49 research outputs found

    Razvoj emocionalnih vrijednosti studenata stručnih studija Veleučilišta u Varaždinu The development of emotional values among students of Polytechnic of Varaždin

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    Cilj/Svrha: Emocije utječu na razvoj životnih situacija, na donošenje odluka, na razvijanje komunikacije. Razvijanje svjesnosti o postojanju i upravljanju emocijama, ali i o važnosti empatije i motiviranja samog sebe, jedna je od najvažnijih zadaća svakog čovjeka, a posebno medicinskih djelatnika koja će na taj način pridonijeti podizanju kvalitete medicinske skrbi i stvaranju povjerenja između pacijenta i zdravstvenog radnika. Potaknuti nedostatkom emocionalne inteligencije kod medicinskih sestara, obavili smo istraživanje kojemu je svrha bila prikazati razvijenost emocionalne inteligencije studenata studija sestrinstva u usporedbi s ostalim stručnim studijima Veleučilišta u Varaždinu. Metode: Podaci za istraživanje prikupljeni su s pomoću originalnog anketnog upitnika koji je proveden na internetskim stranicama Veleučilišta u Varaždinu tijekom mjeseca travnja 2013. godine. Anketni upitnik ispravno je ispunilo 110 studenata stručnog studija sestrinstva i 65 studenata ostalih studija Veleučilišta u Varaždinu. Razlike su analizirane na razini ukupnog rezultata, uspoređujući obje skupine ispitanika. Rezultati: Iznalazi se iznimno visoka svjesnost vlastitih osjećaja, samosvijest, kod obje skupine ispitanika. Dokazano je visoko razumijevanje vlastitih osjećaja i uzroka javljanja određene emocije u objema skupinama ispitanih studenata. Samim time nije potvrđena hipoteza kako su samosvijest i emocionalna inteligencija razvijeniji kod studenata Stručnog studija sestrinstva. Rezultati tvrdnje, koja se odnosila na motiviranost, kao komponentu emocionalne inteligencije, dali su najniže rezultate aritmetičke sredine odgovora u svih 8 tvrdnji navedenih u upitniku te je motivacija najmanje razvijena komponenta emocionalne inteligencije ispitana anketnim upitnikom kod studenata. Rasprava: Emocionalna inteligencija iznimno je važna u svakodnevnom životu. Stoga je bitno razviti emocionalne kompetencije: mosvladavanje, samosvjesnost, motiviranost, empatiju i socijalne vještine. Upravo te vještine nužne su u radu medicinske sestre

    Zahtjevnost zdravstvene njege u zbrinjavanju bolesnika s teškim poremećajem svijesti u odnosu na osnovne ljudske potrebe

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    Ciljevi: Njega bolesnika s teškim poremećajem svijesti specifična je i zahtjevna, i fizički i psihički. Prosuđivanje poremećaja svijesti i određivanje njegova stupnja nije jednostavno. Namjera je istraživanja prikazati razmišljanja medicinskih sestara o zahtjevnosti skrbi za bolesnike s teškim poremećajem svijesti u odnosu na osnovne ljudske potrebe. Metode: Koristila se kvantitativna i deskriptivna kauzalno neeksperimentalna metoda. Izrađen je originalni upitnik [23 aktivnosti za izvršavanje 14 osnovnih ljudskih potreba] na temelju teoretskih i praktičkih znanja i pregleda literature. U istraživanje je uključeno 100 medicinskih sestara Specijalne bolnice za kronične bolesti, koje se svaki dan brinu za pacijente s poremećajem svijesti. Pravilno popunjeni upitnik vratilo je 80 ispitanika. Upotrijebljena je deskriptivna statistika i Pearsonov koeficijent korelacije. Sve vrijednosti smatrane su statistički značajnim na p˂0,05. Rezultati: Iznalazi se da su psihički aspekti zahtjevni i izrazito zahtjevni za 58 (72,5%) medicinskih sestara, posebice pri pružanju zdravstvene njege pacijentima mlađe i srednje životne dobi (56 – 70,0%). Vrlo je zahtjevno mijenjanje položaja bolesnika (57 - 71,3%). U radu s mladim pacijentima najjače povezanosti odnosile su se na psihičku potporu obitelji mlađeg pacijenta (r=0,643, p˂0,001), te pružanje informacija o sestrinskoj skrbi koje traži obitelj (r=0,505, p˂0,001). Zaključak: Medicinskim sestrama najzahtjevnije su aktivnosti u kojima medicinske sestre komuniciraju s obitelji pacijenta i pružaju psihičku potporu i potporu te postupci koji od medicinskih sestara iziskuju uporabu znatne fizičke aktivnosti. Fizičko i psihičko opterećenje medicinskih sestara u provođenju zdravstvene njege za bolesnike s teškim poremećajem svijesti veliko je te može uzrokovati sindrom izgaranja na poslu


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    Background: Nursing is a profession frequently organized around shift work in order to guarantee the continuity of care throughout the 24 hours. However, working in shifts is coupled with the desynchronization of circadian rhythms and may result in adverse effects on nurses heath.Our previous work has demonstrated the presence of increased stress levels, reduced coping abilities and diminished life enjoyment in shift work nurses in comparison to those working only in accordance with the daily schedule. Here we aimed to appraise the effects of shift work on their overall health status. Subjects and methods: We used a comparative cross-sectional approach on a sample of 157 hospital nursing professionals at the University Clinical Hospital Mostar. Study subjects were divided into two groups: a total of 51% study subjects were included in a specific type of shift work (i.e., 12-hour day shift / 24 hours off / 12-hour night shift / 48 hours off), while the remaining 49% adhered to the conventional 7-hour daily schedule. The instrument used was a Standard Shiftwork Index (SSI), together with a comprehensive appraisal of socio-demographic characteristics. Descriptive and inferential statistical methods were applied, and statistical significance was set at p0.05 (two-sided). Results: The results have shown that nurses in shift work were significantly more burdened with gastrointestinal disturbances (p<0.001); more specifically, there was a higher frequency of appetite loss (p=0.003), heartburn (p=0.03), nausea (p<0.01) and weight gain (p=0.05) when compared to nursing professionals in the day shift. Conversely, there were no statistically significant differences in cardiovascular health between these two groups. In addition, nurses in shift work more frequently presented with headaches (p=0.001) and varicose veins of lower extremities (p=0.037) in comparison to nurses working only in accordance with the daily schedule. Conclusions: Shift work can adversely influence psychophysical homeostasis, resulting not only in substandard performance of nursing staff, but also potentially hazardous effects on their overall health status. More specifically, we recognized shift work as a substantial risk factor for gastrointestinal and metabolic disorders in nurses; likewise, the increased prevalence of headaches may consequently have a detrimental effect on social and family relationships. All of this should be tackled in a holistic and organized way, together with any additional psychological/sleep issues

    Je li sindrom izgaranja povezan sa zlostavljanjem starijih i nemoćnih osoba u domovima: rezultati presječnog istraživanja u medicinskih sestara i tehničara

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    As this issue has not yet been addressed in Croatia, our aim was to explore the presence of the burnout syndrome in nurses and see how it is related to their perception of elder mistreatment in nursing homes and extended care units. The burnout syndrome was assessed in 171 nursing professionals with a standardised Maslach Burnout Inventory for Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS) for three dimensions: emotional exhaustion (EE), depersonalisation (DP), and personal accomplishment (PA). High EE was reported by 43.9 %, high DP by 22.2 %, and low PA by 39.8 % of the respondents. Their perception of elder abuse and neglect was investigated with two self-completion questionnaires. The answers suggest that elder mistreatment in Croatian nursing homes and extended care units is more common than expected: 55 % witnessed shouting at a resident in anger, 43 % insulting and swearing at a resident, 42 % force-feeding the resident, 39 % ignoring a resident when they called, and 38 % neglecting to turn or move a resident to prevent pressure sores. We also established associations between a number of questionnaire items on perceived abuse and neglect and the burnout syndrome dimensions and determined the items that predicted the type and level of burnout in our respondents. One way to avoid the pitfalls that lead to abuse and neglect is education in schools and at work. We believe our research could contribute to this end.Budući da ovaj problem dosad nije obrađivan u Hrvatskoj, naš je cilj bio istražiti postoji li povezanost između sindroma izgaranja u medicinskih sestara/tehničara i njihove percepcije zlostavljanja starijih osoba u domovima za starije i nemoćne te službama za produljeno liječenje. U našem presječnom istraživanju sudjelovala je 171 medicinska sestra i tehničar u kojih je sindrom izgaranja ispitan standardiziranim upitnikom Christine Maslach za stručnjake pomagačkih zanimanja (MBI-HSS) te analiziran u tri dimenzije: emocionalna iscrpljenost (EI), depersonalizacija (DP) i osobno postignuće (OP). Visoka razina EI-ja pronađena je u 43,9 %, visoka razina DP u 22,2 %, a niska razina OP u 39,8 % ispitanika. Za ocjenjivanje percepcije zlostavljanja i zanemarivanja starijih osoba korištena su dva dodatna upitnika, a rezultati upozoravaju na to da se zlostavljanje i zanemarivanje u hrvatskim domovima za starije i nemoćne osobe viđa češće od očekivanog: 55 % ispitanika svjedočilo je vikanju na osobu starije dobi, 43 % vrijeđanju i psovanju, 42 % nasilnom hranjenju, 39 % ignoriranju poziva osobe starije dobi, a 38 % odbijanju okretanja osobe starije dobi kako bi se spriječili bolni pritisci. Uočena je povezanost između spomenutih dimenzija sindroma izgaranja s percepcijom nasilja nad starijim osoba te je pokazano da određeni stavovi i zapažanja ispitanika u vezi sa zlostavljanjem i zanemarivanjem starijih osoba mogu predvidjeti povećanu ili smanjenu pripadnost trima dimenzijama sindroma izgaranja u naših ispitanika. Adekvatna edukacija jedan je od načina kako izbjeći okidače koji mogu dovesti do zlostavljanja i zanemarivanja starijih osoba, a vjerujemo kako je naše istraživanje korak u tom smjeru


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    The quality of working life is assessed on the basis of safety and protection at work, respect for equal opportunities for development and advancement, freedom of critical thinking, and creativity. There is a close relationship between the work environment, organizational culture, organizational behavior, leadership styles, work efficiency, and employee productivity. All these factors affect the quality of life of workers. The objectives of the research are based on examining the work engagement of nurses-technicians; the impact of the working environment on the quality of life of nurses-technicians; determining the correlation between sociodemographic, psychographic factors, and factors that affect the health of nurses, as well as examining satisfaction with the workplace and working environment through the application of motivational techniques. The research is descriptive. The total number of subjects included in the study was 234, of which 169 or 72% were from the Clinical Center of the University of Sarajevo (KCUS), and 65 or 28% from the "Herz-Jesu" Dernbach Hospital (HJDK). An anonymous survey questionnaire and internal regulations of the health institutions where the research was conducted were used for the research, and they refer to the employment of nursing staff and turnover. The results of the research indicate that a small number of KCUS employees believe that they are not sufficiently evaluated for their work, so they are generally more dissatisfied with their workplace. On the other hand, dissatisfaction at HJKD is mostly caused by stress

    Nurses’ satisfaction with the use of communication channels by their managers in Croatia and Slovenia

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    Previous studies rather neglected the issue of how nurses are satisfied with the usage of communication channels by their managers. This paper aims to discover how nurses in Croatia and Slovenia are satisfied with their managers’ usage of communication channels, and also how this satisfaction is associated with the employee-organisation relationship. A self-administrated electronic questionnaire was conducted with 272 nurses in Croatia and Slovenia. The study results show that top nurse managers most commonly use mediated communication channels, while middle and executive nurse managers use more interpersonal communication channels. Employees are most satisfied when top nurse managers use emails, middle nurse managers face-to-face communication, emails and phone calls, and executive nurse managers face-to-face communication, emails, phone calls, instant messaging and internal social networks to communicate with them. Younger employees are significantly more satisfied with nurse managers’ use of new communication and information technologies. The study also shows that satisfaction with interpersonal communication used by the executive nurse managers is positively associated with employee-organization relationships and satisfaction with middle and top managers’ utilization of email in that relationship

    Physical activity of elderly people accommodated in residential institutions

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    Tjelesna aktivnost u starijoj životnoj dobi je vrlo važna jer starost, a i sama neaktivnost uzrokuju promjene koje se u pravilu mogu smanjiti i držati pod kontrolom redovitom tjelesnom aktivnošću. S porastom životne dobi i smanjenom tjelesnom aktivnošću dolazi do porasta broja kroničnih bolesti koje se mogu dobro kontrolirati redovnom umjerenom tjelesnom aktivnošću. U radu su prikazani rezultati ankete provedene među korisnicima Doma za starije i nemoćne osobe u Čakovcu. Prikazana je zainteresiranost ispitanika za tjelesnu aktivnost i njihovo znanje o utjecaju tjelesne aktivnosti na zdravlje te bavljenje tjelesnim aktivnostima. Anketom su obuhvačena 38 ispitanika od kojih je 28 ženskog spola, a 10 muškog spola. Dob ispitanika je u rasponu od 65 do 95 godina. Metoda prikupljanja podataka je anketa. Anketni listić se sastoji od 16 pitanja od toga je 8 pitanja s ponuđenim odgovorima, a 8 pitanja je s ponuđenim odgovorima, ali s mogućnošću nadopisivanja.Physical activity for the elderly is very important because age and inactivity cause changes that can usually be reduced and kept under control by exercising regularly. With increasing age and reduced physical activity there is an increase in the number of chronic diseases that can be controlled by regular moderate physical activity. This paper presents the results of a survey conducted among the residents of the Home for the elderly and infirm in Čakovec. It shows the interest of the residents for physical activity and their knowledge about the impact of physical activity on health as well as their engagement in it. The survey covers 38 residents of which 28 female and 10 male. Ages range from 65-95. The data collection method used is survey. The questionnaire consists of 16 questions of which eight are multiple choice questions, and 8 multiple choice questions with the option of personal commentary