14 research outputs found

    Multi-layer Architecture For Storing Visual Data Based on WCF and Microsoft SQL Server Database

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    In this paper we present a novel architecture for storing visual data. Effective storing, browsing and searching collections of images is one of the most important challenges of computer science. The design of architecture for storing such data requires a set of tools and frameworks such as SQL database management systems and service-oriented frameworks. The proposed solution is based on a multi-layer architecture, which allows to replace any component without recompilation of other components. The approach contains five components, i.e. Model, Base Engine, Concrete Engine, CBIR service and Presentation. They were based on two well-known design patterns: Dependency Injection and Inverse of Control. For experimental purposes we implemented the SURF local interest point detector as a feature extractor and KK-means clustering as indexer. The presented architecture is intended for content-based retrieval systems simulation purposes as well as for real-world CBIR tasks.Comment: Accepted for the 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, ICAISC, June 14-18, 2015, Zakopane, Polan

    Advanced Techniques for Computer Sharing and Management of Strategic Data

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    Part 2: The 2014 Asian Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, AsiaARES 2014International audienceIn the paper will be presented some advances in the area of computer methods used for encryption and division of confidential data, as well as modern approaches for management of splitted information. Computer techniques for secret information sharing aim to secure information against disclosure to unauthorized persons. The paper will present algorithms allowing for information division and sharing on the basis of biometric or personal features. The development of computer techniques for classified information sharing should also be useful in the process of shared information distribution and management. For this purpose there will be presented a new approach for information management based on cognitive information systems

    Graph image languages in semantic description of spatial coronary arteries structure

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    W niniejszej pracy zaproponowano sposób stworzenia nowego syntaktyczno - semantycznego opisu znaczeniowego przestrzennych struktur naczyń wieńcowych serca. Dzięki takiemu opisowi możliwe jest dokonywanie merytorycznie ukierunkowanej interpretacji znaczeniowej morfologii poszczególnych odcinków tętnic wieńcowych, co pozwala na szybką oraz automatyczną identyfikację istotnych miejsc przewężeń ich światła. W tym celu wykorzystane zostały grafowe języki obrazowe, oparte na gramatykach ekspansywnych typu edNLC. Gramatyki takie umożliwiają stworzenie uniwersalnego i informatywnego opisu znaczeniowego przestrzennych struktur naczyń wieńcowych. Wykorzystanie takich opisów semantycznych w zintegrowanych modułach inteligentnych systemów diagnostyki medycznej umożliwia wspomaganie zadań wczesnego wykrywania patologicznych przewężeń tętnic utrudniających przepływ utlenowanej krwi do danego obszaru mięśnia sercowego.In this paper has been proposed developing the new syntactic - semantic meaning description of spatial coronary arteries structure. Thanks such description will be possible to make essentially steered semantic interpretation of section coronary arteries morphology, what will allow us fast identification and automatisation of lumen structure detection. In this aim has been used graph image languages based on the expansive graph grammars of edNLC type, enabling creation the universal and informative meaning description of spatial coronary arteries structure. Application of such semantic description in the integrated modules of intelligent systems medical diagonosis, supporting the early detection stricture which defect the flow of oxidizing blood to given area of cardiac muscle

    Nonlinear Processing and Semantic Content Analysis in Medical Imaging—A Cognitive Approach

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    Why Automatic Understanding?

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    Visual Pattern Analysis in Histopathology Images Using Bag of Features

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    Protocol for Detection of Counterfeit Transactions in Electronic Currency Exchange

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