94 research outputs found


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    Victims of drug abuse face barriers to interaction because of the negative stigma in society, followed by a lack of optimism, a lack of ability to solve problems, a lack of self-confidence, and then drug abusers have negative self-concepts, tending to view themselves as pessimistic about competence. (1) What is the strategy for empowering victims of drug abuse in fostering independence at Wisma Ataraxis, South Lampung Regency? (2) How are efforts to empower drug abuse victims fostering independence at Wisma Ataraxis in South Lampung Regency? (3) How does Wisma Ataraxis, South Lampung Regency, contribute to empowering victims of drug abuse and fostering independence? Field research with a qualitative descriptive approach is used in this study. Field research with a qualitative descriptive approach is used in this study. Data derived from primary and secondary sources, with data collection techniques such as interview, observation, and documentation, as well as data analysis techniques such as data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. According to the findings of this study, the empowerment process produces satisfactory results. Victims of drug abuse who are directly involved in the empowerment process benefit more. They believe the skills they have gained will be useful to them. It is also possible to reduce unemployment and increase economic income with this skill training.Keywords: empowerment, drug abuse victims, fostering independenc

    Strategi Pemenangan Petahana Dalam Pemilihan Umum Kepala Daerah Kabupaten Ngawi 2010

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    Kabupaten Ngawi merupakan salah satu daerah di Provinsi Jawa Timur yang telah melaksanakan Pemilhan Umum Kepala Daerah pada tahun 2010 yang lalu. Kemenangan mutlak pasangan Ir.Budi Sulistyono dan Ony Anwar,ST menarik untuk dicermati. Pertama, melihat latar belangkang figur calon sebagai Petahana, yang ingin melanjutkan kekeuasananya bersaing dengan lima pasangan calon diantara keempat pasangan calon bermacam-macam latar belakang profesi,Ratieh Sanggarwati merupakan mantan model terkenal,sedangkan sisanya ada yang berlatar belakang profesi sebagai pengusaha,birokrat,anggota DPRD dan ketua partai dll.Kemenangan pasangan Kanang-Ony tidak terlepas dari figurnya masing-masing, Kanang (Ir. Budi Sulistyono) merupakan mantan Wakil Bupati Ngawi dua periode,selain itu Kanang juga menjabat sebagai ketua DPC PDIP Kabupaten Ngawi, sedangkan sedangkan Ony Anwar dikenal sebagai putran dari dr.H.Harsono yang juga sebagai mantan Bupati Ngawi periode 2000-2005 dan 2005-2010.Kedua,pasangan Kanang dan Ony diusung oleh empat partai, PDIP, Golkar, PAN dan PKS. PDIP dan Golkar dalam pemilu legislatif 2009 yang lalu mendapatkan jatah kursi di DPRD delapan kursi,PAN mendapat 5 kursi dan PKS mendapat 3 kursi dari 45 lima kusri yang diperebutkan. Ketiga, Kabupaten Ngawi merupakan basis pendukung “Banteng” dan loyalis Golkar, dari dua pemilihan legislatif yang pernah digelar, PDIP selalu menjadi pemenang diikuti Golkar menempati urutan kedua.Dari ketiga alasan tersebut menarik untukmengetahui strategi politik yang diguanakan pasangan Kanang-Ony sehingga mampu menang mutlak di 18 kecamatan dari 19 kecamatan di Kabupaten Ngawi dengan perolehan suara mencapai 54,38 % suara dalam pemilukada Kabupaten Ngawi tahun 2010.Tujuan dari penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui apa saja strategi yang digunakan oleh pasangan Kanang-Ony sehingga dapat memperoleh suara mayoritas dalam Pemilukada Ngawi tahun 2012. Untuk memperkuat dan mencapai tujuan penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif-deskriptif. Penggalian data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam dengan orang-orang yang dinilai mengetahui dan konsern terhadap pemilihan umum kepala daerah Ngawi tahun 2010 serta narasumber yang dianggap mengetahui, digunakan pula data dan dokumen untuk menunjang kelengkapan informasi yang dibutuhkan.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, strategi yang digunakan pasangan,Kanang-Ony dapat diklsifikasikan dalam 2 strategi, pertama strategi internal Tim pasangan Kanang Ony terkait bagaimana dia membangun kekuatan tim pemenangan meliputi, Koalisi partai pengusung,Tim pemenangan yang solid. Kedua Strategi yang berkaitan dengan sisi eksternal Tim pemenangan yang meliputi mobilisasi organisasi-organisasi berpengaruh, rekruitmen tokoh tokoh penting,jaringan birokrasi dan bagaimana cara dia memelihara pemilih menjadi pengaruh besar dalam kemenangan yang diperoleh pasangan ini.Berpijak pada hasil penelitian maka, Sehingga kesimpulan utama yang dapat di generalisasikan dari penelitian ini adalah dalam konteks kemenangan calon kepala daerah dalam Pemilihan kepala daerah secara langsung. bahwa jaringan politik,kinerja Tim Pemenangan,platform partai serta pencitraan terhadap pasangan calon Kanan-Ony

    Analysis of cod-liver oil adulteration using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy.

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    Analysis of the adulteration of cod-liver oil with much cheaper oil-like animal fats has become attractive in recent years. This study highlights an application of Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy as a nondestructive and fast technique for the determination of adulterants in cod-liver oil. Attenuated total reflectance measurements were made on pure cod-liver oil and cod-liver oil adulterated with different concentrations of lard (0.5–50% v/v in cod-liver oil). A chemometrics partial least squares (PLS) calibration model was developed for quantitative measurement of the adulterant. Discriminant analysis method was used to classify cod-liver oil samples from common animal fats (beef, chicken, mutton, and lard) based on their infrared spectra. Discriminant analysis carried out using seven principal components was able to classify the samples as pure or adulterated cod-liver oil based on their FTIR spectra at the selected fingerprint regions (1,500–1,030 cm−1)

    Evolution of the knowledge economy: a historical perspective with an application to the case of Europe

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    The goal of the article is to explore the evolution of original concept of knowledge economy based on science intensive production sectors toward service type economies which significantly changed the role of scientific research and technological innovation for economic growth. The paper argues that this transition is due not only to the structural changes in global production, but the theoretical evolution and aradigmatic shift of the concept of “knowledge economy” in general and “knowledge” in particular has played a significant role. The paper examines the different interpretation of knowledge within new types of intangible economies (e.g., new/Internet, weightless, service, creative, cultural economies) where knowledge is perceived to be generated not as a product of scientific research but as a service or creative activity and critically examined the role of scientific research in a service led knowledge economy. Additionally the paper argue how these phenomena, which marked the global economy in the last decades, enable the transition of the standard concept of knowledge economy originated from industrial production and manufacturing to a knowledge economy equalized with various types of expanding intangible economies, primarily those based on service and creative industries

    Application of FTIR spectroscopy for the determination of virgin coconut oil in binary mixtures with olive oil and palm oil.

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    Rapid Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy combined with attenuated total reflectance (ATR) was applied for quantitative analysis of virgin coconut oil (VCO) in binary mixtures with olive oil (OO) and palm oil (PO). The spectral bands correlated with VCO, OO, PO; blends of VCO and OO; VCO and PO were scanned, interpreted, and identified. Two multivariate calibration methods, partial least square (PLS) and principal component regression (PCR), were used to construct the calibration models that correlate between actual and FTIR-predicted values of VCO contents in the mixtures at the FTIR spectral frequencies of 1,120–1,105 and 965–960 cm−1. The calibration models obtained were cross validated using the “leave one out” method. PLS at these frequencies showed the best calibration model, in terms of the highest coefficient of determination (R 2) and the lowest of root mean standard error of calibration (RMSEC) with R 2 = 0.9992 and RMSEC = 0.756, respectively, for VCO in mixture with OO. Meanwhile, the R 2 and RMSEC values obtained for VCO in mixture with PO were 0.9996 and 0.494, respectively. In general, FTIR spectroscopy serves as a suitable technique for determination of VCO in mixture with the other oils

    Dinamika Politik Reformasi Anggaran Pro Rakyat (Studi Kepentingan Politik Budget Actors dalam Pembahasan APBD Propinsi Jawa Timur 2010)

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    Although the East Java provincial government budget policy carries with "Budget for the People". But the data simply show that the budget for the people who initiated the couple elected governors (Dr. H. Soekarwo and H. Saifullah Yusuf) has not manifested on national politics in 2010 Budget Budgets second year after they were elected. Politics budgeting East Java was still very conservative with spending routine or indirectly as a "commander", while direct spending or development for the benefit of society as a "soldier". This indicates that budgeting is not only talking about a technocratic calculation, but also contain political. This thesis aims to examine issues of political dynamics in the reform of budgeting in the region. The focus of research is in the process of discussion of the East Java provincial budget of 2010 which includes the process of drafting or preparation of the proposed budget and the process of discussion draft budget (proposed budget) to be discussed with Parliament budget. This type of research used is descriptive research with a qualitative approach, whereas the analysis of data using an interactive analysis model Miles and Huberman. Problems of political dynamics in the reform of budgeting is important to discuss because, according to the theory of budgeting that budget reform is not just making better budget, but more importantly to see the political dimension of the budget, especially the "who gets what" (V. O. Key: 1940, Aaron Wildavsky: 1958.1985). In the politics of budgeting have one most fundamental problem, namely the limited resources that will bring up different modes of political interests of each of many parties in the budget (budget actors) (Rubin, 1993:4). For this mode of analysis of political interests and how the relationship between budget actors political interests will not be separated from the theory of agency problems in the policy (Lupia & McCubbins, 1994). Research findings are the political interests of the mode of budget actors (executive and legislative) in the budget discussion process in East Java in 2010, which fragmented on: First, the interest in setting the budget revenue target of which is politics mark-down in projected revenue, politics mark-up in budget spending and tolerate the existence of the fund is not absorbed through the SILP