5 research outputs found

    Mitochondrial and chloroplast localization of FtsH-like proteins in sugarcane based on their phylogenetic profile

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    A phylogenetic analysis of plant FtsH-like proteins was performed using protein sequences from the GENEBANK database and five groups of plant FtsH-like proteins were identified by neighbor-joining analysis. Prediction of the subcellular location of the proteins suggested that two (FtsH-m1 & FtsH-m2) were mitochondrial and three (FtsH-p1, FtsH-p2, FtsH-p3) were plastid targeting. The phylogenetic profile of plant FtsH-like proteins was used to search sugarcane expressed sequence tag (EST) clusters in the SUCEST database. Initially, 153 clusters presenting homology with FtsH-like proteins were recovered, of which 23 were confirmed by a BLAST search in the GENEBANK database and by comparison of their hidropathy index with that of previously described FtsH-like proteins. Sugarcane presented EST clusters in all phylogenetic groups. In silico expression analysis showed that the groups are differentially expressed in sugarcane tissues, with FtsH-p2 and FtsH-m1 presenting increased levels of expression

    Conservation of dual-targeted proteins in Arabidopsis and rice points to a similar pattern of gene-family evolution

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    Gene duplication followed by acquisition of specific targeting information and dual targeting were evolutionary strategies enabling organelles to cope with overlapping functions. We examined the evolutionary trend of dual-targeted single-gene products in Arabidopsis and rice genomes. The number of paralogous proteins encoded by gene families and the dual-targeted orthologous proteins were analysed. The number of dual-targeted proteins and the corresponding gene-family sizes were similar in Arabidopsis and rice irrespective of genome sizes. We show that dual targeting of methionine aminopeptidase, monodehydroascorbate reductase, glutamyl-tRNA synthetase, and tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase was maintained despite occurrence of whole-genome duplications in Arabidopsis and rice as well as a polyploidization followed by a diploidization event (gene loss) in the latter.FAPESPCNPq, Brazi