188 research outputs found


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    Lo sviluppo di un sistema di trasporto ferroviario merci richiede di minimizzare i tempi di percorrenza e massimizzare la capacità di carico dei convogli. Questo obiettivo può essere raggiunto mediante tre diverse strategie, che possono essere adottate separatamente o in modo congiunto. Le strategie consistono sostanzialmente nell’aumento della capacità di carico del singolo carro, nell’aumento della lunghezza del convoglio e nell’aumento della velocità del veicolo. La possibilità di attuare simultaneamente le tre strategie è possibile solo disponendo di infrastrutture dedicate e utilizzando una progettazione specifica della linea e dei veicoli. Il lavoro illustra gli effetti di un innalzamento del carico per asse, oltre al limite attualmente consentito in Italia, sui principali indicatori utilizzati dalla norma UIC per l’omologazione del materiale rotabile. Le valutazioni sono state effettuate utilizzando un tracciato reale di buona qualità ed un modello numerico di un veicolo di tipo Y25

    Age-related changes in upper body contribution to braking forward locomotion in women

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    Introduction Gait termination is a transitory task that requires the lower body to produce braking forces and inhibit forward propulsion. However, it is still unknown whether the upper body plays an active role in braking of gait and whether this mechanism is impaired with ageing. Research question Do older women exhibit an impaired control of upper body segments during gait termination with respect to young women? Methods Ten young and 10 older women performed three gait termination trials at comfortable speed while fixing the gaze on a visual target. A 3D motion analysis system was used to measure head, trunk and pelvis angular displacement and velocity, and estimate neck, waist and hip moments through Plug-in Gait modeling. Cross-correlation analysis of kinematic waveforms between paired adjacent segments (head-trunk and trunk-pelvis) was performed to investigate upper body coordination. Surface EMG activity of erector spinae (L3), sternocleidomastoid and neck extensor muscles was recorded. Statistics was carried out by MANOVA. Results Older participants exhibited delayed peak extensor torques of neck, waist and hip compared to young participants, along with lower progression speed. Both groups showed a slight flexion of the trunk counteracted by a backward tilt of head and pelvis during braking. In addition, older women displayed a peculiar upper body coordination pattern, with the head coupling with trunk motion, as shown by cross-correlation. Older women displayed shorter lumbar erector spinae onset latency relative to last heel contact than young (16 ± 68 ms vs 92 ± 37 ms). Significance The upper body plays an active role in the braking of gait and this mechanism is impaired in older women. Moreover, the age-related coupling of head and trunk motion may produce an unbalancing effect on whole-body stability during the braking mechanism, thus leading to a higher risk of falls

    La Stima dei Moduli Elastici delle Murature Secondo le Norme Tecniche: il Confronto con la Sperimentazione

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    Nel presente lavoro viene proposto uno studio sperimentale per la caratterizzazione meccanica di diverse tipologie di muratura. Vengono in particolare valutati i moduli elastici longitudinali e tangenziali che come è noto condizionano la risposta di sistemi murari sotto carichi laterali. I valori sperimentali sono confrontati con quelli stimabili per mezzo dei modelli proposti dalle normative tecniche italiana (DM 14/01/2008) e europea (Eurocodice 6). Lo studio prende spunto dalla questio posta dalla norma americana (MSJC 2008) che, pur proponendo l’uso di tali modelli, riconosce la poca sperimentazione eseguita a supporto della loro validazione. La campagna sperimentale ha incluso prove di compressione sui componenti (malte e blocchi), prove di compressione diagonale e prove di compressione ordinaria (in direzione ortogonale ai letti di malta) su porzioni di muratura. I risultati conseguiti hanno consentito la valutazione diretta dei moduli elastici e successivamente di ottenere le grandezze meccaniche necessarie per l’utilizzo dei succitati modelli normativi

    Hepatocellular carcinoma and synchronous liver metastases from colorectal cancer in cirrhosis: A case report.

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    A 68-year-old Caucasian man with hepatitis C virus-related cirrhosis was admitted to our Unit in February 2010 for a diagnostic evaluation of three centimetric hypoechoic focal liver lesions detected by regular surveillance ultrasound. The subsequent computer tomography (CT) led to a diagnosis of unifocal hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in VI hepatic segment, defined the other two nodules in the VI and VII segment as suspected metastases, and showed a luminal narrowing with marked segmental circumferential thickening of the hepatic flexure of the colon. Colonoscopy detected an ulcerated, bleeding and stricturing lesion at the hepatic flexure, which was subsequently defined as adenocarcinoma with a moderate degree of differentiation at histological examination. Finally, ultrasound-guided liver biopsy of the three focal liver lesions confirmed the diagnosis of HCC for the nodule in the VI segment, and characterized the other two lesions as metastases from colorectal cancer. The patient underwent laparotomic right hemicolectomy with removal of thirty-nine regional lymph nodes (three of them tested positive for metastasis at histological examination), and simultaneous laparotomic radio-frequency ablation of both nodule of HCC and metastases. The option of adjuvant chemotherapy was excluded because of the post-surgical onset of ascites. Abdomen CT and positron emission tomography/CT scans performed after 1, 6 and 12 mo highlighted a complete response to treatments without any radiotracer accumulation. After 18 mo, the patient died due to progressive liver failure. Our experience emphasizes the potential coexistence of two different neoplasms in a cirrhotic liver and the complexity in the proper diagnosis and management of the two tumours

    A Networking Framework for Multi-Robot Coordination

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    Autonomous robots operating in real environments need to be able to interact with a dynamic world populated with objects, people, and, in general, other agents. The current generation of autonomous robots, such as the ASIMO robot by Honda or the QRIO by Sony, has showed impressive performances in mechanics and control of movements; moreover, recent literature reports encouraging results about the capability of such robots of representing themselves with respect to a dynamic external world, of planning future actions and of evaluating resulting situations in order to make new plans. However, when multiple robots are supposed to operate together, coordination and communication issues arise; while noteworthy results have been achieved with respect to the control of a single robot, novel issues arise when the actions of a robot influence another''s behavior. The increase in computational power available to systems nowadays makes it feasible, and even convenient, to organize them into a single distributed computing environment in order to exploit the synergy among different entities. This is especially true for robot teams, where cooperation is supposed to be the most natural scheme of operation, especially when robots are required to operate in highly constrained scenarios, such as inhospitable sites, remote sites, or indoor environments where strict constraints on intrusiveness must be respected. In this case, computations will be inherently network-centric, and to solve the need for communication inside robot collectives, an efficient network infrastructure must be put into place; once a proper communication channel is established, multiple robots may benefit from the interaction with each other in order to achieve a common goal. The framework presented in this paper adopts a composite networking architecture, in which a hybrid wireless network, composed by commonly available WiFi devices, and the more recently developed wireless sensor networks, operates as a whole in order both to provide a communication backbone for the robots and to extract useful information from the environment. The ad-hoc WiFi backbone allows robots to exchange coordination information among themselves, while also carrying data measurements collected from surrounding environment, and useful for localization or mere data gathering purposes. The proposed framework is called RoboNet, and extends a previously developed robotic tour guide application (Chella et al., 2007) in the context of a multi-robot application; our system allows a team of robots to enhance their perceptive capabilities through coordination obtained via a hybrid communication network; moreover, the same infrastructure allows robots to exchange information so as to coordinate their actions in order to achieve a global common goal. The working scenario considered in this paper consists of a museum setting, where guided tours are to be automatically managed. The museum is arranged both chronologically and topographically, but the sequence of findings to be visited can be rearranged depending on user queries, making a sort of dynamic virtual labyrinth with various itineraries. Therefore, the robots are able to guide visitors both in prearranged tours and in interactive tours, built in itinere depending on the interaction with the visitor: robots are able to rebuild the virtual connection between findings and, consequently, the path to be followed. This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 contains some background on multi-robot coordination, and Section 3 describes the underlying ideas and the motivation behind the proposed architecture, whose details are presented in Sections 4, 5, and 6. A realistic application scenario is described in Section 7, and finally our conclusions are drawn in Section 8

    Toxic metals in Loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) stranded freshly dead along Sicilian coasts

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    Abstract Background: The Loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) is a marine reptile belonging to a monophyletic group of chelonians. As these animals are long-lived, they have the ability to accumulate pollutants. Aim: To collect epidemiological data on toxic metals in marine Loggerhead sea turtles. Materials and Methods: Forty Loggerhead sea turtles comprising 25 males and 15 females stranded freshly dead between 2013 and 2018 along the coasts of Sicily, Southern Italy, were examined for arsenic, cadmium, and lead accumulation in muscle and adipose tissues by means of a validated ICP-MS method. A modified K index as a growth condition factor, namely Fulton's K index, was used. Samples were tested in duplicate. A Wilcoxon rank sum test was carried out to evaluate metal contents differences between muscle and adipose tissues and between genders. Results: The Fulton's K index suggested a good body condition of the C. caretta recovered with mean values of 5.34±3.40 (n=40; ±SD). Detectable concentrations of lead were found in 70% of the samples analysed with mean values of 0.65±1.67 mg/kg wet weight and 0.51±1.29 mg/kg wet weight in muscle and adipose tissues, respectively. No significant differences in arsenic, cadmium, and lead were detected between genders. In addition, no significant correlation was found between modified K index and concentrations of arsenic, cadmium, and lead. Clinical relevance: Findings on muscle and adipose tissues suggest chronic exposure of Caretta caretta to high concentrations of especially lead which might negatively affect health and welfare of these marine turtles although body condition was good
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