538 research outputs found

    Reverse geometric engineering of singularities

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    One can geometrically engineer supersymmetric field theories theories by placing D-branes at or near singularities. The opposite process is described, where one can reconstruct the singularities from quiver theories. The description is in terms of a noncommutative quiver algebra which is constructed from the quiver diagram and the superpotential. The center of this noncommutative algebra is a commutative algebra, which is the ring of holomorphic functions on a variety V. If certain algebraic conditions are met, then the reverse geometric engineering produces V as the geometry that D-branes probe. It is also argued that the identification of V is invariant under Seiberg dualities.Comment: 17 pages, Latex. v2: updates reference

    Phase Transition in the ABC Model

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    Recent studies have shown that one-dimensional driven systems can exhibit phase separation even if the dynamics is governed by local rules. The ABC model, which comprises three particle species that diffuse asymmetrically around a ring, shows anomalous coarsening into a phase separated steady state. In the limiting case in which the dynamics is symmetric and the parameter qq describing the asymmetry tends to one, no phase separation occurs and the steady state of the system is disordered. In the present work we consider the weak asymmetry regime q=exp(β/N)q=\exp{(-\beta/N)} where NN is the system size and study how the disordered state is approached. In the case of equal densities, we find that the system exhibits a second order phase transition at some nonzero βc\beta_c. The value of βc=2π3\beta_c = 2 \pi \sqrt{3} and the optimal profiles can be obtained by writing the exact large deviation functional. For nonequal densities, we write down mean field equations and analyze some of their predictions.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    The Breakdown of Topology at Small Scales

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    We discuss how a topology (the Zariski topology) on a space can appear to break down at small distances due to D-brane decay. The mechanism proposed coincides perfectly with the phase picture of Calabi-Yau moduli spaces. The topology breaks down as one approaches non-geometric phases. This picture is not without its limitations, which are also discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Ordering dynamics of the driven lattice gas model

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    The evolution of a two-dimensional driven lattice-gas model is studied on an L_x X L_y lattice. Scaling arguments and extensive numerical simulations are used to show that starting from random initial configuration the model evolves via two stages: (a) an early stage in which alternating stripes of particles and vacancies are formed along the direction y of the driving field, and (b) a stripe coarsening stage, in which the number of stripes is reduced and their average width increases. The number of stripes formed at the end of the first stage is shown to be a function of L_x/L_y^\phi, with \phi ~ 0.2. Thus, depending on this parameter, the resulting state could be either single or multi striped. In the second, stripe coarsening stage, the coarsening time is found to be proportional to L_y, becoming infinitely long in the thermodynamic limit. This implies that the multi striped state is thermodynamically stable. The results put previous studies of the model in a more general framework

    Quantum Wall Crossing in N=2 Gauge Theories

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    We study refined and motivic wall-crossing formulas in N=2 supersymmetric gauge theories with SU(2) gauge group and N_f < 4 matter hypermultiplets in the fundamental representation. Such gauge theories provide an excellent testing ground for the conjecture that "refined = motivic."Comment: 24 pages, 4 figure

    World-sheet Instantons via the Myers Effect and N=1^* Quiver Superpotentials

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    In this note we explore the stringy interpretation of non-perturbative effects in N=1^* deformations of the A_{k-1} quiver models. For certain types of deformations we argue that the massive vacua are described by Nk fractional D3-branes at the orbifold polarizing into k concentric 5-brane spheres each carrying fractional brane charge. The polarization of the D3-branes induces a polarization of D-instantons into string world-sheets wrapped on the Myers spheres. We show that the superpotentials in these models are indeed generated by these world-sheet instantons. We point out that for certain parameter values the condensates yield the exact superpotential for a relevant deformation of the Klebanov-Witten conifold theory.Comment: 24 pages, JHEP, some small errors and typos correcte

    The Minimal Moose for a Little Higgs

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    Recently a new class of theories of electroweak symmetry breaking have been constructed. These models, based on deconstruction and the physics of theory space, provide the first alternative to weak-scale supersymmetry with naturally light Higgs fields and perturbative new physics at the TeV scale. The Higgs is light because it is a pseudo-Goldstone boson, and the quadratically divergent contributions to the Higgs mass are cancelled by new TeV scale ``partners'' of the {\em same} statistics. In this paper we present the minimal theory space model of electroweak symmetry breaking, with two sites and four link fields, and the minimal set of fermions. There are very few parameters and degrees of freedom beyond the Standard Model. Below a TeV, we have the Standard Model with two light Higgs doublets, and an additional complex scalar weak triplet and singlet. At the TeV scale, the new particles that cancel the 1-loop quadratic divergences in the Higgs mass are revealed. The entire Higgs potential needed for electroweak symmetry breaking--the quartic couplings as well as the familiar negative mass squared--can be generated by the top Yukawa coupling, providing a novel link between the physics of flavor and electroweak symmetry breaking.Comment: 15 pages. References added. Included clarifying comments on the origin of quartic couplings, and on power-counting. More elegant model for generating Higgs potential from top Yukawa coupling presente

    The BPS Spectrum of N=2 SU(N) SYM and Parton Branes

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    We apply ideas that have appeared in the study of D-branes on Calabi-Yau compactifications to the derivation of the BPS spectrum of field theories. In particular, we identify an orbifold point whose fractional branes can be thought of as ``partons'' of the BPS spectrum of N=2 pure SU(N) SYM. We derive the BPS spectrum and lines of marginal stability branes near that orbifold, and compare our results with the spectrum of the field theories.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figures, includes package diagrams.tex by Paul Taylo

    Solitons in Seiberg-Witten Theory and D-branes in the Derived Category

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    We analyze the "geometric engineering" limit of a type II string on a suitable Calabi-Yau threefold to obtain an N=2 pure SU(2) gauge theory. The derived category picture together with Pi-stability of B-branes beautifully reproduces the known spectrum of BPS solitons in this case in a very explicit way. Much of the analysis is particularly easy since it can be reduced to questions about the derived category of CP1.Comment: 20 pages, LaTex2

    Coisotropic D8-branes and Model-building

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    Up to now chiral type IIA vacua have been mostly based on intersecting D6-branes wrapping special Lagrangian 3-cycles on a CY three-fold. We argue that there are additional BPS D-branes which have so far been neglected, and which seem to have interesting model-building features. They are coisotropic D8-branes, in the sense of Kapustin and Orlov. The D8-branes wrap 5-dimensional submanifolds of the CY which are trivial in homology, but contain a worldvolume flux that induces D6-brane charge on them. This induced D6-brane charge not only renders the D8-brane BPS, but also creates D=4 chirality when two D8-branes intersect. We discuss in detail the case of a type IIA Z2 x Z2 orientifold, where we provide explicit examples of coisotropic D8-branes. We study the chiral spectrum, SUSY conditions, and effective field theory of different systems of D8-branes in this orientifold, and show how the magnetic fluxes generate a superpotential for untwisted Kahler moduli. Finally, using both D6-branes and coisotropic D8-branes we construct new examples of MSSM-like type IIA vacua.Comment: 63 pages, 11 figures. Typos corrected and comments adde