17 research outputs found

    Practical technologies for the improvement of pastures in Central America. Conference paper

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    3 tab. 14 ref. Sum. (En). ReportAnimal production in tropical regions has lagged behind plant production and the main reason is that there has been little application of forage production improvement. For all but the (semi-arid) regions technology is available for forage production improvement for the different animal production systeMON, ranging from intensive dairying to extensive ranching. The key to improvement is the use of legumes with minimal fertiliser inputs. The adoption of forage production improvement depends on the need for improvement, the value and marketability of animal products, the motivation of farmers and the availability of resources. Sustainability of improved pastures is mainly a function of the persistence of the legumes. This in turn depends on the growth habit of the plant and management. Trailing species are most sensitive to high grazing pressure, whilst prostrate species are the most tolerant. Erect species take an intermediate position