59,209 research outputs found
Shopping as a selling strategy for tourism: combination of marketing mix tools
The use of time for entertainment has increased participation both at home and outside and, in our days, we look at the proliferation of a wide range of activities that are included in the leisure economy: tourism, catering, shopping, sports, entertainment...
In this sense, a lot of studies agree that the activities related to leisure time of individuals with strong potential for growth as amusement parks, restaurants, tour operators... and, above all, new retail formats that are configured as great business opportunities.
Consequently, the main objective of this text is to relate some of the main activities that are encompassed in the new economy of leisure. And as a specific example to analyze the complementarity between trade and tourism in a particular case: Shopping in Seville.
Firstly, there exists a theoretical review of the phenomenon of leisure within the needs of individuals and further expenditure is oriented towards this set of activities. Then a classification of the activities offered for the entertainment of individuals paying particular attention to the main Spanish companies involved in some of these sectors and, secondly, the role of shopping as one of the leading suppliers of trade and leisure.
Finally, exercise has articulated a dual approach to complementarity between the commercial and tourist activities, first of all, we performed a quantification of non resident consumption by commercial areas, and afterwards, it has developed a classification of regions in terms of its commercial and tourism potential through a cluster analysis
Women in Europe and in the world: The state of the Union 2016
Building on the definition of oppression developed by the philosopher Iris Young, the article
argues that women in Europe are an oppressed group. Relying on recent statistics, it points out
that a high percentage of women are still subject to gender violence; economically exploited and
marginalized; powerless with regard to governance and participation in the public sphere, as
well as victims of androcentrism—a pattern of cultural evaluation which seriously undermines
women’s potential for development. The article then shows how this state of affairs has worsened
over the last years, under the effects of the financial and economic crisis, and the austerity policies
with which the European states have responded. Finally, it singles out two possible future
scenarios. If the current neo-liberal trends persist, we can expect a move towards societies more
polarized in terms of class and ethnicity; low fertility rates; and an increasing poverty of those
most in need of care and in charge of care provision. The crisis could instead be perceived as an
opportunity to diverge from this prevailing neo-liberal model, calling for a new, inclusive, societal
model of development—a new humanism which puts the person, in her whole complexity and in
her very real care dependent nature, at the very core of the political and economic project
“Notorious RBG”: A conversation with United States Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
On February 2, 2016, Prof. Ruth Rubio-Marín, Chair of Constitutional and Comparative
Public Law at the European University Institute (EUI), interviewed the U.S. Supreme Court
Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The interview took place in the framework of the
European University Institute’s annual Ursula Hirschmann Lecture, a space dedicated
to stimulate research and thinking which links ideas about Europe and the study of gender.
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg engaged in a conversation that tackled her whole persona,
without making rigid divides between the professional and the personal. Deep legal analysis,
personal anecdotes, and invaluable advice for future researchers and lawyers intertwine in the
interview, which sheds light on important dimensions of equality law
The achievement of female suffrage in Europe: on women’s citizenship
This article lays out the theoretical framing underlying the gendered construction of citizenship
in Western political thought during the transition to modernity; describes the relevant
actors in the fight for female suffrage and the impact that the separate spheres of
ideology had on both the narratives supporting and resisting female suffrage, and on the
selective and piecemeal way in which suffrage was eventually won by women in European
countries. Furthermore, it identifies the main factors accounting for women’s earlier or
later achievement of suffrage in different European nations and, exploring the connection
between women’s access to voting rights and to civil and social rights, it retells a story of
women’s citizenship which is an inverted image of that developed by T.H. Marshall on the
basis of the male paradigm. It finally brings us to the present to discuss the persistent political
under-representation of women in Europe, as well as a growing awareness about the need to
ensure women’s full citizenship through measures that seek the incorporation of women in
male spheres of power and the disestablishment of the sexual contract, something which the
historical conquest of suffrage could not achieve by itself
A New European Parity-Democracy Sex Equality Model and why it won't Fly in the United States
This Article argues that over the past years, in Europe, some instruments
and policies dealing with gender equality both at the
national and supra-national level reflect a move from a narrow antidiscrimination
frame to a broader model that tackles the underparticipation
and disempowerment of women in public and private
life as a deficiency of democracy and a problem of citizenship. By analyzing
specific parity measures that have been adopted recently in
some European Member States, such as electoral and corporate board
gender quotas in publically held companies, the Article posits that a
new understanding between parity democracy, sex equality and antidiscrimination
law is evolving and explains why a combination of
legal, historical, cultural, ideological and political factors make it unlikely
that a similar development will take place in the United States
The (dis)establishment of gender: Care and gender roles in the family as a constitutional matter
This article reasons that for women, as constitutional subjects, the emancipatory promise
of constitutionalism was—from its inception—fundamentally limited by the entrenchment
of the separate spheres tradition. Focusing on evolving constitutional jurisprudence in the
US, Germany and Italy, the article describes a gradual and still imperfect process of (dis)
establishment of the originally enshrined gender order, as it has unfolded since the 1970s
in US and European constitutionalism. It is argued that these processes have allowed the
constitutional doctrine of sex equality to challenge the most forthright expressions of the
separate spheres ideology, denying the possibility of according men and women a different
legal status of rights and duties and keeping women away from the marketplace. In spite of
this, to this day, the sex constitutional equality doctrine has been an inadequate tool to fully
subvert the pre-established gender order in both its transatlantic iterations. In the US, we find
assimilationist workerism with its anti-stereotyping conception of gender equality, providing
no support for working women, and in Europe accommodationist workerism, wherein special
measures are fostered at the risk of entrenching rather than subverting existing gender roles.
The article then describes recent evolutions in constitutionalism pointing to a promising third
way, with Nordic inspiration, which, challenging traditionally accepted notions of family privacy
and foregrounding fatherhood as opposed to just motherhood, would allow us to retain
the central importance attached to care and reproduction, but at the same time assist in the
process of overcoming traditional gender assumptions and stereotypes built around them
Ecological models at fish community and species level to support effective river restoration
Los peces nativos son indicadores de la salud de los ecosistemas acuáticos, y se han
convertido en un elemento de calidad clave para evaluar el estado ecológico de los ríos. La
comprensión de los factores que afectan a las especies nativas de peces es importante para la
gestión y conservación de los ecosistemas acuáticos. El objetivo general de esta tesis es analizar
las relaciones entre variables biológicas y de hábitat (incluyendo la conectividad) a través de
una variedad de escalas espaciales en los ríos Mediterráneos, con el desarrollo de herramientas
de modelación para apoyar la toma de decisiones en la restauración de ríos.
Esta tesis se compone de cuatro artículos. El primero tiene como objetivos modelar la
relación entre un conjunto de variables ambientales y la riqueza de especies nativas (NFSR), y
evaluar la eficacia de potenciales acciones de restauración para mejorar la NFSR en la cuenca
del río Júcar. Para ello se aplicó un enfoque de modelación de red neuronal artificial (ANN),
utilizando en la fase de entrenamiento el algoritmo Levenberg-Marquardt. Se aplicó el método
de las derivadas parciales para determinar la importancia relativa de las variables ambientales.
Según los resultados, el modelo de ANN combina variables que describen la calidad de ribera,
la calidad del agua y el hábitat físico, y ayudó a identificar los principales factores que
condicionan el patrón de distribución de la NFSR en los ríos Mediterráneos. En la segunda parte
del estudio, el modelo fue utilizado para evaluar la eficacia de dos acciones de restauración en el
río Júcar: la eliminación de dos azudes abandonados, con el consiguiente incremento de la
proporción de corrientes. Estas simulaciones indican que la riqueza aumenta con el incremento
de la longitud libre de barreras artificiales y la proporción del mesohabitat de corriente, y
demostró la utilidad de las ANN como una poderosa herramienta para apoyar la toma de
decisiones en el manejo y restauración ecológica de los ríos Mediterráneos.
El segundo artículo tiene como objetivo determinar la importancia relativa de los dos
principales factores que controlan la reducción de la riqueza de peces (NFSR), es decir, las
interacciones entre las especies acuáticas, variables del hábitat (incluyendo la conectividad
fluvial) y biológicas (incluidas las especies invasoras) en los ríos Júcar, Cabriel y Turia. Con
este fin, tres modelos de ANN fueron analizados: el primero fue construido solamente con
variables biológicas, el segundo se construyó únicamente con variables de hábitat y el tercero
con la combinación de estos dos grupos de variables. Los resultados muestran que las variables
de hábitat son los ¿drivers¿ más importantes para la distribución de NFSR, y demuestran la
importancia ecológica de los modelos desarrollados. Los resultados de este estudio destacan la
necesidad de proponer medidas de mitigación relacionadas con la mejora del hábitat
(incluyendo la variabilidad de caudales en el río) como medida para conservar y restaurar los
ríos Mediterráneos.
El tercer artículo busca comparar la fiabilidad y relevancia ecológica de dos modelos
predictivos de NFSR, basados en redes neuronales artificiales (ANN) y random forests (RF). La
relevancia de las variables seleccionadas por cada modelo se evaluó a partir del conocimiento
ecológico y apoyado por otras investigaciones. Los dos modelos fueron desarrollados utilizando
validación cruzada k-fold y su desempeño fue evaluado a través de tres índices: el coeficiente de determinación (R2
), el error cuadrático medio (MSE) y el coeficiente de determinación ajustado
adj). Según los resultados, RF obtuvo el mejor desempeño en entrenamiento. Pero, el
procedimiento de validación cruzada reveló que ambas técnicas generaron resultados similares
= 68% para RF y R2
= 66% para ANN). La comparación de diferentes métodos de machine
learning es muy útil para el análisis crítico de los resultados obtenidos a través de los modelos.
El cuarto artículo tiene como objetivo evaluar la capacidad de las ANN para identificar los
factores que afectan a la densidad y la presencia/ausencia de Luciobarbus guiraonis en la
demarcación hidrográfica del Júcar. Se utilizó una red neuronal artificial multicapa de tipo feedforward (ANN) para representar relaciones no lineales entre descriptores de L. guiraonis con
variables biológicas y de hábitat. El poder predictivo de los modelos se evaluó con base en el
índice Kappa (k), la proporción de casos correctamente clasificados (CCI) y el área bajo la curva
(AUC) característica operativa del receptor (ROC). La presencia/ausencia de L. guiraonis fue
bien predicha por el modelo ANN (CCI = 87%, AUC = 0.85 y k = 0.66). La predicción de la
densidad fue moderada (CCI = 62%, AUC = 0.71 y k = 0.43). Las variables más importantes
que describen la presencia/ausencia fueron: radiación solar, área de drenaje y la proporción de
especies exóticas de peces con un peso relativo del 27.8%, 24.53% y 13.60% respectivamente.
En el modelo de densidad, las variables más importantes fueron el coeficiente de variación de
los caudales medios anuales con una importancia relativa del 50.5% y la proporción de especies
exóticas de peces con el 24.4%. Los modelos proporcionan información importante acerca de la
relación de L. guiraonis con variables bióticas y de hábitat, este nuevo conocimiento podría
utilizarse para apoyar futuros estudios y para contribuir en la toma de decisiones para la
conservación y manejo de especies en los en los ríos Júcar, Cabriel y Turia.Olaya Marín, EJ. (2013). Ecological models at fish community and species level to support effective river restoration [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/28853TESI
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