44 research outputs found

    Ancora sui rapporti internazionali nell’opera di Francesco De Martino

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    [Still on international legal relations in Francesco De Martino’s works] This article aims to be conducive to the appreciation of Francesco De Martino’s studies on international legal relations in ancient Rome. Many scholars, particularly in the recent past, have rightly underlined the importance and variety of De Martino’s analyses of the concept of peace and the eminent role of war, used mainly as a means of revenge. Other aspects of his studies are worth taking into consideration, specially in regard with the legal protection of foreigners, which, according to the Neapolitan law professor, was inspired by the concept of fides. Despite the fact that not all of these aspects are shared among scholars, there is not doubt that they provide essential support to the continuation of research into interstate relations in ancient times and into the development of the ius gentium

    Il leneliano titolo de furtis dei libri ad Plautium di Paolo

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    Nell’articolo sono esaminati i passi che a giudizio del Lenel compongono il libro 7 Ad Plautium di Paolo, dedicato al furto (D. 19.1.36; D. 41.1.48 pr.-2; D. 47.2.67. pr.-5; D. 9.4.31). L’analisi si rivela interessante non solo per la ricostruzione del pensiero del Lenel, ma anche per un primo tentativo di comprensione di un’opera, i libri di commento paolino a Plauzio, ancora per molti aspetti oscura. Nella prospettiva, da un lato, di illustrare più compiutamente la figura di un grande giurista severiano; dall’altro, di tentare una ricostruzione dell’opera e del pensiero di un più oscuro giurista di età precedente qual è Plauzio, nei suoi rapporti con Paolo e con gli altri giuristi che sembrano interpreti di un singolarmente interessante ed articolato percorso di saperi.The article examines the texts that, according to Lenel, compose the Book 7 of Paul’s Ad Plautium, on the subject of theft (D. 19.1.36, D. 41.1.48 pr.-2, D. 47.2.67 pr.- 5; D 9.4.31). The analysis aims both to rebuild Lenel’s thinking, and to understand the Paul’s Books Ad Plautium, that still presents many obscure aspects. Therefore it has been analyzed, on one hand, the figure of a great Severian jurist; on the other hand, the work and thought of Plauzio, in his relations with Paul and the other jurists who are exponents of an interesting path of knowledge

    Economia di scambio e diritto mercantile dei romani

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    This is an essay on commercial exchange in ancient Roma, in particular during the Republican age. This meant to find the salient features of the markets and the international relations of antiquity. The research gives the idea of a complex society in which the logic of profit for consumption coexisted with more specific entrepreneurial urgencies. Evidences on commercial relations testify, since business network extending well beyond the borders of Rome. From this point of view the old question of the existence or not of a "Roman commercial law" must be resolved within the history of commercial relationships, their motives, their actors

    Il caso della sfortunata navigazione di Callimaco: D. (Scaev. 28 dig.)

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    Un passo del Digesto attribuito a Scevola propone un complicato caso inquadrabile nella prassi del prestito marittimo romano. Il testo ha subito numerosi attacchi e proposte di emendamento. Ma pur nel necessario accoglimento delle diverse ipotesi revisioniste, non appare del tutto infondato proporre una possibile lettura del passo, così come verisimilmente si presenta, nel tentativo di ricostruire, per quanto possibile, il significato più intimo del responso scevoliano. Ne derivano significative conseguenze, specie sotto il profilo della ricostruzione, plausibile, dell’inquadramento e della disciplina del prestito marittimo nell’età classica del diritto romano

    Tra città e paesaggio. Alcune annotazioni di storia giuridica

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    Between city and landscape. Some notes on legal history] This article aims to propose a few notes on legal history in response to some of the many suggestion that the studies of Salvatore Settis, on the city and the landscape, raise. The occasion is provided by the Festival Parole di giustizia which in October 2022 hosted, at the Ducal Palace of Urbino, the archaeologist for his lectio magistralis on Right to the city and Democracy

    Riflessioni sul valore delle cose

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    'Absentia rei' e furtività

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    In some fragments of the Digest appears the ‘lemma’ res abest and its related forms. It was carefully esamine in a famous essay by Generoso Melillo, in which the Neapolitan scholar had identified the foundation in the absence of the element pretium for objects in different ways had undergone alterations, such as not being able to do more a precise economic assessment. In this article the ‘lemma’ is reconsidered in light of conseguences of the theft : in the fragments in question the theft seems to be one of the possible cause that prevents the well being specifically valued in economic terms. In fact, the theft generates a defect – a vitium- that limits the perfect marketability of the res furtiva. It can not be acquired in property by anyone, as long as it does not fall within the potestas of the robbed. That the hypothesis of stolen res had been present in depth to the attention of the jurists is then demonstrated by a series of fragments in which we can observe a broad and ongoing debate on the point

    Ancora sui rapporti internazionali nell'opera di Francesco De Martino

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    none1[Still on international legal relations in Francesco De Martino’s works] This article aims to be conducive to the appreciation of Francesco De Martino’s studies on international legal relations in ancient Rome. Many scholars, particularly in the recent past, have rightly underlined the importance and variety of De Martino’s analyses of the concept of peace and the eminent role of war, used mainly as a means of revenge. Other aspects of his studies are worth taking into consideration, specially in regard with the legal protection of foreigners, which, according to the Neapolitan law professor, was inspired by the concept of fides. Despite the fact that not all of these aspects are shared among scholars, there is not doubt that they provide essential support to the continuation of research into interstate relations in ancient times and into the development of the ius gentium.mixedFrunzio MarinaFrunzio, Marin