124 research outputs found

    Punjabi: A Tolerated Language Young generations’ attitude

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    Language is one of the important symbols of identity and status for the speakers of that language. Pakistan is a linguistically heterogonous country where speakers do not share a single language.  A large population in Pakistan speaks Punjabi. In the recent years, Punjabi language is losing its status in Punjab, Pakistan, because people are shifting their language from Punjabi to Urdu according to their needs and requirements of modern age. People are having different attitudes towards their mother tongue, especially the young generation; they have stopped speaking this language. They are not interested in the preservation of the language of their forefathers. This paper seeks to investigate different attitudes of people of Punjab towards Punjabi language. To explore this phenomenon, a survey research was conducted.  The data was gathered from Government College University Faisalabad to explore the attitudes of young generation towards Punjabi. The sample consisted of 60 young graduate and post-graduate students. The results have shown that the Punjabis have not a very positive attitude towards this language. Punjabi language is losing its place and shifting towards Urdu. This study concludes that Punjabi is a tolerated language as it is neither promoted nor proscribed according to young generation’ opinion. Keywords: Punjabi, status, tolerated, young generatio

    Corpus-Based Investigation of Explicitaion Shifts in Self-Translation

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    The study examines explicitation shifts in the translation of the novel "Perfect Mentor" from its source text in Urdu (ST) to its target text (TT). Explicitation is the process of making something clear and unambiguous, divided into two levels: substitution and addition. The study used a corpus-based methodology and a valid framework for investigating explicitation shifts in the text. Results are presented both quantitatively and qualitatively, showing that obligatory explicitation leads to a uniform and understandable TT, while optional explicitation may have both positive and negative impacts on the TT\u27s style and added elements. Pragmatic explicitation was found to be neutral. To avoid awkward structures and misunderstandings, the translator must strive to maintain a balanced text and appropriate use of explicitness strategies, considering the language typology. &nbsp

    Impact of Public Examination on Teaching of English: A Washback Perspective

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    Washback speaks of influence of test on teaching and learning. This paper investigates the wash back effect of Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC) exam on English language teaching and learning in Pakistan. The purpose of this study is to explore the causes of low level of English language proficiency at the completion of 12 years of academic education with English as a compulsory subject. To achieve this goal it examines the effect of HSSC exam on teaching methods and materials. Population of the study was all the teachers teaching English in colleges at HSSC level in Sargodha, Pakistan. A survey questionnaire consisting of ten questions was administered to the teachers of English. The questionnaire aimed at investigating the effect of HSSC on English teaching methodology and materials used by the teachers. Findings of the study affirmed that HSSC instead of supporting has negative washback effect on teaching methods and materials. Keywords: washback, HSSC exam, teaching method, teaching material

    An Investigation of Generic Structures of Pakistani Doctoral Thesis Acknowledgements

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    This paper investigates Pakistani doctoral thesis acknowledgements from genre analysis perspective. A corpus of 235 PhD thesis acknowledgements written in English was taken from Pakistani doctoral theses collected from eight different disciplines. HEC Research Repository of Pakistan was used as a data sources. The theses written by Pakistani native PhD students, and submitted to Pakistani HEC recognized universities during the last five years, from 2008 to 2012, were selected for the collection of acknowledgements data. Swales’ (1990) conception of genre analysis in its modified form was followed for the investigation of genre moves. In the initial stages, Hyland’s (2004b) coding scheme was utilized but due to broad socio-cultural differences between Hyland (2004b) and the present study, some other models such as Al-Ali (2010) were also sought for the coding of certain generic components. The analysis revealed seven moves along with certain sub-units or steps. These seven moves and their steps resulted from socio-cultural norms, academic traditions and institutional practices of acknowledgement writing in Pakistan. Key Words: Genre, Moves Analysis, Acknowledgements, Expressions of Gratitude, Thanking Strategies

    Ambivalence of power relations and resulting alienation and identity crisis in Kiran Desai’s the inheritance of loss

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    This research paper focuses on the ambivalence of power relations and ensuing alienation and identity crisis in Kiran Desai’s The Inheritance of Loss. The intricate and inevitable nexus of power relations, which are guiding and molding most of the human considerations on their terms, ask for the demystification of the inherent ambivalence of the power relations and their psychological impacts. Drawing on the theoretical standpoints of Homi K. Bhabha and Jacques Lacan, the prime concern of this research concentrates on the idea of ambivalence of the colonial discourse in order to reveal the intrinsic complexity of the power relations and the way they determine the human psyche with its aim to unravel the human susceptibility towards them. This paper asks about the implicit nature of the correlation between both of the stakeholders of the colonial discourse and how this ambivalent and manifold relation is significant in Desai’s The Inheritance of Loss by using Bhabha’s concept of ambivalence and mimicry along with Lacan’s model of identity. This work also avows how the imbalanced power relations can guide towards alienation and identity crisis. To interpret the ambivalence of the power relations and the way they affect the ‘self’ in Desai’s text the methodology adopted for this study is hermeneutics for the dialogical interpretation and deeper understanding of ambivalence with the help of the conceptual framework offered by postcolonial theory with its shared roads with postmodernism. Key Words: Post colonialism; Ambivalence; Alienation; Identity Crisis; Self; Discourse; Globalizatio

    The Use of Progressives in Pakistani Learners’ English: A Corpus Based Study

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    English language has many varieties, one of its, is Pakistani English. There are some deviations from the Standard English in Pakistani English. It has been noted that Pakistani users of English had been found using Perfectives (stative verbs) in Progressive situation and the present research aims at finding out the hypothesis. For this purpose, data had been collected from Pakistani learners of English as second language at graduation level from various universities and colleges in the form of argumentative essays keeping in view the instructions given by ICLE (International Corpus of Learners English) for compilation of learners’ argumentative essays. Hand written text was converted into text files. Antconc 3.2.1 was used to extract specific examples from the bulk of data. Data was further manually processed and results were compiled. The research approved this hypothesis as set out earlier; the Pakistani learners of English language use certain progressives frequently in place of perfectives. Keywords: Perfectives, Progressives, Stative, Pakistani English, Second language learners

    Análisis de los ensayos argumentativos del alumno pakistaní: un enfoque multidimensional

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    The present study is a corpus based research using a statistical approach multi-dimensional analysis (MDA) by Biber to study linguistic patterns of learner language. MDA has gained much appreciation due to its objective and empirical nature. It not only systematically arranges common linguistic patterns but also elaborates the functional association of these patterns. The MDA is performed at two levels known as old MD and New MD. The present researchis only about second level (New MD). The results show that in Pakistani learners’ writing the prominent linguistic patterns are characteristically informational rather than argumentative. Instead of building arguments, learners are more interested in sharing information. Pakistani English has historical roots from pre-partitioned India, therefore, it has under gone through communal, traditional and dogmatic apexes. In the beginning, people started learning English as a second language that was inevitably entering in their social and cultural life.El presente estudio es una investigación basada en corpus que utiliza un enfoque estadístico de análisis multidimensional (MDA) de Biber para estudiar los patrones lingüísticos del lenguaje del alumno. MDA ha ganado mucha apreciación debido a su naturaleza objetiva y empírica. No solo organiza sistemáticamente patrones lingüísticos comunes, sino que también elabora la asociación funcional de estos patrones. El MDA se realiza en dos niveles conocidos como MD antiguo y MD nuevo. La presente investigación es solo sobre el segundo nivel (Nuevo MD). Los resultados muestran que en la escritura de los aprendices paquistaníes, los patrones lingüísticos prominentes son característicamente informativos más que argumentativos. En lugar de construir argumentos, los alumnos están más interesados ​​en compartir información. El inglés paquistaní tiene raíces históricas de la India pre-dividida, por lo tanto, ha pasado por vértices comunales, tradicionales y dogmáticos. Al principio, la gente comenzó a aprender inglés como un segundo idioma que inevitablemente entraba en su vida social y cultural

    Evaluation of the Assessment Criteria of English Language at Higher Secondary Level in Pakistan

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    The present research aimed to explore the weaknesses of the assessment criteria in relevance to the performance of the student in the subject English of grade XI-XII. The research was conducted to analyze the theoretical framework of assessment and practical pattern, practiced in public Examinations. The data have been collected from the handbook of National Curriculum document, 2006, up-to-date papers of the English subject (2007-2010), experts, teachers and students of respective classes. The mixed method approach was used for the interpretation of data. The major issues regarding the nature of assessment and its relevance with curriculum objectives has been studied. Comparison about the content, teaching methods, evaluation and objectives at intermediate level in the opinions of experts, teachers and student was analyzed. A descriptive and qualitative analysis was used. The findings of the study exposed that there is need to improve the quality of assessment to fulfill the desired learning outcomes. Assessment system suffers from multiple deficiencies like rote learning and assessing lower level skills. Methods of assessment have not been shifted from theory to performance in Pakistan. Key Words: Assessment, criteria, desired learning outcomes, Examination, English Language

    Cultural Representation in ESL Textbooks in Pakistan?A Case Study of “Step Ahead 1”

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    The issue of culture inculcation in EFL/ESL learning and teaching has gained attention in ‘World Englishes’ scenario along with the voices of ‘Glocalization’ (Tiplady, 2003), acculturation and international culture, advocating the concepts of the amalgamation of global and local aspects of a phenomena, the mixing up of learner’s native and target culture and overall world culture as a whole respectively. There are two views regarding the cultural representation in ESL/EFL learning and teaching; the source culture i.e. learners’ native culture should be presented or only the exposure to target culture i.e. the culture of the countries where English is spoken as first language should be given. The present study is an attempt to highlight the cultural representation in ESL textbook using the model presented by Byram et al. (1994). The results reveal that the major focus of the textbook Step Ahead 1 is non-native culture, inadequate insufficient inter-cultural harmony is found in it and the least consideration has been given to the source culture, which is likely to alienate the learners from their own culture. The researchers argue that there should be ‘glocalized’ approach in such a sensitive issue and conclude with some suggestions that the books used as ESL textbooks should contain some aspects of both the target and source culture and there should be the intercultural harmony as well. Keywords: culture, source culture, target culture, ESL textbook

    A Corpus-Based Analysis of Linking Adverbials in Pakistani English

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    Linking adverbials are used to make speech and writing logically connected and have been considered important writing tools in English language. The present study has explored and compared the frequencies and patterns of usage of linking adverbials (LAs henceforth) in native and non-native Englishes.  It examines the distinctive arrangements of LAs adopted by non-native speakers of English in Pakistan and compare them with the patterns usually adopted by the speakers of three native varieties (i.e. U.K, USA and Australia) and three non-native varieties (i.e. Japanese, Chinese, and Singaporean). The present research is conducted using corpus methodology in order to maintain accuracy and preciseness of the results. The results of the present study have revealed that Pakistani writers use more additive, summative and contrastive type of linking adverbials as compared to transantial and resultative LAs. Moreover, the contrastive LA but is higher in Pakistani writings than any other summative or additive LA