentsā€™ Perception On Quizizz As Online Quiz Learning Tool

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    Digital technology can be used as media in the learning process. One of the innovations that can be used by a teacher in the digital learning process is the assignment or quiz to students. The quiz can be used by the teachers to figure out how far students master the material and for students, it is very useful to find out how far they master the material. Online quizzes are expected to be able to make students active towards active learning. This study looked at Quizizz as a digital game-based learning tool for doing English quizzes while learning from a distance. Its goal was to find out how students saw Quizizz as a tool for digital quiz-based learning and how it was used for formative assessment. This research uses descriptive qualitative research. The subject of the research was third semester students of STKIP AL Maksum. The data were collected using questionnaire. The questioner will be given by google form. The results of this study showed that students liked Quizizz as a digital quiz-based learning tool because it helped them learn and got them involved, had clear rules and goals, clear results and immediate feedback, and let them talk to each other. They also did well on the formative assessment quiz Quizizz in English class. Also, the activities on Quizizz let students show what they knew, got feedback, and took charge of their own learning. Key words:  studentsā€™ perception, Quizizz, online quiz


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    This research focuses on the types of speech acts and the meaning of the utterances used by Bantenese family. The study aims to find out the types of speech acts, the dominant type of speech acts used by Bantenese family in Medan Johor and the interpretation of the reason of Bantenese use these types of speech acts in their dialogues. This thesis conducts on the descriptive qualitative method. Descriptive design simply describes what data shows. This research elaborates on the utterances assumed to contain illocutionary acts. The findings of the research show the speech acts that occurred on Bantenese family in Medan Johor are assertive, directive, expressive, commissive and declarative. The presentations are: assertives acts 27.5%, directives acts 58.75%, commissives acts 5%, expressives acts 7.5%, and declaratives acts 1.25%. If elaborated, there are several dialogues in Bantenese family. There are between parents to children, children to parents, between sisters and brothers, husband and wife, grandmother to grandchildren and the last between aunt to nephew. The writer also finds that Bantenese usually or often used the statement in command, request, advice, offering, suggesting, confirmation, boasting, resigning and expressing something. It is shown from pragmatic meaning that is utterenced by Bantenese. In daily communication or dialogue in Bantenese family, they often say 'A' but the meaning is 'B' . They say with the statement that has meaning something. &nbsp


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    Bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa internasional di era globalisasi saat ini. Bahasa Inggris penting untuk dipelajari karena digunakan sebagai alat komunikasi internasional. Sebagai bahasa pengantar internasional, Bahasa Inggris hendaklah diajarkan kepada anak-anak sedini mungkin, agar mereka mampu bersaing di Era Globalisasi seperti saat ini. MTS Al-Ikhlas merupkan salah satu sekolah yang juga bergerak di bidang sosial yaitu sebuah pesantren yang berada di Pangkalan Susu, Langkat. Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris dengan metode permainan sangatlah digemari untuk tingkat dasar hingga menengah. Penyajain ā€˜bermain sambil belajarā€™ dapat meningkatkan minat dan semangat mereka dalam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Pengajaran dengan metode ini dapat meningkatkan kemampuan serta semangat siswa/I MTS Al-Ikhlas dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris di kelas nantinya. Beberapa jenis game berbasis Bahasa Inggris diterapkan dalam proses belajar, yang membuat siswa/I tidak menyadari disamping mereka bermain, mereka juga sedang belajar. Penambahan vocabulary pada tiap ā€˜gameā€™ dapat dijadikan bekal untuk proses belajar selanjutnya

    The Effect of Classroom Interaction on Conversation Performance of EFL Learners in Binjai

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    The objective of this study was to find out the significant difference before and after the students being treated by classroom interaction strategy in speaking class. The researcher used quantitative method and pre experimental design to analyze research problem. This study was conducted to the second grade students of SMAN 6 Binjai on 21th July until 5th August 2020. The data were collected through a speaking test, the test was consists of expressed argumentative text. Firstly, students had to express their opinions about the phenomenon surrounding without being given treatment. In this test, the researcher gave the topic about social media. Secondly, the students expressed their opinions after treatment. The treatment was the researcher teach the students how to expressing opinion, asking other peopleā€™s opinion and saying agreement. The test was given to measure the studentsā€™ speaking skill after treatment. The researcher investigated the data and collected the score pre- test and post-test based on the scoring system. In analyzing the data, the researcher calculated the data used t-test, the researcher checked the normality of the data using Liliefors test to find out whether the distribution of data was normal, and so the researcher used t-test to clarify whether or not his hypothesis is accepted. The research findings showed that was a difference before and after the students being treated classroom interaction in speaking class. The result of the data showed that  = 8,374 was greater than   = 2,924. It proved that the result of post-test was better than the result of pre-test. In order to find out the significance of the improvement between pre-test and post-test, t-test was applied. After having the test of significance, the result of pre-test showed that the average score of pre-test was 67. Whereas, the averages score of post-test were 73. From the data showed, the result of the post-test in speaking test was better than the result of pre-test. From the result, it could be concluded that there are the significance of the improvement from pretest and post-test   Keywords: classroom interaction, speaking skil

    Translation Shift of ā€˜Jakarta Postā€™ newspaper on Monday, November 17, 2014 page 5, the first column with the title ā€œUNHAS deputy rector named as suspected drug userā€

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    Translation shifts is a changing of form when it is translated from the source language into target language. In this study writer focus in translation shift and the most dominant of shift in the process of translating a discourse in ā€œJakarta Postā€ newspaper. This study conducts on the descriptive qualitative method. Descriptive design simply describes what data shows. In order to account for this, the writer use a wide variety of translation shift in order to accurately translate any given text. Based on the data analysis which is taken from ā€˜Jakarta Postā€™ newspaper on Monday, November 17, 2014 page 5, first column with the title ā€œUnhas deputy rector named as suspected drug userā€. The Jakarta Post is a daily English-language newspaper in Indonesia. The paper is owned by PT Niskala Media Tenggara and based in the nation's capital, Jakarta. The writer use theories of Catford, there are any major types of translation shifts. They are structure shift, unit shift, class shift and intra ā€“ system shift. In 20 sentences (including the title) the writer use 13 times to structure shift (44.9%), 9 times to unit shift (31.1%), 1 time to class shift (3.4%) and 6 times to intra ā€“ system shift (20.6%). So, Structure shift is the most dominant that be used by writer to translate the data


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    Adanya fakta bahwa siswa-siswa pada tingkat Sekolah Dasar ini baru sajamempelajari Bahasa Indonesia-sebagai bahasa nasional dan bahasa resminegaradimulai dari menuliskan huruf, melafalkan huruf, membaca, hingga menuliskompleks, tentu menjadi bahan pertimbangan bagi pemerintah untuk tidakmenjadikan bahasa Inggris sebagai mata pelajaran pokok. Tentu akan sangatmengejutkan bagi psikologis mereka apabila bahasa asing seperti Bahasa Inggrisyanglafal hurufnya berbeda dengan Bahasa Indonesia serta penulisannya berbedadengan cara melafalkannya-ditempatkan menjadi mata pelajaran pokok. Kondisi inidiperparah lagi dengan tidak meratanya sarana dan Sumber daya Manusia (SDM)berupa instruktur/trainer pada daerah-daerah tertentu. program Pengabdian KepadaMasyarakat (PKM) ini dilakukan untuk menjawab beberapa permasalahan mitra,yaitu: 1)Apa cara untuk memaksimalkan anak dalam pemerolehan bahasa Inggris?2)Bagaimana penerapan cara/metode yang dimaksud dalam poin 1 agar tepat gunabagi siswa SD di tempat mitra pengabdian berada? Adapun peserta latih dalamPKM ini adalah trainers bahasa Inggris dan siswa-siswi SD dengan jadwal programdilakukan selama 1 minggu. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah Metode yang diberikandengan menggunakan Hand Puppet (Boneka Tangan) sangat efektif ditreatmentkanpada anak-anak. Anak-anak terlihat lebih rileks saat diberikan materi-materi padasaat pelatihan. Mereka juga terlihat antusias menanggapi para trainers danpengabdi

    Inquiry Method Innovation of Descriptive Text Material In Speaking Course At STKIP AL Maksum

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    Innovation is very important in the learning aspect, especially in learning English. Choosing the right learning model for a material has a significant effect on the desired learning outcomes. This study aims to provide innovation in inquiry teaching methods on descriptive text learning materials. A quantitative approach with a pre-experimental design was used in this study. In this study, there were 25 students who participated. All of these students followed the entire learning process that was carried out. The instrument used to measure conceptual mastery was in the form of a practical test instrument using an assessment rubric, while a questionnaire was used to measure student responses. The result shows 84% of students said that the activities carried out in the learning process were new to them and 56% has a little difficulty; it means that there has been a process of students' critical thinking about the learning given, according to the expected inquiry method, 68% of students thought that the learning activities carried out made students interested in learning the concept of descriptive text, the innovations that were carried out actually received a good response, as many as 72% felt that the method had become more enjoyable. The learning activities made it easier for students mastering the concept of descriptive text" obtained 80% results found it easier to understand the basic concepts of material about descriptive texts, and 84% did not feel bored in learning activities. Thus, teachers must continuously develop innovative learning methods and media in order to make the learning process more successful and interesting for students. Keywords: Innovation, Inquiry, descriptive tex

    Improving Studentsā€™ Reading Comprehension by Using Sq3r Method in Vocational High School at SMK AL Maksum Langkat

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    SQ3R stands for Survey, Question, Read, Recite/Recall and Review. In this study,the writer used an action research. For collecting the data, the writer used testand observation. The data sources are the 10 th grade of SMK AL MaksumLangkat at TKJ department which consists of 32 students and an English Teacheras the observer. Phase I consists of planning, action, observation and reflection.Phase II added by the revision of phase I. Based on the results of the study, inphase I the percentage of students who achieved Minimum AccomplishmentCriteria 75 was 65%. In other words, 21 students had achieved MinimumAccomplishment Criteria, while 11 students had not reached MAC. In phase II, allof students have reached Minimum Accomplishment Criteria. The result showed,in phase II all of the students could comprehend the text and determine the mainidea and reached Minimum Accomplishment Criteria in reading it is 75. Thus, thehypothesis in this research is acceptable. It means, there is a significant improvingin using SQ3R to increase the studentsā€™ reading comprehension at the 10 th gradeof SMK AL Maksum Langkat at TKJ department. Therefore, the research wasdiscontinued on the second phase


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    In this study writer focus in translation technique and the most technique that be used translator in translating ā€œI am Number Four ā€œnovel. In technique translators have a lot of different things to consider before diving into to translating a text. This study conducts on the descriptive qualitative method. Descriptive design simply describes what data shows. In order to account for this, translators use a wide variety of translation techniques in order to accurately translate any given text. Based on the data analysis which is taken from the novel ā€˜I Am Number Fourā€™ written by Pittacus Lore in 2011 on chapter 3 page 13-14 and in Indonesian version, the novel is translated by Nur Aini in 2012 on chapter 3 page 24-26 . I Am Number Four was a young adult science fiction novel by Pittacus Lore. Pittacus lore was the pseudonym used by two of the authors, James Frey and the Jobie hughes. The writer finding the dominant technique that be used by the translator are literal and modulation technique. In 47 sentences the translator just use three times to pure borrowing technique and three times to deletion technique with the presentage literal translation (65,7%), modulation (25,7%), pure borrowing (4.3%), deletion (4,3%) . So literal and modulation technique are the most dominat used by Translator


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    TOEFL is a test that is widely used in non-native English speaking countries to measure their English proficiency. The TOEFL certificate is very important for a number of purposes such as loan application requirements, registration for college both at home and abroad, applying for jobs, requirements for promotion, and so on. Given the urgency of being able to answer TOEFL questions, knowledge of TOEFL and tricks for doing it is necessary. Even so, doing the questions and getting a high score is not easy for everyone. At least that is what the students of SMA Negeri 1 Srabat described in personal interviews. Therefore, the solution offered is the provision of TOEFL PREPARATION training. From the TOEFL training activities which were carried out starting on January 28, 2023, it was found that there was a significant increase in students' TOEFL scores before and during an activity. In the future, it is hoped that the results of this dedication can broaden students' insight into tips and tricks for conquering the TOEFL so that they can achieve high scores which will eventually open up wider opportunities for them