105 research outputs found

    Anesthesia in the surgery of strabismus: role of anesthetic agents in the ocular deviation and surgical outcome

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    Purpose: To determine whether the changes in the ocular alignment following general anesthesia, maintained with two different inhalational anesthetic agents, sevoflurane and desflurane, can be used as a predictor for surgical outcomes in children with esotropia. Methods: The authors obtained digital photographs of 42 children with esotropia; 21 patients underwent strabismus surgery with general inhalation anesthesia with sevoflurane (group A), 21 patients with inhalatory anesthesia with desflurane (Group B), as maintenance general anesthesia agents. For each patient, the corneal reflexes position were digitally measured and compared with the preoperative ocular deviation’s angle; the correlation with surgical outcome, one year after, was considered. Results: The patients in both groups showed a decrease of the squint angle, or eye’s gap position after the induction of general anesthesia. In group B, this divergence was significantly higher than in group A (P<0.001). In both groups, there was a linear correlation between the preoperative angle and shortly after the induction of general anesthesia. Patients ranging a corneal reflexes position within 1 SD (15Δ) evidenced higher success of surgery (p<0.05) of patients>1 SD. Conclusion: Changes in the ocular deviation with sevoflurane and desflurane, can be predictive for surgery outcome in children with esotropia. Furthermore, desflurane evidenced greater effects on the ocular deviation compared to sevoflurane, thus confirming to be the inhalational anesthetic of choice in strabismus surgery

    Peripheral Lacquer Cracks as an Early Finding in Pathological Myopia

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    Considerazioni su di un caso di aracnoidite ottico-chiasmatica.

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    Gli A.A. studiano l' evoluzione di un caso di aracnoidite ottico-chiasmatica. Vengono presi in considerazione le possibilitĂ  e i limite della terapia medica e chirurgica. Particolare attenzione viene rivolta alla difficoltĂ  di una diagnosi precoce, cardine essenziale per una prognosi favorevole

    Flicker fusion test modifications after treatment with long acting vincamine in diabetic patients (without retinopathy)

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    Gli Autori hanno esaminato 25 pazienti diabetici senza retinopatia diabetica sottoposti a trattamento farmacologico con vincamina rafforzata ad azione protratta per un periodo di 5 mesi. Si è evidenziato un miglioramento della frequenza critica di fusione con valori più vicini alla norm

    Die Laserbehandlung der diabetichen exudativen Retinopathie des hinteren Pols.

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    Die Verfasser berichten ùber die ergebnisse, welche nach Laserbehandlung der diabetischen exsudativen retinopathie erhalten wurden. Die Hauptindikation fùr diese Behandlung liegt im Anfangstadium mit relativer anatomischer und funktioneller Aussparung der Makulagegend; es folgt eine Verminderung des Netzhautòdems und Exudats mit einer makulàren funktionellen Stabilisierung. In den fotgeschrittenen Formen der Krankenheit mit schweren Beteiligung der Makula, verursacht in den meisten Fallen die Laserbehandlung eine Verschiechterung der Sehschàrfe, da die Rùckbildung der exsudativen òdematòsen Makulopathie eine gleichzeitige makulàre Narbenbildung hervorruft

    Retinal detachment and temporary silicone encircling band.

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    This new technique has the advantages of the tradizional, elastic encircling band in the post-operative period but the temporary effect avoid in the long period the apperance of myopia, the volume reduction of the eye and the alteration of corioretinal microcirculation

    Gerontoxon a settore dopo intervento di ciclodiastasi.

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    Gli A.A. descrivono un caso di gerontoxon settoriale insorto in un occhio sottoposto a intervento di ciclo diastasi. Vengono considerate alcune ipotesi patogenetiche

    Deficit muscolari ad insorgenza tardiva nella chirurgia del distacco di retina

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    The authors refer about the changing of the ocular motility after the retinal detachment. We underline how is more frequent the post-operation diplopia on patients with myopia over 5 diopter and how the vefical muscles are involved. Si sottolinea l'importanza di una scrupolosa chirurgia nella prevenzione dei deficit muscolari successivi all'intervento chirurgico per distacco di retin

    Ruolo della pressione endoculare nell' evoluzione della degenerazione a striscia dell'epitelio pigmentato.

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    Gli A.A. presentano un caso di epiteliopatia a striscia in corso di corioretinopatia sierosa centrale a focolai multipli e discutono il ruolo della pressione endoculare nell' insorgenza e nell' evoluzione di questo tipo di retinopatia
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