4 research outputs found

    Muscle progenitor cells in skeletal muscle

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    Iako su malobrojne, satelitske stanice u skeletnom mišiću mogu u slučaju ozljede proizvesti velik broj mioblasta koji će daljnjim procesom regenerativne miogeneze dovesti do obnove mišićnog tkiva. Ove stanice su matične stanice specifične za mišićno tkivo. Njihovom aktivacijom pokreće se slijed u ekspresiji miogenetskih regulacijskih čimbenika i time program miogeneze. Satelitskim je stanicama svojstvena sposobnost samoobnavljanja. One predstavljaju heterogenu skupinu stanica s obzirom na funkciju i na markere kojima se dokazuju. Pored satelitskih stanica izolirane su i druge matične stanice u mišiću koje u eksperimentalnim uvjetima pridonose miogenezi. Miogenetski potencijal ovih stanica pokušava se iskoristiti u terapeutske svrhe u nekim oblicima mišićnih oboljenja.Although not numerous, satellite cells in skeletal muscle are capable to generate a large number of myoblasts upon injury. A further process of regenerative myogenesis leads to the muscle regeneration. Satellite cells are stem cells specific to skeletal muscle tissue. Their activation initiates the sequence of expression in myogenic regulatory factors and thus myogenic program. Besides the ability to provide new myoblasts, these cells also have selfrenewing capacity. Satellite cells are a heterogeneous group of cells considering their function and distinction markers. Several other types of stem cells with myogenic ability (in experimental conditions) have been isolated from the skeletal muscle. Therapeutic approaches to treat some forms of muscular diseases have been based on myogenic potential of both groups of stem cells

    Muscle loss in aging population

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    Sarcopenia is a generic term for the loss of skeletal muscle mass, quality and performance associated with normal aging that can lead to frailty in the elderly. It cannot be considered a disease or a condition that has a clear diagnostic marker. However, the clearly is a decline in the average muscle mass and performance associated with senescence. Because of the great increase in the proportion of the population living long enough that frailty becomes a significant problem, there is much interest in achieving a better scientific understanding of sarcopenia. The ageing of the European population is a major public health problem for most of the industrialized western countries, and represents both a social and an economic burden for the European population

    Muscle loss in aging population

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    Sarcopenia is a generic term for the loss of skeletal muscle mass, quality and performance associated with normal aging that can lead to frailty in the elderly. It cannot be considered a disease or a condition that has a clear diagnostic marker. However, the clearly is a decline in the average muscle mass and performance associated with senescence. Because of the great increase in the proportion of the population living long enough that frailty becomes a significant problem, there is much interest in achieving a better scientific understanding of sarcopenia. The ageing of the European population is a major public health problem for most of the industrialized western countries, and represents both a social and an economic burden for the European population