224 research outputs found

    Focus A: Energy and Urban Form

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    Brain Determinism and Free Will

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    The article focuses on the issue of brain determinism, by examining two recent neuroscientific experiments (Libet’s and Haynes’ experiments about conscious acts). Such experiments aim to show a cerebral determination of the agent’s free choices. The author argues that even if their conclusions were true, that would not eliminate the common use of the concept of free will and the attribution of moral responsibility


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    Enterococcus faecalis (E. faecalis) merupakan salah satu flora normal rongga mulut yang memiliki kemampuan invasi ke dalam tubulus dentin dan mampu bertahan dalam lingkungan asam dan basa dalam saluran akar. Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bakteri tersebut resisten terhadap kalsium hidroksida. Daging buah mahkota dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa (Scheff) Boerl.) merupakan salah satu tanaman herbal yang secara tradisional digunakan sebagai antibakteri. Efek antibakteri daging buah mahkota dewa timbul akibat adanya kandungan flavonoid, alkaloid, saponin, tanin, polifenol dan steroid. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh ekstrak daging buah mahkota dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa (Scheff) Boerl.) terhadap pertumbuhan E. faecalis. Enterococcus faecalis dikultur pada media CHROMAgar VRE Base (Non-vancomycin) dan diinkubasi pada suhu 370C dalam inkubator dengan suasana anaerob. Enterococcus faecalis selanjutnya dipaparkan dengan ekstrak etanol daging buah mahkota dewa untuk uji antibakteri menggunakan metode Standart Plate Count (SPC). Hasil analisis data menggunakan uji statistik one way ANOVA didapatkan nilai p=0,000 (

    Integrare l'adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici nelle politiche regionali e locali: l'esperienza del progetto LIFE Master ADAPT

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    Gli Enti Locali europei stanno gi\ue0 sperimentando gli impatti negativi dei cambiamenti climatici e sono tenuti a reagire prontamente per proteggere i territori, i cittadini e le risorse grazie all\u2019adozione di misure di adattamento. Il progetto MASTER ADAPT (MAin Streaming Experiences at Regional and local level for ADAPTation to climate change) si propone di rispondere a queste esigenze, attraverso l\u2019individuazione, la verifica e la diffusione di strumenti di governance multilivello per sostenere gli enti regionali e locali nel processo di integrazione dell\u2019adattamento in politiche settoriali. MASTER ADAPT vuole fornire una metodologia comune per sostenere le Regioni ad individuare le principali vulnerabilit\ue0 e priorit\ue0 di intervento ed, in particolare, per elaborare delle linee guida per il governo dell\u2019adattamento nelle aree urbane. Regioni, Aree Metropolitane e le aggregazioni di Comuni saranno il focus del progetto. A questa attivit\ue0, si affiancher\ue0 il processo di mainstream per la progettazione e la realizzazione di strategie di adattamento regionale attraverso il coordinamento tra i diversi livelli di governo del territorio (Stato, Regioni ed Enti Locali) ed il coordinamento \u201corizzontale\u201d tra le diverse politiche (territoriale, del paesaggio, agricola, ambientale, di protezione civile). Grazie alla metodologia applicata ed agli strumenti che verranno elaborati, l\u2019approccio attivato in MASTER ADAPT avr\ue0 come tratto distintivo l\u2019alta trasferibilit\ue0 e replicabilit\ue0 in altre aree, Regioni ed Enti Locali, per poter integrare processi di adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici in tutta Europa


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    Coastal cities are very vulnerable to climate change and naturalhazards. The risks caused by climate change have quadrupled in the past 30 years, causing both human and economic losses (UNISDR, 2012). These risks are also known as natural hazards and are generally attributable to extreme weather events such as: storm intensity, urban heat island, drought and flooding as well as sea level rise and coastal erosion (IPCC, 2007a). These threats have consequences and impacts on lives and livelihoods of coastal cities communities, on theirinfrastructures, economy and governments. Thus, to avoidemergences and disaster situations it is important to rethink and transform coastal cities in \u201ccoastal resilient cities\u201d, through a comprehensive and site-specific strategy for urban development in a climate changes adaptation perspective. In that framework, the research is part of the more broadestresearch field studying the climate change impacts on coastalcities, considering the relation between the specificcharacteristics of such cities (physics, social and economic), itsurban form/design, and especially their ability to adapt to climate change. The research\u2019s focus will be on the Italiancoastal cities and the NAS (National Adaption Strategy) thatencourages a "flexible" and "downscaling" approach,recognizing at the Italian Coastal Cities further critical issues in the implementation of adaptation measures (green&blueinfrastructure, green roofs, new materials, etc.), namely the small, historical, and touristic dimension, which needs to be protected. The main objective will be to propose, in line with the NAS, guidelines that through an integrated and participativedecisionmaking model, will be able to orient the policy processtowards a coherent planning/design. Moreover, it will create a European network of universities, local authorities and businesses to work together on this issue

    The Mainstreaming of NBS in the SECAP of San Don\ue0 di Piave: The LIFE Master Adapt Methodology

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    Climate change is a global phenomenon that poses local risks to sectors across society and the economy. All these growing risks have led the Municipality of San Don\ue0 di Piave\u2014located within the Metropolitan City of Venice (CMVe)\u2014to strengthen, over the years, its commitment to the adaptation to climate change in its plans and policies. Nature-based solutions can offer a perfect example of sustainable solutions to cope with climate change mitigation and adaptation challenges. In this context, thanks to the support of the LIFE Master Adapt project, San Don\ue0 di Piave, applying its methodologies and creating new territorial information, was able to insert, within its Action Plan for Sustainable Energy and Climate (SECAP), important and structural Nature-Based Solutions (NBSs) for the entire municipal area. This experience demonstrates how this process of mainstreaming adaptation actions and NBSs is possible at all levels of government of the territory. It also highlights the virtuosity of replicability in other contexts of the CMVe and the transition from theoretical concepts to concrete actions (NBSs) for adaptation into existing plans. This process happened with a climate-proof modification of the existing planning attitude, whether mandatory or voluntary

    Svantaggiato, interno, montano: Italia laboratorio sperimentale.

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    At morphological and socioeconomic level, the Italian territory can be defined as predominantly disadvantaged, internal and mountain. Historically, the combination of these three conditions has created a variegated cultural system. On the other hand, it has curbed the dominant development of the market economy, safeguarding and protecting biodiversity bubbles, cultural and social wealth. This research, through the collection of good practices, defines the Italian territory as an experimental laboratory. This recalls the Italy\u2019s design culture - artisanal and scientific, technical and informal, for attempts and practices \u2013 that is laborious, innovative, creative, minute and widespread. The research investigates the Italian condition of the inner areas and the territories of the margin, and wants to make a theoretical, methodological and applicative contribution to the debate on the depopulation of the territory and the abandonment of heritage. The research builds a theoretical knowledge framework, a methodology for the study of the territory and the definition of a strategic program of local development
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