5,430 research outputs found

    A laser-scanning confocal microscopy study of carrageenan in red algae from seaweed farms near the Caribbean entrance of the Panama Canal

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    Kappaphycus alvarezii (Doty) Doty ex P.C. Silva, a red macroalga, is a commercial source of carrageenan, a widely used polysaccharide compound important in the food and pharmaceutical industries, in nanotechnology, and in pharmacological applications. Carrageenan is found mainly in the cell wall and in the intercellular matrix. This is the first study to propose the characterization of carrageenans in vitro, using the auto-fluorescence properties of the alga treated with different polyamines: putrescine, spermidine, and spermine. This study suggests a four-phase cultivation sequence for seaweed farmers to enhance and assess the potential carrageenan yield of their crops. In phase 1, seedlings were treated with each of the polyamines. Explants were subsequently transferred through two additional culture phases before being planted on the sea farms in phase 4 and then harvested after 60 days for analysis. Images from transverse sections of 11 representative cultured K. alvarezii samples were obtained at 561 nm excitation wavelength for both the cell center and the cell wall of each sample. Spectral data were also analyzed using the spectral phasor algorithm of SimFCS developed at the Laboratory for Fluorescence Dynamics (www.lfd.uci.edu). We report on the identification of several spectral fluorescence emission fingerprints from different auto-fluorescence compounds spatially mapped using this technique. These fingerprints have the potential to improve strain selection of explants for enhanced carrageenan yield in seaweed farming operations as well as to enable wholesale pricing to correspond with crop quality

    A new phage-display tumor-homing peptide fused to antiangiogenic peptide generates a novel bioactive molecule with antimelanoma activity

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    Phage-display peptide libraries have been widely used to identify specific peptides targeting in vivo tumor cells and the tumor vasculature and playing an important role in the discovery of antitumor bioactive peptides. In the present work, we identified a new melanoma-homing peptide, (-CVNHPAFAC-), using a C7C phage-display library directed to the developing tumor in syngeneic mice. Phage were able to preferentially target melanoma in vivo, with an affinity about 50-fold greater than that with normal tissue, and the respective synthesized peptide displaced the corresponding phage from the tumor. A preferential binding to endothelial cells rather than to melanoma cells was seen in cell ELISA, suggesting that the peptide is directed to the melanoma vasculature. Furthermore, the peptide was able to bind to human sonic hedgehog, a protein involved in the development of many types of human cancers. Using a new peptide approach therapy, we coupled the cyclic peptide to another peptide, HTMYYHHYQHHL-NH(2), a known antagonist of VEGFR-2 receptor, using the GYG linker. The full peptide CVNHPAFACGYGHTMYYHHYQHHL-NH(2) was effective in delaying tumor growth (P < 0.05) and increasing animal survival when injected systemically, whereas a scramble-homing peptide containing the same antagonist did not have any effect. This is the first report on the synthesis of a tumor-homing peptide coupled to antiangiogenic peptide as a new anticancer therapeutics

    Cost-sensitive Bayesian network learning using sampling

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    A significant advance in recent years has been the development of cost-sensitive decision tree learners, recognising that real world classification problems need to take account of costs of misclassification and not just focus on accuracy. The literature contains well over 50 cost-sensitive decision tree induction algorithms, each with varying performance profiles. Obtaining good Bayesian networks can be challenging and hence several algorithms have been proposed for learning their structure and parameters from data. However, most of these algorithms focus on learning Bayesian networks that aim to maximise the accuracy of classifications. Hence an obvious question that arises is whether it is possible to develop cost-sensitive Bayesian networks and whether they would perform better than cost-sensitive decision trees for minimising classification cost? This paper explores this question by developing a new Bayesian network learning algorithm based on changing the data distribution to reflect the costs of misclassification. The proposed method is explored by conducting experiments on over 20 data sets. The results show that this approach produces good results in comparison to more complex cost-sensitive decision tree algorithms

    Algebraic Approach to Interacting Quantum Systems

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    We present an algebraic framework for interacting extended quantum systems to study complex phenomena characterized by the coexistence and competition of different states of matter. We start by showing how to connect different (spin-particle-gauge) {\it languages} by means of exact mappings (isomorphisms) that we name {\it dictionaries} and prove a fundamental theorem establishing when two arbitrary languages can be connected. These mappings serve to unravel symmetries which are hidden in one representation but become manifest in another. In addition, we establish a formal link between seemingly unrelated physical phenomena by changing the language of our model description. This link leads to the idea of {\it universality} or equivalence. Moreover, we introduce the novel concept of {\it emergent symmetry} as another symmetry guiding principle. By introducing the notion of {\it hierarchical languages}, we determine the quantum phase diagram of lattice models (previously unsolved) and unveil hidden order parameters to explore new states of matter. Hierarchical languages also constitute an essential tool to provide a unified description of phases which compete and coexist. Overall, our framework provides a simple and systematic methodology to predict and discover new kinds of orders. Another aspect exploited by the present formalism is the relation between condensed matter and lattice gauge theories through quantum link models. We conclude discussing applications of these dictionaries to the area of quantum information and computation with emphasis in building new models of computation and quantum programming languages.Comment: 44 pages, 14 psfigures. Advances in Physics 53, 1 (2004

    Thermo-photo production of hydrogen using ternary Pt-CeO2-TiO2 catalysts: A spectroscopic and mechanistic study

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    Authors are thankful to “Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovaci®on y Universidades” (Spain) for supporting the work carried out through the PID2019-105490RB-C31 grant. ESRF (BM23 beamline) synchrotron and staff (Drs. G. Agostini and O. Mathon) are also thanked for the provision of beamtime as well as the supply of reference materials/spectra. The support by CONACyT, Mexico (SENER-CONACyT 117373) is also acknowledged by U. C.-F. I. B.-N. thanks MINECO for a FPI doctoral fellowship (BES-2017-080069). MF-G acknowledges Prof. F. Fern®andez- Martín for fruitful discussions.The gas phase thermo-photo production of hydrogen from methanol:water mixtures was tested using platinum ceria-titania ternary solids. This contribution focusses on the analysis of the role of ceria and the usefulness of combining heat and light sources in order to boost catalytic activity. To this end, we provide a quantitative assessment of thermo-photo activity as well as a detailed characterization of the catalytic solids with emphasis in the use of in-situ X-ray absorption and infrared spectroscopies. The adequate combination of components in the platinum ceria-titania ternary system renders highly active and stable catalysts, maximizing hydrogen production (rate of ca. 45 mmol g-1h−1) for a solid having a 1/2.5 wt% of platinum/ceria supported on titania. The characterization shows that this occurs through a synergetic effect among components of the solids and takes place with a critical role of defects located at the ceria-titania interface and the noble metal component. The cooperative action between components promotes the evolution of specific carbon-containing intermediates (related to the step-wise hole-triggered oxidation of the methanol molecule, decarbonylation of intermediates and the water gas shift) and the concomitant production of hydrogen.“Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades” (Spain) (PID2019-105490RB-C31 grant. ESRF (BM23 beamline)CONACyT, Mexico (SENER-CONACyT 117373)MINECO (BES-2017-080069

    Synthesis and characterization of VO2-based thermochromic thin films for energy-efficient windows

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    Thermochromic VO2 thin films have successfully been grown on SiO2-coated float glass by reactive DC and pulsed-DC magnetron sputtering. The influence of substitutional doping of V by higher valence cations, such as W, Mo, and Nb, and respective contents on the crystal structure of VO2 is evaluated. Moreover, the effectiveness of each dopant element on the reduction of the intrinsic transition temperature and infrared modulation efficiency of VO2 is discussed. In summary, all the dopant elements--regardless of the concentration, within the studied range-- formed a solid solution with VO2, which was the only compound observed by X-ray diffractometry. Nb showed a clear detrimental effect on the crystal structure of VO2. The undoped films presented a marked thermochromic behavior, specially the one prepared by pulsed-DC sputtering. The dopants effectively decreased the transition of VO2 to the proximity of room temperature. However, the IR modulation efficiency is markedly affected as a consequence of the increased metallic character of the semiconducting phase. Tungsten proved to be the most effective element on the reduction of the semiconducting-metal transition temperature, while Mo and Nb showed similar results with the latter being detrimental to the thermochromism

    Observational constraints on Rastall's cosmology

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    Rastall's theory is a modification of General Relativity, based on the non-conservation of the stress-energy tensor. The latter is encoded in a parameter Îł\gamma such that Îł=1\gamma = 1 restores the usual ∇ΜTΌΜ=0\nabla_\nu T^{\mu\nu} = 0 law. We test Rastall's theory in cosmology, on a flat Robertson-Walker metric, investigating a two-fluid model and using the type Ia supernovae Constitution dataset. One of the fluids is pressureless and obeys the usual conservation law, whereas the other is described by an equation of state px=wxρxp_x = w_x\rho_x, with wxw_x constant. The Bayesian analysis of the Constitution set does not strictly constrain the parameter Îł\gamma and prefers values of wxw_x close to -1. We then address the evolution of small perturbations and show that they are dramatically unstable if wx≠−1w_x \neq -1 and γ≠1\gamma \neq 1, i.e. General Relativity is the favored configuration. The only alternative is wx=−1w_x = -1, for which the dynamics becomes independent from Îł\gamma.Comment: Latex file, 14 pages, 6 figures in eps format. Substantial modifications performed, main conclusions change

    A joint experimental and theoretical study on the electronic structure and photoluminescence properties of Al2(WO4)3 powders

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    In this paper, aluminum tungstate Al2(WO4)3 powders were synthesized using the co-precipitation method at room temperature and then submitted to heat treatment processes at different temperatures (100, 200, 400, 800, and 1000 °C) for 2 h. The structure and morphology of the powders were characterized by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD), Rietveld refinement data, and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) images. Their optical properties were examined with ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) diffuse reflectance spectroscopy and photoluminescence (PL) measurements. XRD patterns and Rietveld refinement data showed that Al2(WO4)3 powders heat treated at 1000 °C for 2 h have a orthorhombic structure with a space group (Pnca) without the presence of deleterious phases. FE-SEM images revealed that these powders are formed by the aggregation of several nanoparticles leading to the growth of microparticles with irregular morphologies and an agglomerated nature. UV-vis spectra indicated that optical band gap energy increased from 3.16 to 3.48 eV) as the processing temperature rose, which was in turn associated with a reduction in intermediary energy levels. First-principle calculations were performed in order to understand the behavior of the PL properties using density functional theory at the B3LYP calculation level on periodic model systems and indicate the presence of stable electronic excited states (singlet). The analyses of the band structures and density of states at both ground and first excited electronic states provide insight into the main features, based on structural and electronic order-disorder effects in octahedral [AlO6] clusters and tetrahedral [WO4] clusters, as constituent building units of this material
