19 research outputs found
First Report of Fusarium equiseti as the Causal Agent of Seed Rot of Matthiola longipetala in Serbia
Matthiola longipetala (Vent) DC, commonly known as "night-scented stock" or "evening stock" is the most widely cultivated species of the genus Matthiola in the family Brassicaceae. It is a common garden flower, available in a variety of colours, many of which are heavily scented and also used in floristry. An elevated incidence of Fusarium was observed during a routine quality control seed assay of M. longipetala obtained from a private production facility in Đurđevo, Serbia in 2018. To our knowledge, this is the first report of F. equiseti as a causal agent of seed rot on M. longipetala in Serbia
Comparative Study of the Nutritional and Chemical Composition of New Oil Rape, Safflower and Mustard Seed Varieties Developed and Grown in Serbia
Oilseed crops are widely cultivated and are related to nutrition and human health as
valuable nutraceutical sources with valuable biological properties. The growing demand for oil
plants used in human and animal nutrition or for the processing industry has contributed to the
diversification and development of a new variety of oil crops. Increased oil crop diversity, besides
ensuring reduced sensitivity to pests and climate conditions, has also led to improved nutritional
values. In order to enable oil crop cultivation to become commercially sustainable, a comprehensive
characterization of newly created varieties of oilseeds, including their nutritional and chemical
composition, is required. In this study, two varieties of safflower and white and black mustard were
investigated as alternative oil species for nutritional parameters, mainly protein, fat, carbohydrate,
moisture, ash, polyphenols, flavonoids, chlorophylls contents, acids and mineral composition, and
compared with those of two different genotypes of rapeseeds as a traditional oil crop plant. The
proximate analysis found that the highest oil content was found in the oil rape NS Svetlana genotype
(33.23%), while the lowest was in black mustard (25.37%). The protein content varies from around 26%
in safflower samples to 34.63%, determined in white mustard. High content of unsaturated fatty acids
and low content of saturated fatty acid was observed in the analyzed samples. In mineral analysis,
the dominant elements were phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium, in descending order.
The observed oil crops are also good sources of microelements, including iron, copper, manganese
and zinc, accompanied by high antioxidant activity due to the presence of significant amounts of
polyphenolic and flavonoid compound
Anna, sorta ozime uljane repice (Ukrajina)
Anna je novostvorena sorta ozime uljane repice (Brassica napus L.) priznata od strane Ministarstva agrarne politike Ukrajine.Anna is a registered newly-developed cultivar of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) released by the Ministry of Agricultural Policy of Ukraine.Broj rešenja 07202 od 11.01.2007. Kije
Sunflower seed cake as a potential bioresource for isolation of flavonoids
Sunflower seed cake is remaining after isolation of oil from sunflower seeds and practically
represents a waste from production of cold pressed sunflower oils. This waste product is
consider as a viable potential source of various natural compounds and can be exploited for
the production of new products and isolation of valuable substances such as biologically
active compounds and nutraceuticals. In addition, isolation of biologically active substances
from food waste represents the way for recycling and may be economically attractive as well.
Flavonoids represent a group of polyphenol compounds with a high antioxidant power. These
phytochemicals are known to reduce many chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases,
heart diseases, diabetes, obesity and certain cancer [1]. In this work we investigated the
flavonoids content in seven sunflower seed cakes coming from cold pressed oil production.
Flavonoids are extracted by using 80% ethanol and ultrasound-assisted extraction at 30°C for
10 minutes. Total flavonoid content is determined by a colorimetric method [2]. The results
showed that sunflower seed cakes contained significant amounts of total flavonoids. The total
flavonoids content is found to be in the range from 12.3 to 24.6 mg of catechin equivalent/g.
The results proved that sunflower seed cakes obtained from cold pressed oil production
represent valuable by-product and can be used as a raw material for isolation of bioactive
flavonoids which could be further applied for development of various functional foods
Relationships among oil content, protein content and grain yield in wheat (Triticum aestivum, L.)
Assessment of health-beneficial chemicals in wheat grain and oran, such as proteins and oil is
important for the breeding due to increased consume: cernands ior healthier food. Also, it is
very important to know their relationships with the grein yield and to what extent they could
be modified by growing conditions. The objective of this study was to investigate oil and
protein contents, as well as grain yield of 25 winter wheat (Triticum aestivum, L.) varieties and
to establish correlations among these traits in different environments. The field studies were
performed on three different experimental sites in Serbia during two growing seasons
(2009/10 and 2010/11). The investigated locations representing Serbia’s most important
wheat-growing areas: Rimski Sancevi (45°20’N, 19°51'F 37 m altitude), Sremska Mitrovica
(46°06'N, 19°33'E, 83 m altitude) and Pancevo (44°50 N, 20°40°E, 76 m altitude). The oil was
extracted from wheat bran obtained by laboratory mi! MLU 202. Classical Rushkovsky
method was used to determine oil content, while protein content was determined by the ICC
105/2 method. Significant variability was found among the genotypes for all analysed traits. In
the six environments, the oil content varied from 2 “> 5.6%. with the average value of
3.8% and coefficient of variation (CV) 15.7%. The protein content ranged from 11.2% to 17.8%
with the CV of 5.4%, while the grain yield varied fram 2.3 to 9.8 t/ha, with the CV of 17.8%.
The average genotypic values for all environments have shown negative correlation between
protein content and grain yield (r=-0.739**). This correlation was highly significant in three
(E3, E4 and £6) out of six environments, while significant positive correlation between oil
content and grain yield (r=0.441*) was found only in Ee. The established correlations between
the traits are highly environmentally dependant and co. » modified by variable growing
conditions. It will be very valuable for breeding process to identufy climatic variables and
growing conditions that modify unwanted correlations, 2s well as to identify genotypes in
which these correlations are not expressed !n orce iow successful breeding for
improvement of both traits at the same time. For positive correlations it is also useful to know
the favourable conditions in which they can be maximiz
Optimizacija postupka ekstrakcije polifenola iz pogače konzumnog suncokreta
Seme suncokreta se odavnina koristi u Ijudskoj ishrani i u danaSnje vreme predstavlja jednu
od najvise gajenih uljanih kultura u svetu. Razlikuju se dva tipa suncokreta koji se gaje, uljani
tip | konzumni tip. Uljani tip suncokreta se proizvodi za dobijanje jestivog biljnog ulja, dok
se konzumni suncokret odlikuje manjim sadrzajem ulja i visokim sadrzajem proteina i drugih
bioloski aktivnih jedinjenja, i koristi se preteZno za lIjudsku ishranu usled visoke hranljive
vrednosti. U poslednje vreme, mogucnost proizvodnje ulja od konzumnog suncokreta je
predmet interesovanja kako u nauénim krugovima, tako i u krugovima proizvodaga i
preradivaéa. Ulja iz konzumnog suncokreta dobijaju se cedenjem, tj. primenom mehanickih
presa i delovanjem sile na seme. Nerafinisano, hladno cedeno ulje poseduje karakteristi€na
senzorna svojstva i sadrzi ocuvane bioaktivne komponente koje poti€u iz semena
suncokreta. Usled odsustva rafinacije, ova ulja su specificna po svom izgledu, boji, mirisu i
ukusu, hemijskom sastavu, nutritivnoj vrednosti i odrzivosti. Nakon mehanickog izdvajanja
ulja presovanjem semena zaostaje pogaca koja prakti¢no predstavija otpad iz prehrambene
industrije i najéeée se koristi za ishranu Zivotinja. Pored visokog sadrzaja proteina, pogaca
sadrizi znaéajne koliéine biologki aktivnih jedinjenja, te moze predstavijati polaznu sirovinu
za dobijanje ekstrakata koji sadrze visoko vredna jedinjenja i koji bi dalje mogli da se koriste
za obogacivanje prehrambenih proizvoda ili kao dodaci u farmaceutskim proizvodima.
Polifenoli, pored ostalih vaznih jedinjenja, predstavijaju veoma znacajnu grupu supstanci
koje se nalaze u konzumnom suncokretu. Unosenje ove vrste jedinjenja hranom ima
visestruke efekte na |judsko zdravije, prvenstveno povezanih sa njihovom izrazenom
antioksidativnom aktivnoscu i sposobnosti eliminacije slobodnih radikala. Konzumacija
hrane bogate antioksidantima smanjuje inflamaciju i nivo oksidativnog stresa kod €oveka.??
Takode oni pozitivno uti€u na celokupan kardiovaskularni sistem i proces starenja.
Istrazivanja su potvrdila pozitivnu ulogu polifenolnih jedinjenja u prevenciji razvoja raka,
kardiovaskularnih bolesti, dijabetesa, osteoporoze i neurodegenerativnih bolesti.? $
obzirom na pozitivno dejstvo na zdravije ljudi, otuda i veliko interesovanje za proucavanje
ovih prirodnih jedinjenja, kao i ispitivanje njihovih novih potencijalnih izvora unosa.
Za ekstrakciju polifenola iz razlicitih biljnih materijala mogu se koristiti razli¢ite tehnike
ekstrakcije. Uobiéajeni postupci ekstrakcije su nedovoljno efikasni i ne omogucavaju visoko
iskoriscenje biljnog materijala, zahtevaju upotrebu zna¢ajno vecih kolicina organiskih
rastvaraca, uz istovremeni veliki utroSak energije usled dugotrajnih procesa ekstrakcije,
neophodnosti zagrevanje i mesanja. U poslednje vreme se mnogo cesce koriste moderne
tehnike kao Sto su mikrotalasna i ultrazvuéna ekstrakcija koje se ubrajaju u metode ,,zelene
ekstrakcije“ i imaju za cilj zastitu Zivotne sredine i opsteg zdravlja Ijudi. Generalno, koncept
zelenih tehnika podrazumeva smanjenje ili eliminaciju primene toksi¢nih rastvaraca za
ekstrakciju uz istovremeno povecanje iskoriscenja procesa kroz manji utrosak energije,
manje generisanje otpada, kra¢e vreme trajanja procesa i manje angazovanje operatera
Effect of G × E interaction on oil and protein content in wheat (Triticum aestivum, L.)
Oil and protein content in wheat grain are quality indicators important for food processing, cosmetics
and pharmaceutical industries. These and many other quality parameters could be signiticantly
influenced by genotype, growing conditions and cultivation practices, especially fertilization. The
objective of this study was to investigate effects of genotype, growing season, mitrogen (N)
fertilization and their interactions on the oil and protein content in 24 varieties of winter wheat
(Triticum aestivum, L.). Field trials with two N rates (low nitrogen N4s and high nitrogen Nii) were
conducted at the location of Rimski Sanéevi, Serbia, during two growing seasons. The oil was
extracted from wheat bran obtained by laboratory mill MLU 202. Classical Rushkovsky method was
used to determine oil content, while protein content was determined by the ICC 105/2 method.
Significant variability was found among the genotypes for both analysed traits. In two growing
seasons and at different N rates, the oil content varied from 2.02% to 5.58%, with the average value
of 3.96% and coefficient of variation (CV) 9.2%. The protein content ranged from 10.7% to 17.7%
with the CV of 3.1%. All sources of variation (genotype - G, year - Y and N fertilization - F) and their
interactions had significant effects on oil and protein content, except the Y x F interaction on the
latter. Regarding the oil content, the effect of the year was stronger than the effect of nitrogen. In
contrast, protein content was more affected by the N fertilization than by the year. Principal
component analysis was used for grouping genotypes according to their stability and reaction to
different growing environments. Cvs. Cipovka, Dragana and Simonida were identified as very stable
with high oil content in different growing conditions, while cvs. Bankut 1205 and Banatka were
identified as potential sources of high protein content. The identified genotypes can serve as parents
in wheat breeding for higher oil and protein content
Determination of fatty acid composition in wheat bran by gas chromatography
Wheat bran is specifically rich in dietary fibre, essential fatty acids and contains important quantities of starch, protein, vitamins, dietary minerals and phytic acid. It is also well known medicinally for its powerful anticarcinogenic and antioxidant properties. Wheat bran is rich source of essential fatty acids, such as linoleic acid (18:2n6) and linolenic acid (18:3n3). Inoleic acid and fatty acid of n6 and n3 series play an important role in the odulation of human metabolism. Linoleic acid is undoubtedly one of the most location of Rimski Sančevi (Vojvodina Province, Serbia) to evaluate oil tents and fatty acid profiles in a collection of 25 wheat genotypes