11 research outputs found
CNS Aspects of Prenatal Drug Exposure: Drugs of Abuse, Toxins, and Corticosteroids
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Unterschiede in cytotoxischer Wirkung von Methyl-Nitroso-Harnstoff (MNU) und �thyl-Nitroso-Harnstoff (�NU) bei Tage alten Ratten und Effekt von Cycloheximid auf den Zelltod
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1973
- Field of study
Moderated Regression: Legitimate Disagreement, Confusion and Misunderstanding
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Applying Black's Theory of Law to Crack and Cocaine Dispositions
- Author
- Allison T. Chappell
- Black D.
- Boggess S.
- Daly K.
- Fagan J.
- Frase R.S.
- Goode E.
- Grassley J.R.F.
- Inciardi J.
- Johnston J.
- Kleiman M.
- Mauer M.
- McDonald D.
- Musto D.
- Reeves J.
- Reinarman C.
- Sacher A.N.
- SAMHSA Office of Applied Studies.
- Scott R. Maggard
- Senna J.
- Smith D.E.
- Tonry M.
- Tonry M.
- U.S. Sentencing Commission.
- Walker S.
- Zedeck M.S.
- Zimmer L.
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Work-Family Conflict: A Study of American and Australian Family Businesses
- Author
- Australian Institute of Family Studies
- Beehr T.A.
- Burke R.J.
- Claudio A. Romano
- Cole P.M.
- Dun &
- Dunn B.
- George A. Tanewski
- Jöreskog K.G.
- Kahn R.L.
- Kosmas X. Smyrnios
- Litz R.A.
- Mustafa R. Yilmaz
- Nager R.W.
- Paul I. Karofsky
- Pleck J.H.
- Repetti R.L.
- Robert Millen
- Rosenblatt P.C.
- Schwab D.P.
- Smyrnios K.X.
- Smyrnios K.X.
- Stinnett N.
- Stoner C.R.
- Stoy Hayward &
- Stoy Hayward &
- Voydanoff P.
- Wortman M.S.
- Zedeck S.
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Hepatic and immune biological effect assays in C57BL/6 mice to measure polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon bioavailability under laboratory exposures with increasing environmental relevance
- Author
- A. Bhatia
- A. Koganti
- A.B. Okey
- A.H. Conney
- B. Magee
- B.G. Lake
- C. Ioannides
- C. J. Omiecinski
- C.E. Cerniglia
- C.T. Eason
- D. Leupold
- D.R. Davila
- E.H. Weyand
- G.C. Packard
- G.J. Simmons
- G.L. Northcott
- H.C. Pitot III
- International Agency for Research on Cancer
- J. Aislabie
- J. Booth
- J. Krijt
- J. Nagayama
- J. Piskorska-Pliszczynska
- J.B. Silkworth
- J.C. White
- J.C. White
- J.F. Payne
- J.H. Dean
- J.J. Claydon
- James M. Ataria
- K. McBee
- K.L. White
- K.L. White Jr
- Kathryn O’Halloran
- L. Temple
- L.E. Gray
- M. Billeret
- M.M. Bradford
- M.O. Fouchécourt
- M.S. Zedeck
- Ministry for the Environment
- N.R. Bordelon
- National Environmental Protection Council
- P.H. Roos
- P.J. Woolgar
- P.M. Daniel
- Q. Ma
- R. Leduc
- R.A. Lubet
- R.F. Shore
- R.H. Blanton
- R.H. Weichbrod
- R.J. Wilcock
- R.L. Dickerson
- R.L. Lochmiller
- R.W. Pickering
- Ravi Gooneratne
- S.S. Talmage
- S.W. Bigelow
- S.W. Kennedy
- T. Ichikawa
- T. Matsubara
- T. Omura
- T. Omura
- T.A. Smolarek
- T.L. Propst
- W. Kördel
- W. Sloof
- W.D. Weissenfels
- W.H. Jong De
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Effect of Celebrity Conformity on the Purchase Intention of Celebrity Sponsorship Brand: The Moderating Effects of Symbolic Consumption and Face-Saving
- Author
- Ahn K.Y.
- Ahn K.Y.
- Aiken L.S.
- Aldwin C.M.
- Anderson H.C.
- Assael H.
- Atkin C.
- Banister E.N.
- Baron R.M.
- Bearden W.
- Bond R.
- Caroll A.
- Chan K.
- Chan K.
- Chang S.H.
- Chiou J.
- Choi S.C.
- Choi S.H.
- Choi S.J.
- Chung M.S.
- Claxton J.D.
- Cohen J.
- Crimmins J.
- Davis L.L.
- Dodds W.B.
- Duck J.
- Erdogan B.Z.
- Erdogan B.Z.
- Friedman H.H.
- Gardner M.P.
- Grubb E.L.
- Gwinner K.P.
- Gwinner K.P.
- Ho D.Y.F.
- Hofsted G.
- Hong H.E.
- Horn M.J.
- Hovland C.I.
- Huh H.R.
- Kahle L.R.
- Kamins M.A.
- Kamins M.A.
- Kasser T.
- Kelman H. C.
- Kim D.H.
- Kim J.H.
- Kim Y.S.
- Lee C.
- Lee H.S.
- Lee O.H.
- Lee S.H.
- Lee S.S.
- Lynch J.
- Maltby J.
- McCracken G.
- McCracken G.
- McCutcheon L.E.
- Meyer D.J.C.
- Midgley D.F.
- Moschis G.P.
- Murphy J.H.
- Murphy J.H.
- Nam K.W.
- Nunnally J.C.
- Park D.S.
- Park H.J.
- Park H.S.
- Park J.J.
- Park J.J.
- Park S.M.
- Park S.Y.
- Petty R.E.
- Richardson P.S.
- Rose G.M.
- Rotter G.S.
- Sahlins M.
- Shin J.H.
- Solomon M.
- Sung Y.S.
- Till B.D.
- Wattanasuwan K.
- Wilson J.D.
- Wong N.Y.
- Zedeck S.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Conjoint implications on job preferences: the moderating role of involvement
- Author
- Aaker D.A.
- Abbott J.
- Adams J.S.
- Adams M.
- Addelman S.
- Allen D.G.
- Ashford S.J.
- Ashford S.J.
- Backhaus K.B.
- Barber A.E.
- Barney J.
- Behling O.
- Belt J.A.
- Berthon P.
- Breaugh J.A.
- Breaugh J.A.
- Breaugh J.A.
- Bryan S.
- Bryan S.
- Cable D.M.
- Cable D.M.
- Cable D.M.
- Cable D.M.
- Cable D.M.
- Cable D.M.
- Cappelli P.
- Carless S.A.
- Carless S.A.
- Carmone J.
- Carrell M.R.
- Carroll J.D.
- Chandy R.K.
- Chapman D.
- Chapman D.S.
- Chatman J.A.
- Collins C.J.
- Collins C.J.
- Daft R.L.
- Dohm A.
- Einhorn H.J.
- Engelberg M.
- Erhardt K.H.
- Fombrun C.
- Frank R.H.
- Friedman S.D.
- Gatewood R.D.
- Green P.E.
- Green P.E.
- Green P.E.
- Grover S.L.
- Hannon J.M.
- Helgeson J.G.
- Highhouse S.
- Highhouse S.
- Highhouse S.
- Honeycutt T.L.
- Jaccard J.
- Jacoby J.
- Johar G.V.
- Judge T.A.
- Judge T.A.
- Jurgensen C.E.
- Kaliprasad M.
- Kanter R.M.
- Kapur S.
- Keller K.L.
- Kirchmeyer C.
- Klein N.M.
- Krausz M.
- Kristof-Brown A.L.
- Lawler E.E.
- Lazear P.L.
- Lewandowski A.
- Lievens F.
- Lievens F.
- MacInnis D.J.
- Mael F.A.
- Mahroum S.
- Martinez M.N.
- Matthias Baum
- Maurer S.D.
- McCracken D.M.
- Metha R.
- Moroko L.
- Osborn D.P.
- Parsons J.E.
- Perry-Smith J.E.
- Petty R.E.
- Ployhart R.E.
- Poe A.C.
- Pullman M.E.
- Rau B.L.
- Riordan C.M.
- Rynes S.L.
- Rynes S.L.
- Rüdiger Kabst
- Schneider B.
- Schwoerer C.
- Shapiro S.
- Spence A.M.
- Spence J.T.
- Spence M.
- Spreemann K.
- Taylor M.S.
- Thomas K.M.
- Trank C.Q.
- Turban D.B.
- Turban D.B.
- Turban D.B.
- Turban D.B.
- Turban D.B.
- Vroom V.H.
- Wanous J.P.
- Wiltinger K.
- Zaichkowsky J.L.
- Zedeck S.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Synthetic and naturally occurring hydrazines and cancer
- Author
- Aarons R.
- Audrieth L.F.
- Biancifiori C.
- Biancifiori C.
- Brambilla G.
- Clark C.C.
- Cohen S. M.
- Colvin L.B.
- Curtius T.
- DeFlora S.
- DeFlora S.
- Dodd M. C.
- Druckrey H.
- Druckrey H.
- Druckrey H.
- Druckrey H.
- Epstein S. S.
- Franke S.
- Gigliotti H.
- Goodman L. S.
- Gowing D. P.
- Gowing D. P.
- Hardy R.W.F.
- Hardy R.W.F.
- Hemminki K.
- Herbold B.
- Hughes H.B.
- Hunter B.A.
- Innes J.R.M.
- Juhau M.R.
- Juhász J.
- Juhász J.
- Kelley R. B.
- Kelly M. G.
- Kelly M. G.
- Langley B.W.
- LaRue T.A.
- Levenberg B.
- List P.H.
- Liu Y. Y.
- McCann J.
- McCann J.
- Meincke E.R.
- Milia U.
- Mori K.
- Morris E. J.
- Nagel D.
- Nagel D.
- Osswald H.
- Parodi S.
- Purchase I.F.H.
- Pyysalo H.
- Pyysalo H.
- Pyysalo H.
- Reed R.A.
- Roe F.J.C.
- Rogan E. G.
- Rosenkranz H. S.
- Ross A. E.
- Ross A. E.
- Sammons G.D.
- Schiessl H.W.
- Schmeltz I.
- Schmidlin‐Mészáros
- Schwann S.
- Severi L.
- Shimizu H.
- Shimizu H.
- Shimizu H.
- Simmon V.F.
- Simmons D.M.
- Sterner O.
- Tosk J.
- Toth B.
- Toth B.
- Toth B.
- Toth B.
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- Toth B.
- Toth B.
- Toth B.
- Toth B.
- Toth B.
- Toth B.
- Toth B.
- Toth B. J.
- Toth B. J.
- Toth B. J.
- von Lingens F.
- von Wright A.
- von Wright A.
- von Wright A.
- Wade D. R.
- Weisburger J. H.
- Zedeck M.S.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Cytostatica and small intestine
- Author
- A. Maria De
- A.C. Roche
- A.M. Cohen
- A.W. Williams
- B. Fredericsson
- B.J. Jeynes
- B.J. Rybak
- C.E.S. Hooper
- D. Dinsdale
- D.I. Webb
- D.R. Perera
- D.S. Zaharko
- E. Raymackers
- E. Woll
- E.O. Riecken
- E.O. Riecken
- F. Devik
- F. Mielke
- F.C. Ferguson
- F.S. Philips
- F.S. Philips
- F.S. Philips
- F.S. Philips
- F.S. Philips
- F.S. Philips
- F.W.G. Hill
- G. Bounous
- G. Bounous
- G. Bürkle
- G. Egger
- G. Hartwich
- G. Hartwich
- G. Hartwich
- G. Hartwich
- G. Palme
- G. Palme
- G. Wolff
- G.C. Luketic
- G.C. Luketic
- G.C. Luketic
- G.G. Altmann
- G.G. Altmann
- H. Cheng
- H. Frisius
- H. Fromm
- H. Hennings
- H. Hoensch
- H. Kulenkampff
- H.B. Mc Michael
- H.H. Waldeck
- H.J. Altenbrunn
- H.J. Kaufmann
- H.J. Stolpmann
- H.S. Al-Dewachi
- H.S. Schwartz
- H.W. Bruckner
- I. Graff
- J. Hoffman
- J. Myren
- J.A. Antonioli
- J.A. O'Malley
- J.B. Dubois
- J.B. Thiersch
- J.C. Hampton
- J.D. Marrone
- J.D. Muggia
- J.J. Bernier
- J.J. Herbst
- J.J. Vitale
- J.L. Achord
- J.S. Hugon
- J.S. Trier
- J.S. Trier
- J.T. Weston
- J.W.L. Robinson
- K. Fleischer
- K. Hartiala
- K. Jentzsch
- K. Polachowski
- K. Rommel
- K. Rommel
- K.J. Goulston
- K.N. Chin
- L. Eisenhuth
- L.A. Dethlefsen
- L.A. Dethlefsen
- M. Eder
- M. Eder
- M. Wolf
- M.A. Wurth
- M.D. Small
- M.E. Sullivan
- M.F. Sullivan
- M.H. Floch
- M.I. Cohen
- M.J. Leibowitz
- M.S. Zedeck
- M.V. Lieberman
- N. Wright
- N.E. Fusenig
- O. Schiraldi
- P. Fernandez-Otero
- P. Obrecht
- P.A. Clark
- P.F. Millington
- P.F. Millington
- P.J. Creaven
- R. Böhmer
- R. Ecknauer
- R. Ecknauer
- R. Ecknauer
- R. Ecknauer
- R. Jost
- R. Marano
- R. Schuster
- R.D. Estensen
- R.F. Hagemann
- R.J. Levin
- R.J. Levin
- R.K. Sharma
- R.M. Batt
- R.M. Clarke
- R.S. White
- R.W. Hobson
- S. Der
- S. Gasic
- S. Margolis
- S. Sternberg
- S.L. Gorbach
- S.S. Milles
- T. Komuro
- T. Schiff
- T.F. Race
- T.G. Redgrave
- V. Capelli
- V.D. Valdivieso
- V.M.K. Venho
- W. Fischer
- W. Jacobson
- W.B. Leach
- W.F. Caspary
- W.F. Caspary
- W.M. Weinstein
- Z. Ben-Ishay
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study