6 research outputs found

    Probing Reliability of Transport Phenomena Based Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Analysis in Autogeneous Fusion Welding Process

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    The transport phenomena based heat transfer and fluid flow calculations in weld pool require a number of input parameters. Arc efficiency, effective thermal conductivity, and viscosity in weld pool are some of these parameters, values of which are rarely known and difficult to assign a priori based on the scientific principles alone. The present work reports a bi-directional three-dimensional (3-D) heat transfer and fluid flow model, which is integrated with a real number based genetic algorithm. The bi-directional feature of the integrated model allows the identification of the values of a required set of uncertain model input parameters and, next, the design of process parameters to achieve a target weld pool dimension. The computed values are validated with measured results in linear gas-tungsten-arc (GTA) weld samples. Furthermore, a novel methodology to estimate the overall reliability of the computed solutions is also presented

    Modeling of Laser-Tempering Process for Hyper-Eutectoid Steels

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    Laser surface tempering causes reduction in the surface hardness without affecting the bulk material hardness. The tempering behavior can be advantageous in advanced manufacturing processes that require controlled softening of the surface layers of through-hardened high-strength steels. This paper presents a computational phase change kinetics-based model for selecting the laser parameters that temper the surface layers of a through-hardened hyper-eutectoid steel (AISI 52100) over a known depth. First, a three-dimensional analytical thermal model is used to evaluate the temperature field produced in the material due to thermal cycles produced by laser scanning of the surface. The computed temperature histories are then fed to the phase-change model to predict the surface and subsurface hardness for the chosen laser-processing conditions. Microstructural analysis of the laser-treated AISI 52100 workpiece surface is presented for different laser-processing conditions. It is shown that good agreement is achieved between the predicted and measured surface hardness. © 2014 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International.

    Cytosine Arabinoside

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