810 research outputs found

    Reverse geometric engineering of singularities

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    One can geometrically engineer supersymmetric field theories theories by placing D-branes at or near singularities. The opposite process is described, where one can reconstruct the singularities from quiver theories. The description is in terms of a noncommutative quiver algebra which is constructed from the quiver diagram and the superpotential. The center of this noncommutative algebra is a commutative algebra, which is the ring of holomorphic functions on a variety V. If certain algebraic conditions are met, then the reverse geometric engineering produces V as the geometry that D-branes probe. It is also argued that the identification of V is invariant under Seiberg dualities.Comment: 17 pages, Latex. v2: updates reference

    Nonabelian D-branes and Noncommutative Geometry

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    We discuss the nonabelian world-volume action which governs the dynamics of N coincident Dp-branes. In this theory, the branes' transverse displacements are described by matrix-valued scalar fields, and so this is a natural physical framework for the appearance of noncommutative geometry. One example is the dielectric effect by which Dp-branes may be polarized into a noncommutative geometry by external fields. Another example is the appearance of noncommutative geometries in the description of intersecting D-branes of differing dimensions, such as D-strings ending on a D3- or D5-brane. We also describe the related physics of giant gravitons.Comment: 21 pages, Latex, ref. adde

    Gauge theory, topological strings, and S-duality

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    We offer a derivation of the duality between the topological U(1) gauge theory on a Calabi-Yau 3-fold and the topological A-model on the same manifold. This duality was conjectured recently by Iqbal, Nekrasov, Okounkov, and Vafa. We deduce it from the S-duality of the IIB superstring. We also argue that the mirror version of this duality relates the topological B-model on a Calabi-Yau 3-fold and a topological sector of the Type IIA Little String Theory on the same manifold.Comment: 9 pages, latex. v2: a footnote has been added. The footnote corrects an inaccuracy in the original argument; the results are unchanged. v3: exposition improve

    World-sheet Instantons via the Myers Effect and N=1^* Quiver Superpotentials

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    In this note we explore the stringy interpretation of non-perturbative effects in N=1^* deformations of the A_{k-1} quiver models. For certain types of deformations we argue that the massive vacua are described by Nk fractional D3-branes at the orbifold polarizing into k concentric 5-brane spheres each carrying fractional brane charge. The polarization of the D3-branes induces a polarization of D-instantons into string world-sheets wrapped on the Myers spheres. We show that the superpotentials in these models are indeed generated by these world-sheet instantons. We point out that for certain parameter values the condensates yield the exact superpotential for a relevant deformation of the Klebanov-Witten conifold theory.Comment: 24 pages, JHEP, some small errors and typos correcte

    Generally Covariant Actions for Multiple D-branes

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    We develop a formalism that allows us to write actions for multiple D-branes with manifest general covariance. While the matrix coordinates of the D-branes have a complicated transformation law under coordinate transformations, we find that these may be promoted to (redundant) matrix fields on the transverse space with a simple covariant transformation law. Using these fields, we define a covariant distribution function (a matrix generalization of the delta function which describes the location of a single brane). The final actions take the form of an integral over the curved space of a scalar single-trace action built from the covariant matrix fields, tensors involving the metric, and the covariant distribution function. For diagonal matrices, the integral localizes to the positions of the individual branes, giving N copies of the single-brane action.Comment: 34 pages, LaTeX. v2: comments and refs adde

    Boundary States for Supertubes in Flat Spacetime and Godel Universe

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    We construct boundary states for supertubes in the flat spacetime. The T-dual objects of supertubes are moving spiral D1-branes (D-helices). Since we can obtain these D-helices from the usual D1-branes via null deformation, we can construct the boundary states for these moving D-helices in the covariant formalism. Using these boundary states, we calculate the vacuum amplitude between two supertubes in the closed string channel and read the open string spectrum via the open closed duality. We find there are critical values of the energy for on-shell open strings on the supertubes due to the non-trivial stringy correction. We also consider supertubes in the type IIA Godel universe in order to use them as probes of closed timelike curves. This universe is the T-dual of the maximally supersymmetric type IIB PP-wave background. Since the null deformations of D-branes are also allowed in this PP-wave, we can construct the boundary states for supertubes in the type IIA Godel universe in the same way. We obtain the open string spectrum on the supertube from the vacuum amplitude between supertubes. As a consequence, we find that the tachyonic instability of open strings on the supertube, which is the signal of closed time like curves, disappears due to the stringy correction.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figures, v2: explanations added, references added, v3: explanations adde

    Fuzzy Sphere Dynamics and Non-Abelian DBI in Curved Backgrounds

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    We consider the non-Abelian action for the dynamics of NDp′N Dp'-branes in the background of MDpM Dp-branes, which parameterises a fuzzy sphere using the SU(2) algebra. We find that the curved background leads to collapsing solutions for the fuzzy sphere except when we have D0D0 branes in the D6D6 background, which is a realisation of the gravitational Myers effect. Furthermore we find the equations of motion in the Abelian and non-Abelian theories are identical in the large NN limit. By picking a specific ansatz we find that we can incorporate angular momentum into the action, although this imposes restriction upon the dimensionality of the background solutions. We also consider the case of non-Abelian non-BPS branes, and examine the resultant dynamics using world-volume symmetry transformations. We find that the fuzzy sphere always collapses but the solutions are sensitive to the combination of the two conserved charges and we can find expanding solutions with turning points. We go on to consider the coincident NSNS5-brane background, and again construct the non-Abelian theory for both BPS and non-BPS branes. In the latter case we must use symmetry arguments to find additional conserved charges on the world-volumes to solve the equations of motion. We find that in the Non-BPS case there is a turning solution for specific regions of the tachyon and radion fields. Finally we investigate the more general dynamics of fuzzy S2k\mathbb{S}^{2k} in the DpDp-brane background, and find collapsing solutions in all cases.Comment: 49 pages, 3 figures, Latex; Version to appear in JHE

    Statefinder diagnostic and stability of modified gravity consistent with holographic and new agegraphic dark energy

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    Recently one of us derived the action of modified gravity consistent with the holographic and new-agegraphic dark energy. In this paper, we investigate the stability of the Lagrangians of the modified gravity as discussed in [M. R. Setare, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 17 (2008) 2219; M. R. Setare, Astrophys. Space Sci. 326 (2010) 27]. We also calculate the statefinder parameters which classify our dark energy model.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, accepted by Gen. Relativ. Gravi

    Deconstructing Noncommutativity with a Giant Fuzzy Moose

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    We argue that the worldvolume theories of D-branes probing orbifolds with discrete torsion develop, in the large quiver limit, new non-commutative directions. This provides an explicit `deconstruction' of a wide class of noncommutative theories. This also provides insight into the physical meaning of discrete torsion and its relation to the T-dual B field. We demonstrate that the strict large quiver limit reproduces the matrix theory construction of higher-dimensional D-branes, and argue that finite `fuzzy moose' theories provide novel regularizations of non-commutative theories and explicit string theory realizations of gauge theories on fuzzy tori. We also comment briefly on the relation to NCOS, (2,0) and little string theories.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures, typos caught and refs added; expanded interpretation of discrete torsio

    Non Abelian Tachyon Kinks

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    Starting from the action of two coincident non-BPS D9-branes, we investigate kink configurations of the U(2) matrix tachyon field. We consider both Str and Tr prescriptions for the trace over gauge indices of the non-BPS action. Non-abelian tachyon condensation in the theory with Tr prescription, and the resulting fluctuations about the kink profile, are shown to give rise to a theory of two coincident BPS D8-branes. This is a natural non-abelian generalization of Sen's mechanism of tachyon condensation on a single non-BPS Dp-brane yielding a single BPS brane of codimesion one. By contrast, starting with the Str gauge trace prescription of the coincident non-BPS D9-brane action, such a generalization of Sen's mechanism appears problematic.Comment: 18 pages, references added, version to appear in JHE
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