3 research outputs found

    Characteristics of the nuclear (18S, 5.8S, 28S and 5S) and mitochondrial (12S and 16S) rRNA genes of Apis mellifera (Insecta: Hymenoptera): structure, organization, and retrotransposable elements

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    As an accompanying manuscript to the release of the honey bee genome, we report the entire sequence of the nuclear (18S, 5.8S, 28S and 5S) and mitochondrial (12S and 16S) ribosomal RNA (rRNA)-encoding gene sequences (rDNA) and related internally and externally transcribed spacer regions of Apis mellifera (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Apocrita). Additionally, we predict secondary structures for the mature rRNA molecules based on comparative sequence analyses with other arthropod taxa and reference to recently published crystal structures of the ribosome. In general, the structures of honey bee rRNAs are in agreement with previously predicted rRNA models from other arthropods in core regions of the rRNA, with little additional expansion in non-conserved regions. Our multiple sequence alignments are made available on several public databases and provide a preliminary establishment of a global structural model of all rRNAs from the insects. Additionally, we provide conserved stretches of sequences flanking the rDNA cistrons that comprise the externally transcribed spacer regions (ETS) and part of the intergenic spacer region (IGS), including several repetitive motifs. Finally, we report the occurrence of retrotransposition in the nuclear large subunit rDNA, as R2 elements are present in the usual insertion points found in other arthropods. Interestingly, functional R1 elements usually present in the genomes of insects were not detected in the honey bee rRNA genes. The reverse transcriptase products of the R2 elements are deduced from their putative open reading frames and structurally aligned with those from another hymenopteran insect, the jewel wasp Nasonia (Pteromalidae). Stretches of conserved amino acids shared between Apis and Nasonia are illustrated and serve as potential sites for primer design, as target amplicons within these R2 elements may serve as novel phylogenetic markers for Hymenoptera. Given the impending completion of the sequencing of the Nasonia genome, we expect our report eventually to shed light on the evolution of the hymenopteran genome within higher insects, particularly regarding the relative maintenance of conserved rDNA genes, related variable spacer regions and retrotransposable elements

    Mecanismos de tolerância da variedade de milho "Saracura" (BRS 4154) ao alagamento.

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    Esta revisao tem por objetivo discutir mecanismos de tolerancia desenvolvidos por plantula da variedade de milho "Saracura" (BRS 4154), que possui, como principal caracteristica, tolerancia a periodos intermitentes de encharcamento do solo. Os primeiros estudos de analise de tolerancia a baixa disponibilidade de oxigenio no meio, sob condicoes controladas, em sala de crescimento, confirmaram essa caracteristica, ao revelar que as plantulas suportam ate quatro dias de hipoxia sem nenhum dano aparente. A partir dai, apresentaram na regiao do mesocotilo, uma regiao translucida, caracteristica de lise celular, a qual evoluiu para uma constricao, como o prolongamento do estresse, causando murcha, tombamento e morte das plantulas. Estudos posteriores revelaram que a deficiencia de oxigenio provocou uma intensa e irreversiviel degradacao da parede, como resultado de uma elevacao na acao, principalmente, das enzimas poligalacturonase de celulase. As causas da tolerancia do milho "Saracura" foram atribuidas a uma resistencia ao ataque de enzimas de degradacao da parede celular, ao desenvolvimento de aerenquimas tanto no colmo quanto nas raizes e a uma alta capacidade de recuperacao da fotossintese apos periodos de alagamento. Foi observado que, na germinacao, o calcio diminuiu o tamanho das plantulas e aumentou a sua tolerancia ao alagamento, retardando o aparecimento da constricao do mesocotilo. Durante a germinacao, na presenca desse elemento, as reservas de carboidratos ficaram preservadas na cariopse, atrasando o desenvolvimento das plantulas e, quando em condicoes de alagamento, essas foram alocadas e utilizadas, permitindo a manutencao do metabolismo celular por mais tempo. Ficou constatado, tambem, que o calcio aumentou a estabilidade da parede celular e induziu um ajustamento osmotico, pelo aumento na concentracao de aminoacidos, principalmente a prolina.200