10 research outputs found

    Intracanalar lumbar neurinoma

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    peer reviewedNeurinoma are slow growing encapsulated tumors, coming from Schwann cells. They are a rare cause of low back pain, possibly with a radiating pain in the inferior limb. This case report describes the managing of a patient with right cruralgia without strength lost. The CT- scan had failed to highlight a lesion corresponding to the symptoms of the patient. A MRI was therefore realized, and was able to show a lumbar intradural tumor. The MRI signal of neurinoma is usually typical. However, in this case, the histo-pathological analysis has been necessary to confirm the diagnosis. The patient underwent laminectomy and tumor resection with nearly complete resolution of symptoms, excepting a right perineal hemihypoesthesia, probably corresponding to the location of the concerned nervous root. The MRI is the best method to explore cruralgia or a sciatica not responding to treatment, and without precipitating factor such as disc herniation explaining the symptoms

    Breast cancer in a male to female transsexual patient with a BRCA2 mutation

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    Breast cancer is rare in male patients. Certain predisposing factors, be they genetic (e.g., BRCA2 gene mutations) or hormonal (imbalance between estrogen and androgen levels), have been implicated in male breast cancer pathophysiology. Male-to-female (MtF) transsexualism is a condition that generally involves cross-sex hormone therapy. Anti-androgens and estrogens are used to mimic the female hormonal environment and induce the cross-sex secondary characteristics. In certain situations, the change in the hormonal milieu can be disadvantageous and favor the development of hormonedependent pathologies, such as cancer. We report a case of a MtF transgender patient who developed breast cancer after 7 years of cross-sex hormonal therapy. The patient was found to be BRCA2 positive, and suffered recurrent disease. The patient was unaware of being a member of an established BRCA2 mutation-positive kindred. This represents the first case of a BRCA2 mutation predisposing to breast cancer in a MtF transgender patient

    Transcutaneous posterior tibial nerve stimulation (TPTNS) in managing urinary incontinence

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    peer reviewedUp to 25% of women may be affected by urinary incontinence. Peripheral stimulation of posterior tibial nerve in the retromalleolar region can be proposed in certain cases of urinary incontinence. in this report, we conducted a follow-up on 268 patients suffering from incontinence and treated by the means of neuromodulation. The study analysis demonstrated significant success rates in patients with stress urinary incontinence, as well as in those with mixed incontinence.L’incontinence urinaire peut être présente jusqu’à chez 25% des femmes. La neuromodulation périphérique du nerf tibial postérieur rétromalléolaire interne est une technique proposée pour le traitement de cette incontinence. Nous proposons dans cette étude un suivi de 268 patients avec incontinence ayant bénéficié de cette thérapie. Celle-ci révèle un taux de succès significatif chez les patients avec incontinence urinaire par instabilité pure ou incontinence mixte

    Role of physical and rehabilitation medicine in the aftermath of SARS-CoV-2 disease

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    peer reviewedL’année 2020 restera marquée par la pandémie de SARS-CoV-2, originaire de Chine, qui a confiné une grande partie de la population mondiale. Les services de médecine physique et rééducation fonctionnelle ont dû adopter des mesures spécifiques afin de limiter la contagion de leurs patients, appartenant à la population à risque. Ils se préparent également à l’accueil et à la prise en charge des patients post-COVID-19 présentant des séquelles secondaires à l’infection ou à l’hospitalisation prolongée en réanimation, responsable d’un syndrome post-soins intensifs. L’objectif de cet article est de dégager les différentes pathologies auxquelles les médecins rééducateurs seront confrontés et de proposer un algorithme décisionnel pour orienter la prise en charge rééducative.2020 will be remembered as the year of SARSCoV-2 pandemic which confined most of the world’s population at home. Rehabilitation units will have to face specific challenges to protect the vulnerable in-patients. Moreover, they must prepare for post-COVID-19 patients who might suffer from illness consequences or present a post intensive care syndrome secondary to the increased ICU length of stay. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the deficiencies of post-COVID-19 patients and suggest a decision algorithm to best match their needs