7 research outputs found

    Kondo physics in a dissipative environment

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    We report nonperturbative results for the interacting quantum-critical behavior in a Bose-Fermi Kondo model describing a spin-1/2 coupled both to a fermionic band with a pseudogap density of states and to a dissipative bosonic bath. The model serves as a paradigm for studying the interplay between Kondo physics and low-energy dissipative modes in strongly correlated systems.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures. Proceedings of The International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (SCES'07), accepted for publication in Physica

    Criticality of the Mean-Field Spin-Boson Model: Boson State Truncation and Its Scaling Analysis

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    The spin-boson model has nontrivial quantum phase transitions at zero temperature induced by the spin-boson coupling. The bosonic numerical renormalization group (BNRG) study of the critical exponents β\beta and δ\delta of this model is hampered by the effects of boson Hilbert space truncation. Here we analyze the mean-field spin boson model to figure out the scaling behavior of magnetization under the cutoff of boson states NbN_{b}. We find that the truncation is a strong relevant operator with respect to the Gaussian fixed point in 0<s<1/20<s<1/2 and incurs the deviation of the exponents from the classical values. The magnetization at zero bias near the critical point is described by a generalized homogeneous function (GHF) of two variables τ=ααc\tau=\alpha-\alpha_{c} and x=1/Nbx=1/N_{b}. The universal function has a double-power form and the powers are obtained analytically as well as numerically. Similarly, m(α=αc)m(\alpha=\alpha_{c}) is found to be a GHF of ϵ\epsilon and xx. In the regime s>1/2s>1/2, the truncation produces no effect. Implications of these findings to the BNRG study are discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Orbital-selective Mott transitions: Heavy fermions and beyond

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    Quantum phase transitions in metals are often accompanied by violations of Fermi liquid behavior in the quantum critical regime. Particularly fascinating are transitions beyond the Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson concept of a local order parameter. The breakdown of the Kondo effect in heavy-fermion metals constitutes a prime example of such a transition. Here, the strongly correlated f electrons become localized and disappear from the Fermi surface, implying that the transition is equivalent to an orbital-selective Mott transition, as has been discussed for multi-band transition-metal oxides. In this article, available theoretical descriptions for orbital-selective Mott transitions will be reviewed, with an emphasis on conceptual aspects like the distinction between different low-temperature phases and the structure of the global phase diagram. Selected results for quantum critical properties will be listed as well. Finally, a brief overview is given on experiments which have been interpreted in terms of orbital-selective Mott physics.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figs, mini-review prepared for a special issue of JLT