3 research outputs found
Relation between chemotaxis and consumption of amino acids in bacteria
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Differentiation between electron transport sensing and proton motive force sensing by the Aer and Tsr receptors for aerotaxis
- Author
- Armstrong J.B.
- Barry L. Taylor
- Berg H.C.
- Bogachev A.V.
- Calhoun M.W.
- Callahan A.M.
- Castor L.N.
- Davis R.W.
- Donaghay P.L.
- Falk‐Krzesinski H.J.
- Hedblom M.L.
- Hedblom M.L.
- Ingledew W.J.
- Jessica C. Edwards
- Laszlo D.J.
- Laszlo D.J.
- Laszlo D.J.
- Lee L.
- Mark S. Johnson
- Matsuura S.
- Miller M.J.
- Nowlin D.M.
- Parkinson J.S.
- Ravid S.
- Rice C.W.
- Shioi J.
- Shioi J.I.
- Slonczewski J.L.
- Taylor B.L.
- Taylor B.L.
- Zhulin I.B.
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Behavioral responses to chemical cues by bacteria
- Author
- A. Boyd
- A. Boyd
- A. Krikos
- A. Krikos
- A.F. Russo
- A.L. Defranco
- A.L.T. Collins
- A.M. Callahan
- B.L. Taylor
- C. Rollins
- D. Aswad
- D. Sherris
- D.E. Koshland
- D.H. Bartlett
- D.J. Goldman
- D.K. Arora
- D.O. Clegg
- D.O. Cleggs
- D.R. Zusman
- E.A. Wang
- E.N. Kort
- F.A. Fuentes
- F.W. Dahlquist
- G. Rosen
- G.B. Cox
- G.E. Dean
- G.L. Hazelbauer
- G.L. Hazelbauer
- G.L. Hazelbauer
- G.W. Ordal
- G.W. Ordal
- G.W. Ordal
- H. Kondoh
- H. Schichi
- H.C. Berg
- H.C. Berg
- H.C. Berg
- H.F. Ridgeway
- H.M. Warrick
- I. Chet
- J. Adler
- J. Bollinger
- J. Engebrecht
- J. Kyte
- J.-I Shioi
- J.A. Downie
- J.B. Armstrong
- J.B. Armstrong
- J.B. Armstrong
- J.B. Stock
- J.E. Segall
- J.S. Parkinson
- J.S. Parkinson
- J.S. Parkinson
- J.S. Parkinson
- J.S. Parkinson
- J.W. Coulton
- J.W. Golden
- K. Kutsukake
- M. Hilmen
- M. Niwano
- M. Silverman
- M. Silverman
- M. Silverman
- M. Silverman
- M. Silverman
- M. Silverman
- M. Silverman
- M.F. Goy
- M.K. Slocum
- M.L. Depamphilis
- M.L. Hedblom
- M.L. Toews
- M.R. Kehry
- M.R. Kehry
- M.R. Kehry
- M.S. Springer
- M.S. Springer
- M.Y. Sherman
- O. Kellerman
- P. Matsumura
- P. Matsumura
- P. Mitchell
- P. Shaw
- P. Werf van der
- R. Freter
- R.A. Smith
- R.C. Willis
- R.F. Odea
- R.J. Galloway
- R.M. Macnab
- R.M. Macnab
- R.M. Macnab
- R.R. Aksamit
- R.R. Gitte
- S-I. Aizawa
- S. Clarke
- S. Harayama
- S. Kathariou
- S. Khan
- S. Ravid
- S.J. Kleene
- S.M. Block
- T. Arai
- T. Mizuno
- T.W. Engelmann
- W.R. Springer
- Y. Anraku
- Y. Imae
- Z. Vaituzis
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study