20 research outputs found

    Adherence to a behavioral weight loss treatment program enhances weight loss and improvements in biomarkers

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    Objectives: To describe participants' adherence to multiple components (attendance, energy intake, fat gram, exercise goals, and self-monitoring eating and exercise behaviors) of a standard behavioral treatment program (SBT) for weight loss and how adherence to these components may influence weight loss and biomarkers (triglycerides, low density lipoproteins [LDL], high density lipoprotein, and insulin) during the intensive and less-intensive intervention phases. Methods: A secondary analysis of a randomized clinical trial consisting of a SBT with either fat-restricted standard or lacto-ovo vegetarian diet. The 12-month intervention was delivered in 33 group sessions. The first six months reflected the intensive phase; the second six months, the less-intensive intervention phase. We conducted the analysis without regard to treatment assignment. Eligible participants included overweight/obese adults (N = 176; mean body mass index = 34.0 kg/m2). The sample was 86.9% female, 70.5% White, and 44.4 ± 8.6 years old. The outcome measures included weight and biomarkers. Results: There was a significant decline in adherence to each treatment component over time (P < 0.0001). In the first six months, adherence to attendance, self-monitoring and the energy goal were significantly associated with greater weight loss (P < 0.05). Adherence to attendance and exercise remained significantly associated with weight loss in the second six months (P < 0.05). Adherence to attendance, self-monitoring and exercise had indirect effects through weight loss on LDL, triglycerides, and insulin (P < 0.05). Conclusions: We observed a decline in adherence to each treatment component as the intervention intensity was reduced. Adherence to multiple treatment components was associated with greater weight loss and improvements in biomarkers. Future research needs to focus on improving and maintaining adherence to all components of the treatment protocol to promote weight loss and maintenance. © 2009 Acharya et al

    Using a Personal Digital Assistant for Self-Monitoring Influences Diet Quality in Comparison to a Standard Paper Record among Overweight/Obese Adults

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    Self-monitoring has traditionally been done using a paper record, which can be tedious and burdensome. A personal digital assistant (PDA) with dietary software can provide an alternative to a paper record. The study aimed to describe the differences in dietary changes at 6 months between participants randomly assigned to use a paper record or PDA for self-monitoring in a clinical trial of weight-loss treatment. Self-monitoring adherence and changes in weight and diet were assessed between 2006 and 2009. The sample (n=192) was 84% female and 78% white, with a mean age of 49 years and body mass index (calculated as kg/m2) of 34.1. At baseline, the groups did not differ in energy intake, percent calories from fat, and number of servings of the examined food groups. At 6 months, both groups had significant reductions in weight, energy intake, and percent calories from total fat and saturated fatty acids (P<0.001); no between-group differences were found. Compared to the paper record group, the PDA group significantly increased consumption of fruit (P=0.02) and vegetables (P=0.04) and decreased consumption of refined grains (P=0.02). Interactions among self-monitoring and the two groups were found in relation to changes in percent calories from total fat (P=0.02), monounsaturated fatty acids (P=0.002), and trans-fatty acids (P=0.04). Frequent self-monitoring was significantly associated with total sugar (P=0.02) and added sugar (P=0.01) intake in both groups. Our findings suggest that use of a PDA for self-monitoring might improve self-awareness of behavior and dietary changes. © 2011 American Dietetic Association

    A randomized clinical trial testing treatment preference and two dietary options in behavioral weight management: Preliminary results of the impact of diet at 6 months - PREFER Study

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    Objective: The PREFER study objectives were to examine potential differences in weight loss during a standard behavioral intervention between subjects assigned to one of two calorie- and fat-restricted diets [standard behavior treatment (SBT) and lacto-ovo-vegetarian ([SBT+LOV)], with or without regard to their preferred dietary treatment. This article reports the differences in outcomes between diet groups after the first 6 months of the intervention. Research Methods and Procedures: The study used a four-group design. Subjects (n = 182) were randomized to a treatment preference group and then to a dietary treatment group. For this report, preference groups were combined to permit comparisons by dietary treatment only (SBT, n = 98; SBT+LOV, n = 84). Additional analyses compared SBT+LOV subjects who were 100% adherent (did not consume any meat, fish, or poultry, n = 47) to those who were <100% adherent (n = 24). Results: Significant differences were seen in the baseline to 6-month change scores between the two groups for carbohydrate consumption (p = 0.013), protein consumption (p < 0.001), polyunsaturated-to-saturated fat ratio (p = 0.009), and low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C) level (p = 0.013). Among SBT+LOV subjects, those who were 100% adherent experienced greater reductions in weight (p < 0.001), total cholesterol (p = 0.026), LDL-C (p = 0.034), and glucose (p = 0.002) and consumed less fat (p = 0.030) compared with those who were <100% adherent. Discussion: Differences between dietary treatment groups at 6 months were minimal, most likely because one-third of the SBT+LOV group did not follow the vegetarian diet and because both groups had the same calorie and fat restrictions. SBT+LOV subjects who were 100% adherent were more successful at both weight loss and cholesterol reduction than those who were <100% adherent, suggesting that vegetarian diets are efficacious for weight and cholesterol control. Copyright © 2006 NAASO

    Using instrumented paper diaries to document self-monitoring patterns in weight loss

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    Self-monitoring of eating is associated with successful weight loss, but adherence is imperfect and deteriorates over time. Moreover, intentionally or not, many individuals have difficulty keeping faithful records. We used instrumented paper diaries (IPDs) to study self-monitoring in randomly chosen participants in the PREFER trial, a behavioral treatment for weight-loss study. The diaries they used to self-report eating were periodically replaced with IPDs at various times during an 18-month weight-loss program, consisting of three successive phases: intense treatment (n = 35), less-intense treatment (n = 13), and maintenance (n = 16). We compared electronically documented self-monitoring data, showing when and how often IPDs were used, with self-reported data, then compared the electronically validated adherence and weight loss. Self-reported diary usage exceeded IPD-documented usage while the electronic data demonstrated a significant decline in self-monitoring over time. Diary recording often was not timely. Percentage weight lost correlated significantly with frequency of IPD use (p = .001) and the number of diary entries made within 15 min of opening the IPD (p = .002). This is the first study to document patterns of self-monitoring among participants in a weight-loss program, which demonstrated that individuals may falsify the times and frequency of self-monitoring. Furthermore, our results showed that adherence to self-monitoring and the timeliness of recording significantly correlate with improved weight loss. © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Using mHealth technology to enhance self-monitoring for weight loss: A randomized trial

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    Background: Self-monitoring for weight loss has traditionally been performed with paper diaries. Technologic advances could reduce the burden of self-monitoring and provide feedback to enhance adherence. Purpose: To determine if self-monitoring diet using a PDA only or the PDA with daily tailored feedback (PDA+feedback [FB]), was superior to using a paper diary on weight loss and maintenance. Design: The Self-Monitoring and Recording Using Technology (SMART) Trial was a 24-month randomized clinical trial; participants were randomly assigned to one of three self-monitoring groups. Setting/participants: From 2006 to 2008, a total of 210 overweight/obese adults (84.8% female, 78.1% white) were recruited from the community. Data were analyzed in 2011. Intervention: Participants received standard behavioral treatment for weight loss that included dietary and physical activity goals, encouraged the use of self-monitoring, and was delivered in group sessions. Main outcome measures: Percentage weight change at 24 months, adherence to self-monitoring over time. Results: Study retention was 85.6%. The mean percentage weight loss at 24 months was not different among groups (paper diary: -1.94%, 95% CI = -3.88, 0.01; PDA: -1.38%, 95% CI= -3.38, 0.62; PDA+FB: -2.32%, 95% CI= -4.29, -0.35); only the PDA+FB group (p=0.02) demonstrated a significant loss. For adherence to self-monitoring, there was a time-by-treatment group interaction between the combined PDA groups and the paper diary group (p=0.03) but no difference between PDA and PDA+FB groups (p=0.49). Across all groups, weight loss was greater for those who were adherent <60% versus <30% of the time (p<0.001). Conclusions: PDA+FB use resulted in a small weight loss at 24 months; PDA use resulted in greater adherence to dietary self-monitoring over time. However, for sustained weight loss, adherence to self-monitoring is more important than the method used to self-monitor. A daily feedback message delivered remotely enhanced adherence and improved weight loss, which suggests that technology can play a role in improving weight loss. Trial registration: This study is registered at clinicaltrials.gov NCT00277771. © 2012 American Journal of Preventive Medicine

    Effects of a vegetarian diet and treatment preference on biochemical and dietary variables in overweight and obese adults: A randomized clinical trial

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    Background: A vegetarian diet may lead to numerous health benefits, including weight loss. Objective: We examined the joint effects of personal preference of dietary treatment and a calorie-restricted, low-fat lactoovovegetarian diet (LOV-D) compared with a standard calorie-restricted, low-fat omnivorous diet (STD-D) on changes in weight, total cholesterol, ratio of LDL to HDL cholesterol (LDL:HDL cholesterol), triacylglycerols, insulin resistance, and macronutrient intake during an 18-mo study. Design: This was a randomized clinical trial of 176 overweight and obese adults who were recruited and randomly assigned first to 1 of 2 preference conditions (yes or no). If assigned to Preference-No, they were randomly assigned to 1 of the 2 diet conditions (STD-D or LOV-D). If assigned to Preference-Yes, they were assigned to the diet they indicated as preferred at screening. The 12-mo intervention was followed by a 6-mo maintenance phase. Results: Participants were mainly women (86.9%) and white (70.5%); 75% completed the 18-mo study. A significant interaction between preference and dietary treatment was not observed for any of the outcome variables. However, participants in the Preference-No groups significantly decreased their triacylglycerols (P = 0.04). The only effect observed for diet was a borderline significant decrease in LDL:HDL cholesterol for the LOV-D group (P = 0.06). Within the LOV-D groups, those who were 100% adherent to the LOV-D had significant and marginally significant reductions in monounsaturated fat (P = 0.02) and total fat (P = 0.05) intakes at 18 mo. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that neither prescribing a vegetarian diet nor allowing persons to choose their preferred diet had a significant effect on outcome measures. However, all participants had a significant reduction in total energy and fat intakes and an increase in energy expenditure, which was reflected in reduced body weight. This clinical trial was registered at www.clinicaltrials.gov as NCT00330629. © 2007 American Society for Nutrition