18 research outputs found

    Zmiany w wylęgowości gęsi garbonose (Anser cygnoides) spowodowane pokryciem skorupy jaj przestrzenną powłoką silikonową i pionowym ułożeniem jaj podczas inkubacji

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    Changes in swan goose (Anser cygnoides) hatchability due to application of a tridimensional silicon layer on eggshells and vertical egg setting during incubation. Goose egg incubation technology differs from the procedure used for chickens: eggs are washed before putting into an incubator and set horizontally due to their big size. However, the effects of the washing procedure and egg arrangement in the context of the hatchability and quality of goslings has not yet been extensively researched. The current study revealed that positioning eggs vertically facilitated hatching, and application of a silicon layer reduced hatching time. The results indicate that covering swan goose (Anser cygnoides) eggshells with a tridimensional silicon layer before incubation of wet-cleaned eggs can improve hatchability

    Assessment of the effect of selected substances used for disinfection of hatching eggs on hatching results in chickens

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    Celem pracy było zbadanie, czy preparaty używane do dezynfekcji jaj, w których podstawowymi substancjami czynnymi są: czwartorzędowe związki amoniowe (Amino-Steril); stabilizowany kwas nadoctowy i nadtlenek wodoru (Oxydion); aldehyd glutarowy, chlorek didecylodimetyloamoniowy, czwartorzędowe związki amoniowe i benzyl-C12-C16-alkilodimetyl (Viron FF); stabilizowany nadtlenek wodoru (Hydro-Clean), nie wykazują toksycznego działania na tkanki rozwijającego się zarodka kurzego. Badania przeprowadzono na jajach wylęgowych pochodzących od stada rodzicielskiego zestawu Ross 308. Ewentualne szkodliwe działanie wodnych roztworów preparatów dezynfekcyjnych oceniano in vitro, stosując test błony omoczniowo-kosmówkowej zarodka kurzego (ang. Hen’s Egg Test – Chorioallantoic Membrane; HET-CAM). Uzyskane wyniki potwierdzono w badaniach in vivo, analizując wylęgowość dezynfekowanych jaj. W badaniu in vitro wodne roztwory preparatów o stężeniu 1%, 0,5%, 0,25% i 0,125% nakrapiano na uprzednio wypreparowaną błonę omoczniowo-kosmówkową żywego ośmiodniowego zarodka kurzego (n = 8 zarodków/preparat/stężenie). Toksyczność substancji oceniano na podstawie wystąpienia przekrwienia, wylewów i koagulacji naczyń krwionośnych błony po 0,5, 2 i 5 minutach, i odnoszono do 21-punktowej skali Luepke. Badanie in vivo obejmowały dwa doświadczenia przeprowadzone w warunkach produkcyjnych, podczas których wykorzystano jaja od stad w szczytowej (37. tydzień życia) i schyłkowej (54. tydzień życia) fazie nieśności. Oprysk jaj 1% wodnym roztworem preparatu dezynfekcyjnego (400 jaj/preparat/doświadczenie) przeprowadzano na ok. 2 godziny przed rozpoczęciem inkubacji. Oceniano wyniki lęgu, fazę rozwojową zarodków w chwili zamarcia oraz ewentualne przypadki zakażeń. W badaniach metodą HET-CAM stwierdzono, że 1% roztwory preparatów powodowały reakcję silną (Hydro-Clean), umiarkowaną (Oxydion i Amino-Steril) oraz słabą (Viron FF). Natomiast dla stężenia 0,125% stwierdzono słabą reakcję lub jej brak. Analiza wyników lęgu nie wykazała wpływu użytych preparatów dezynfekcyjnych na końcowe wyniki lęgu. Jednak w przypadku jaj pochodzących od niosek w końcowym okresie produkcji można zaobserwować, że oprysk wodnymi rozworami każdego ze środków zmniejszał straty spowodowane wczesną zamieralnością zarodków. Podsumowując, badane środki dezynfekcyjne mogą być bezpiecznie stosowane w zakładach wylęgu drobiu.The aim of the study was to investigate whether egg disinfectants have a toxic effect on the tissues of the developing chicken embryo. The basic active ingredients of the disinfectants tested were quaternary ammonium compounds (Amino-Steril); stabilized peracetic acid and hydrogen peroxide (Oxydion); glutaraldehyde, didecyldimethylammonium chloride, quaternary ammonium compounds and benzyl-C12-C16-alkyldimethyl (Viron FF); and stabilized hydrogen peroxide (Hydro-Clean). The tests were performed on hatching eggs from Ross 308 parent stock. The potential adverse effects of aqueous solutions of the disinfectants were tested in vitro using the Hen’s Egg Test – Chorioallantoic Membrane (HET-CAM). The results were confirmed in in vivo tests by analysing the hatchability of disinfected eggs. In the in vitro tests, aqueous solutions of the disinfectants with concentrations of 1%, 0.5%, 0.25% and 0.125% were spotted onto previously prepared chorioallantoic membranes of live eight-day-old chicken embryos (n = 8 embryos/disinfectant/concentration). The toxicity of the substances was assessed on the basis of the occurrence of hyperaemia, haemorrhage, and coagulation of the blood vessels of the membrane after 0.5, 2 and 5 minutes, using the 21-point Luepke scale. The in vivo testing consisted of two experiments conducted under production conditions, using eggs from flocks in the peak (37th week of life) and the final (54th week) laying periods. The eggs were sprayed with a 1% aqueous solution of disinfectant (400 eggs/disinfectant/experiment) about 2 hours before incubation. Hatching results, the stage of embryonic development at the time of death and any cases of infection were evaluated. The HET-CAM tests showed that the 1% solutions of the disinfectants induced strong (Hydro-Clean), moderate (Oxydion and Amino-Steril) and weak (Viron FF) reactions, while the 0.125% concentration produced a weak reaction or none. Analysis of hatching results showed that they were not affected by the disinfectants. However, in the case of laying hens in their final production period, spraying with aqueous solutions of each agent reduced losses due to early embryo mortality. In conclusion, the disinfectants tested can be safely used in poultry hatcheries

    Effect of weight and storage time of broiler breeders’ eggs on morphology and biochemical features of eggs, embryogenesis, hatchability, and chick quality

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    The transfer of hatchability results obtained under experimental conditions to the commercial ground with a positive financial effect proves the value and usefulness of these data. On the other hand, finding results on commercial processes of broiler breeders’ egg incubation in the literature is challenging. The presented study aimed to determine the effects of egg weight and storage time on the physical, biochemical characteristics of hatching eggs, embryogenesis and hatchability in Ross 308 broiler breeders. On the laying day, the eggs were divided into four weight groups: S – small eggs (57–61 g), M – medium eggs (62–66 g), L – large eggs (67–71 g), and XL – extra-large eggs (72–76 g). The eggs were then stored for 3, 7, 14, and 21 days under controlled conditions. As the egg storage time increased, a decrease in the yolk quality (lower index) was observed. The highest Haugh units were found in eggs from the S and M groups. The cholesterol content of the M, L, and XL groups was lower on days 7, 14, and 21 as compared to that of eggs only stored for 3 days. Egg weight loss during incubation decreased with an increase in the egg weight. An extension of the egg storage time caused an increase in the loss of egg weight. On the 14th and 18th days of hatching, an increase in the eggshell temperature was noted with an increase in the weight of the egg. The eggs stored for 7 days were characterised by the highest shell temperature on each day. The highest hatchability percentage was recorded for the M group. The hatchability rate decreased with the prolongation of the storage time, while the number of crippled chicks after hatching increased. The results confirmed that the increased weight of the eggs and prolonged storage time (14 and 21 days) increased the weight and decreased the length of the newly hatched chicks, respectively. Chicks from the heaviest eggs and those stored for 14 and 21 days showed poor results on the Pasgar score® test. The observations indicate the need to adopt various (of those available) methods to assess the quality of newly hatched chicks in hatcheries in order to produce high-quality broiler chickens. The results also indicate that prolonged egg storing beyond 14 days may affect the thyroid hormone economy during the hatching of chicks, especially in the XL group