2 research outputs found
Latrepirdine improves cognition and arrests progression of neuropathology in an Alzheimer's mouse model
- Author
- A A Protter
- A Caccamo
- A Caccamo
- A Friss
- A Stock
- AA Pieper
- B Boland
- C G Glabe
- D Butler
- D Ringe
- D Westaway
- DS Yang
- ET Bampton
- G A Petsko
- G Dolios
- G Morissette
- G Verdile
- H Abrahamsen
- H Schaffhauser
- I E Alfaro
- J D Buxbaum
- J Liken
- J W Steele
- J Wang
- J Wu
- JS Jacobsen
- JW Steele
- K Hara
- K Kieburtz
- L M Delgado
- M Broe
- M E Ehrlich
- M Giorgetti
- M L Lachenmayer
- MA Chishti
- MF Knauer
- N R Relkin
- NN Lermontova
- NN Lermontova
- P Bharadwaj
- P Fraser
- P H St George-Hyslop
- P Spilman
- P Szabo
- R Barr
- R N Martins
- R Wang
- RA Nixon
- RF Lane
- RS Doody
- S Bachurin
- S Bernales
- S Gandy
- S H Kim
- S Ju
- S Majumder
- S Sarkar
- V Gupta
- VV Grigorev
- Y Tian
- Z Yang
- Z Yue
- Z Yue
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Influences on the access to and use of formal community care by people with dementia and their informal caregivers: a scoping review
- Author
- A Antonovsky
- A Au
- A Beattie
- A Bieber
- A Bowes
- A Innes
- A Innes
- A Maseda
- A Robinson
- A Stephan
- AC Tricco
- AE Beisecker
- AK Gibson
- Anja Bieber
- AS Beeber
- Astrid Stephan
- B Miller
- B Schoenmakers
- BL Casado
- C Bakker
- C Bamford
- C Collins
- C Cooper
- C Cox
- C Donath
- C Donath
- C Donath
- C Douglass
- C Murphy
- C Neville
- C Wattmo
- CAG Wolfs
- CE Gill
- CJ Ho
- CM Giebel
- CR Gelman
- CS Teel
- CW Zhu
- D Levac
- D Mockler
- D Rickwood
- D Yeatts
- DA Forbes
- DA Forbes
- DA Forbes
- DAK-Gesundheit
- DF Edwards
- DG Bruce
- DG Bruce
- DJ Pedlar
- DM Bass
- E Graessel
- E Graessel
- E Grassel
- E Mc Donnell
- E Peel
- E Yan
- EH Bradley
- EM Hamilton
- F Boersma
- F Bunn
- F Sun
- F Sun
- G Adler
- G Luscombe
- Gabriele Meyer
- GC Wenger
- H Arksey
- H Brodaty
- H Khalil
- H Tanji
- H Tuokko
- HG Roest van der
- HM Daudt
- I Ajzen
- I Ajzen
- I Ajzen
- I Ajzen
- I Philp
- J Bond
- J Brown
- J Lim
- J Martindale-Adams
- J Tyrrell
- JC Prorok
- JK Millenaar
- JL Regan
- JM Thorpe
- JW Brown
- JW Brown
- K Davis
- K Ervin
- K Kosloski
- K Kosloski
- K Lord
- KA Melnyk
- KA Smyth
- KL Blackstock
- KM Robinson
- KM Robinson
- L Kerpershoek
- L Lévesque
- L Phillipson
- L Phillipson
- L Phillipson
- L Phillipson
- L Phillipson
- L Zhan
- LA Aday
- LD Xiao
- LI Pearlin
- M Buono Dello
- M Coe
- M Durand
- M Fishbein
- M Kutzleben von
- M Markle-Reid
- M Newman
- M Peters
- M Roelands
- MA Lieberman
- MA Liken
- MM Bhagwat
- MP Lawton
- MT O'Reilly
- MT Puts
- N Greenwood
- N Mukadam
- Natalie Nguyen
- P Mayring
- P Orpin
- P Pluye
- P Singh
- P Vetter
- P Werner
- PKBG Sayegh
- PL McFarland
- R Litherland
- R Pace
- RM Andersen
- RQ Souto
- RW Toseland
- RW Toseland
- S Breneol
- S Gorska
- S King
- S Levkoff
- S Levkoff
- S Scalmana
- SE Wilks
- SH Zarit
- T Eichler
- T Rapp
- T Reynolds
- TW Chow
- V Cotrell
- V Cotrell
- V Egdell
- V Lawrence
- Y Takai
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study