96 research outputs found

    What does happen when an insect pest follows its host plant and viceversa?

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    Invasive species are usually well known but only make up a small percentage of the European’s alien plants and insects. The ways these exotic species interact with our natural and cultural heritage are very complex and even some species considered invasive had and could have positive aspects on some European landscape and culture. A close look at the complicated relationship between non-native and native plants and insects in the Mediterranean areas reveals some unexpected twists in the story. Here are some cases of when aliens can threaten our cultural heritage or being part of i


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    The impact of invasive exotic pests is increasingly recognised as a global issue. A global strategy to address the exotic pest problem is beginning to evolve, albeit slowly. The International Plant Protection Convention (FAO) has begun the process of harmonizing standards for pest risk analysis to minimise the spread of exotic pests without adversely impacting global trade. However if the impacts of insect invasive species on human health and on agriculture have attracted worldwide attention, researchers and policymakers address directly the connection between invasive species and damage to natural and cultural heritages. The cost of these losses is generally neglected or underestimated. Various attempts have been made to treat the plants or the wood that affected by invasive species. But studies of the links between these pests and their effects on natural biodiversity and heritage, in botanical and historical gardens, are largely lacking in the literature. This paper examines categories of pest risk threatening the Mediterranean, with special emphasis on the author’s homeland. We report the case of the invasive species Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Red Palm Weevil, RPW) recently introduced into Europe. With an interdisciplinary approach, and by focusing on he situation in Sicily, we analyse how the RPW could be considered not only a pest impacting palm trees, but also natural and cultural assets and heritage


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    Lampedusa è un'isola appartenente all'arcipelago delle Pelagie, che è particolarmente interessante per l'aspetto faunistico, in quanto crocevia tra la fauna Europea e Africana. Gli insetti, per la loro abbondanza e diversità in natura, rappresentano una classe nel regno animale particolarmente utile per studiare la biodiversità e i fenomeni di migrazione o emigrazione delle specie, e per valutare inoltre eventuali cambiamenti climatici. Allo stato attuale i dati sull'entomofauna non sono organici e sono riportati in modo spesso frammentario, e la check-list più completa disponibile è datata 1995, quasi venti anni fa. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è stato quello di impiegare nuove tecniche di ricerca, sia bibliografiche che sitografiche, impiegando differenti fonti quali: database e giornali scientifici di rilevanza internazionale, riviste internazionali e locali, banche dati nazionali ed europee, ma anche forum, Facebook ed altre risorse spesso utili per nuove segnalazioni. In questo caso i dati sono stati opportunamente controllati sia contattando direttamente la fonte sia richiedendo altro materiale di supporto. Rispetto alla check-list precedente si sono rilevate circa 71 specie precedentemente non segnalate. Oltre a ciò, si sono potuti analizzare circa 5000 individui catturati con campionamenti bimensili da aprile a maggio 2010, con l'ausilio di trappole Malaise collocate in due differenti e caratteristici habitat di Lampedusa. Si sono registrati in totale 9 ordini di esapodi, di cui 2 ordini (Thysanoptera e Psocoptera) e una sottoclasse (Collembola: Sottoclasse Symphypleona) mai segnalati in precedenza. Dai risultati del presente lavoro si evince l‟elevata biodiversità dell‟isola, nonostante le sue relativamente piccole dimensioni.Lampedusa is an island belonging to the Pelagian archipelago and particularly interesting for the fauna, because a crossroads between the Sothern Europea and Africa. Insects for their abundance and diversity in nature, represent a class in the animal kingdom particularly useful for studying biodiversity, migration or emigration of species, and assess potential climate change. At present the data on insects's biodiversity in Lampedusa are not organic and often fragmentary, and the only complete check-list-list is dated 1995. The purpose of this work was to employ new techniques of research using both traditional bibliographical sources (international, national and local journals) and all available in the Internet from scientifica data base to forum and Facebook. Forums and other resources were often useful for new reports that were always validate before considering in the new checklist. Compared with to the previous checklist we reported 71 new species. In addition, were studied approximately 5000 individuals. The sampling was carried out with Malaise traps bi- monthly rom April to July 2010. We recorded nine orders of hexapods: Orthoptera, Psocoptera, Thysanoptera, Hemiptera, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera e Hymenoptera, e Collembola. The results of this first experimental analysis have revealed the presence of some taxa not previously reported as Thysanoptera, Psocoptera and Collembola (subclass Symphypleona). The results highlight the high biodiversity of the Lampedusa despite its small size

    Seasonal patterns in butterfly abundance and species diversity in five characteristic habitats in Sites of Community Importance in Sicily (Italy)

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    Sicily (Italy) is one of the richest European regions in animal biodiversity. Butterflies offer good opportunities for studies on biodiversity , population and community ecology. Many species are strictly seasonal, preferring only a particular set of habitats. Five typical Mediterranean habitats: olive grove (conducted following organic farm management), mixed wood, ampelodesmos prairie (with dominance of Ampelodesmos mauritanicus), Mediterranean shrub and shrub at the coastal areas, were monitored for diversity and seasonal patterns in butterfly communities for 2 years. All habitats were inside protected areas indicated as Sites of Community Importance. Butterfly species richness was highest in ampelodesmos prairie and in olive grove. Pieris brassicae, Lasiommata megera, Maniola jurtina, Pararge aegeria have been reported in all habitats, although with different abundance whilst other species were observed only in one particular habitat. Melanargia pherusa, endemic species, and Hipparchia statil-inus, listed in the IUCN Red List, respectively as " Least Concern " and " Near Threatened " , were observed in the ampelodesmos prairie. The morphotype Coenonympha pamphilus f. lyllus was reported in olive grove and ampelodesmos prairie. The majority of species showed abundance peaks in June and July, however many species showed a longer flight period than reported in literature with detection of specimens until November or December. The analysis of the similarity of communities among habitats shows a similarity between ampelodesmos prairie and olive grove and between Mediterranean shrub and Mediterranean shrub at the coastal areas, while the butterfly community in mixed wood is substantially different. The results of several diversity indexes suggest that ampelodesmos prairie has an important ecological role, as it supports butterfly abundance and species diversity


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    Alien invasive species (IAS) have a disastrous impact on the biodiversity, cultural heritage and economy of a geographic area. The case of the Red Palm Weevil (RPW), an IAS that attacks the non-native palm species Phoenix canariensis, but also native species Chaemerops humilis, especially in urban and peri-urban areas, is reported. These palm trees have played an important role in Sicilian history and cultural heritage since the period of the Arab invasion. The accidental introduction of the RPW has remarkably changed the Sicilian panorama. In this study the chronology and the severity of the effects of RPW on palms so far detected, is reported. In only 7 years the RPW has drastically changed the aesthetic value and perception of the natural and cultural heritage in Sicily. Results suggest that the Precautionary Principle should be applied when IAS may impact on natural and cultural heritage

    Preliminary studies on red palm weevil as potential risk for palm trees in mediterranean basin

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    The impacts of insect invasive species on human health and on agricutlture have attracted worldwide attention. However, researchers and policymakers rarely directly address the connection between invasive species and loss in natual and cultural heritages. Various attempts have been made to address the plants that are affected by invasive species but the links between these and loss in naturla biodiversity and heritage in botanical and historical gardens are largely lacking in the literature. We report a study on the Red Palm Weevil (RPW), Rhynchophorous ferrugineus (Oliv.) (Fig. 1) (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) which is the most important pest of the palm date trees in many countries. RPW is a large polyphagous insect native to southern Asia and Melanesia and one of the most important pests of several palm species. It reached Italy in 2004 and now is wide spread in Sicily but also in almost all Mediterranean, through Phoenix dactylifera and P. canariensis (Fig. 2). In Europe for the first time was established the RPW-P. canariensis interaction. As a result of RPW attack, the palm is destroyed and the tree collapses and dies. A high density of RPW, developed in P. canariensis, is now present despite to the control measures, in Sicily. Palm trees represent in Mediterranean area an important part of cultural heritage in cities, botanical and historical gardens, which conserve many different palm species. In addition Mediterranean flora is also characterized by the presence of the native palm specie Chamerops humilis. In order to understand if the C. humilis is a suitable host of RPW, we investigate the natural infestation of RPW on this native palm. Moreover we analysed the morphological and molecular characters of RPW populations collected from C. humilis and P. canariensis. The study highlights the necessity to correlate the degree of genetic differences in the population of invasive species, as RPW, to predict the impact on natural flora and on other hosts

    Chromosome studies in North-Western Sicily males of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus

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    Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier), known as red palm weevil (RPW) was accidentally introduced and established in Sicily (Italy) since 2005. As like in other Mediterranean sites, RPW has been causing extensive damage to palm trees and on its new host Phoenix canariensis Chabaud (Canary Island palms), acquired concomitantly with the colonization of the area. RPW shows a good ecological plasticity and slightly but significant morphological polymorphism (colour patterns and length of the rostrum in male individuals) that can be appreciated within different geographical populations. The aim of the present work was to investigate if this ecological plasticity and phenotypic variability can be accompanied by features in chromosomes like changes in diploid number or chromosome morphology, when compared to other RPW populations. Literature data on karyotype analysis reveals a diploid number (2n = 22). In this paper, the karyotypes of different morphotypes of RPW Sicilian populations, collected from P. canariensis, were analysed using conventional staining, C-banding and sequential staining with the fluorochromes chromomycin-A3/4-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (CMA3/DAPI). The analyses of metaphases obtained from the testes of adults showed that the species has 2n = 22 chromosomes, with 10 autosomal pairs and a sex chromosome pair. The eu-heterochromatic composition investigated with CTG banding, DAPI, CMA3, and NOR do not indicate any peculiarity in the populations investigated. R. ferrugineus has a Coleoptera Curculionoidea chromosomal asset and functional compartimentalization. RPW presents a karyotype with intermediate characteristics between Dryophthorinae and Curculioninae such as micro Y chromosome and the typical “sphere-shape” of the sexual bivalent in prophase-I or after C-banding


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    Il culto di Demetra e Kore era uno tra i più diffusi del mondo antico di cultura greca. Tuttavia, a causa della sua forte componente misterica, le modalità secondo le quali si articolavano alcuni riti ad esso connessi rimangono poco chiare e le fonti storiche ci forniscono poche e incerte informazioni in merito. Uno dei riti chiave avveniva durante le Tesmoforie, le principali feste in onore di Demetra e Kore, e consisteva nel rito del Megarizein. Il rituale prevedeva che dei maialini venissero gettati all’interno di cavità ipogee (megara) e che successivamente venissero recuperate le loro carcasse decomposte da offrire alle divinità. Qui presentiamo i risultati preliminari di un esperimento di bio tafonomia condotto attraverso l'utilizzo di specifici sistemi biologici (carcasse di maialini) posizionati all'interno di un ambiente carsico analogo a quello che si ipotizza venisse utilizzato durante il megarizein. In particolare, il nostro studio mira a riprodurre e ad analizzare gli effetti dell'attacco sia microbico (MFD) sia entomologico sulla carcassa. Porzioni di osso sono state prelevate con l'intenzione di comparare l'eventuale presenza di tracce riferibili ad un attacco microbico, con quelle rilevabili su un campione osteologico proveniente da contesti archeologici. I nostri dati preliminari forniscono nuove informazioni riguardo uno degli argomenti più dibattuti riferiti all'ambito dell'archeologia dei culti demetriaci e che riguarda la durata del periodo di tempo che intercorreva tra il posizionamento dei maialini all'interno della cavità e il recupero delle loro carcasse. Il nostro studio sperimentale evidenzia un rapido processo di decomposizione delle carcasse posizionate all'interno degli ambienti carsici dell'area mediterranea e, pertanto, permetterebbe di ipotizzare che la completa articolazione del rito ricadesse all'interno della durata delle tesmoforie

    Annual post-market environmental monitoring (PMEM) report on the cultivation of genetically modified maize MON 810 in 2014 from Monsanto Europe S.A.

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    Following a request from the European Commission, the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms of the European Food Safety Authority (GMO Panel) assessed the annual post-market environmental monitoring (PMEM) report for the 2014 growing season of maize MON 810 provided by Monsanto Europe S.A. The GMO Panel concludes that the insect resistance monitoring data do not indicate a decrease in susceptibility of field Iberian populations of corn borers to the Cry1Ab protein over the 2014 season. However, as the methodology for insect resistance monitoring remained unchanged compared to previous PMEM reports, the GMO Panel reiterates its previous recommendations for improvement of the insect resistance management plan. The GMO Panel considers that the farmer alert system to report complaints regarding product performance could complement the information obtained from the laboratory bioassays, but encourages the consent holder to provide more information in order to be in a position to appraise its usefulness. The data on general surveillance activities do not indicate any unanticipated adverse effects on human and animal health or the environment arising from the cultivation of maize MON 810 cultivation in 2014. The GMO Panel reiterates its previous recommendations to improve the methodology for the analysis of farmer questionnaires and conduct of the literature review in future annual PMEM reports on maize MON 810. The GMO Panel urges the consent holder to consider how to make best use of the information recorded in national registers to optimise sampling for farmer questionnaires, and requests to continue reviewing and discussing relevant scientific publications on possible adverse effects of maize MON 810 on rove beetles. Also, the GMO Panel encourages relevant parties to continue developing a methodological framework to use existing networks in the broader context of environmental monitorin