5 research outputs found
Health promotion: results of focus groups with African-American men
- Author
- Asamoah-odei E.
- Carey M.P.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Dolcini M.M.
- Duncan M.E.
- Evans B.A.
- G. Anita Heeren
- Hastings G.B.
- Iguchi M.Y.
- Jemmott J.B.
- Jemmott J.B.
- John B. Jemmott
- Kalichman S.C.
- Kalichman S.C.
- Lee T.S.-H.
- Lee T.S.-H.
- Loxley W.
- Norris A.E.
- Parahoo A.S.
- Payn B.
- Plowden K.O.
- Rhodes T.
- Sandelowski M.
- Senn T.E.
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 01/01/2011
- Field of study
The Role of Cues, Self-Efficacy, Level of Worry, and High-Risk Behaviors in College Student Condom Use
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Adolescents’ anticipated social outcomes for drinking alcohol and being drunk
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
LGBT Tobacco and Alcohol Disparities
- Author
- A.L. Diamant
- A.L. Diamant
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- B. Valanis
- C.M. Fichtenberg
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- D. Aaron
- D.J. McKirnan
- E. Opalinska
- E.A. Cole
- E.A. Smith
- E.P. Gruskin
- G. MacDonald
- G.B. Phillips
- G.L. Greenwood
- G.L. Greenwood
- G.L. Greenwood
- H. Ryan
- H. Tang
- H.A. Washington
- I.H. Meyer
- I.H. Meyer
- I.H. Meyer
- J. Paul
- J.A. Kelly
- J.L. Peterson
- K. Begtrup
- K. Clements-Nolle
- K. Goebel
- K. Page-Shafer
- K.J. Craib
- L. Dean
- L. Warwick
- L.C. Scott
- L.J. Conley
- M.M. Dolcini
- N. Galai
- National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
- P. Kassel
- P. O’Hara
- P. Stevens
- R. Harding
- R. Stall
- R. Stall
- R. Stall
- R.C. Friedman
- R.D. Stall
- R.D. Stall
- S. Hall
- S. Hall
- S. Hall
- S. Hall
- S.D. Cochran
- S.D. Cochran
- S.D. Cochran
- S.J. Nawyn
- S.L. Dibble
- S.R. Gambert
- T. Mills
- T.W. Irwin
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)
- V. Mays
- W.F. Skinner
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2007
- Field of study
Research of drug prevention with adolescents: state of the art
- Author
- A. Bandura
- A. Bandura
- B. Bry
- B. Schmidt
- Beat Stübi
- C. R. Cloninger
- C.A. Johnson
- C.B. Boyer
- C.G. Baum
- C.R. Cloninger
- C.R. Cloninger
- D. Efionayi-Mäder
- D. McDermott
- D. Süss
- D. Süss
- D.B. Kandel
- D.B. Kandel
- D.C. Gottfredson
- D.C. Gottfredson
- D.H. Kelly
- D.J. Hawkins
- D.M. Gorman
- D.P. Farrington
- D.R. Foxcroft
- D.S. Elliott
- D.S. Elliott
- E. Werner
- E.A. Blechman
- E.A. Opland
- E.E. Gotts
- G. J. Botvin
- G.G. Milgram
- G.J. Botvin
- G.R. Patterson
- G.R. Patterson
- GJ. Huba
- H. DeVries
- H. Fahrenkrug
- H. Hops
- H. Saner
- H.B. Kaplan
- H.B. Kaplan
- H.J. Freiberg
- I. Ajzen
- I. Ajzen
- J. Block
- J. DeMarsh
- J. Emshoff
- J. Künzel-Böhmer
- J. Orford
- J. Petraitis
- J. Schulenberg
- J. Shedler
- J.A. Webb
- J.B. Grossman
- J.D. Coie
- J.D. Hawkins
- J.D. Hawkins
- J.F. Springer
- J.M. Moskowitz
- J.V. Lerner
- K. Fromme
- K. Johnson
- K.L. Bierman
- K.W. Fischer
- L. Dolan
- L. Donohew
- L. LoSciuto
- L.A. Fisher
- L.A. Palinkas
- L.A. Rohrbach
- L.D. Johnston
- L.D. Ried
- L.L. Eggert
- L.L. Eggert
- M. A. Walton
- M. Gropper
- M. Hostetler
- M. Laflin
- M. Penning
- M. Rutter
- M. Rutter
- M.C. Newcomb
- M.J. Fleischman
- M.L. Forst
- M.M. Dolcini
- M.M. Schiff
- N. Eisenberg
- N. Richards-Colocino
- N.A. Madden
- N.S. Tobler
- N.S. Tobler
- O. Simcha-Fagan
- O.G. Bukstein
- P.D. Lifrak
- P.J. Gager
- Pierre St.
- PJ. Flores-Fahs
- R. Carrel
- R. Jessor
- R. Jessor
- R. Spoth
- R.A. Brown
- R.B. Kline
- R.D. Cox
- R.D. Felner
- R.E. Isralowitz
- R.K. Silbereisen
- R.L. Akers
- R.L. Akers
- R.T. Sigler
- S. Sambrano
- S. Wolin
- S.A. Ball
- S.E. Young
- S.I. Donaldson
- S.I. Donaldson
- S.I. Donaldson
- S.W. Fors
- T. Hirschi
- T.A. Wills
- T.A. Wills
- T.B. How
- T.E. Dielman
- T.E. Moffit
- T.F. Babor
- U. Bronfenbrenner
- U. Laaser
- W. Wicki
- W. Wicki
- W. Wicki
- W.B. Hansen
- W.R. Burr
- Werner Wicki
- Y. Kaminer
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study