7 research outputs found


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    Given the shortage of raw milk, the problem of the rational use of whey as a source of biologically valuable milk components for functional products is urgent. The area of research is the use of acid demineralized whey for the production of functional fermented desserts. Acid whey is characterized by a high content of lactic acid and minerals, which makes its industrial processing difficult and limits the directions of use for food purposes. To solve these problems, the membrane methods area used, they allow regulating the composition and properties of raw materials. Demineralization of acid whey allows removing a significant part of minerals (50%) from it and providing the required acidity in the range, corresponding to raw milk. We set the following objectives: to determine the parameters of whey demineralization, the factors of thermostability; increase stability and improve the consistency of the dairy base from demineralized whey; the effect of the probiotic starter microflora on the characteristics of the final product. In the course of studies, we used a modern membrane equipment, standard and generally accepted research methods. We analysed the composition and properties of demineralized acid whey, considered the theoretical prerequisites to an increase in stability and the ways to improve the consistency of the dairy base. We examined the effect of the dose of stabilizers' salts, dose of the consistency stabilizer and the fat content on physicochemical, organoleptic and rheological parameters of the milk base, as well as the effect of the probiotic cultures ratio in the starter, which make the product functional, on the properties and qualities of the final product. We developed the formulas and technologies of functional desserts. We developed and approved technical specifications for the desserts, based on which the experimental-industrial production is conducted. The feasibility of using demineralized acid whey as a raw material for the production of dessert products is confirmed experimentally

    Determining the components and the structure of the decision support system software for automatic control systems of the complex systems

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    Пропонується мінімально необхідний склад і структура комплексу програм СППР для автоматизованих систем управління складними системами, які функціонують в умовах динамічної обстановки і невизначеності інформації.Предлагается минимально необходимый состав и структура комплекса программ СППР для автоматизированных систем управления сложными системами, которые функционируют в условиях динамической обстановки и неопределенности информации.The article considers the minimum required components and structure of the decision support systems software for automatic control systems of the complex systems operating in dynamic situation and with ambiguous information

    Arterial ischemic stroke in children: The use of thrombolytic therapy

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    In recent years, the number of diagnosed cases of arterial ischemic stroke (AIS) in children has increased significantly. Intravenous and endovascular thrombolytic therapy of AIS is the most effective treatment for adults. Currently, the literature provides descriptions of a series of clinical observations in children with AIS, that received therapy with thrombolysis. This type of therapy is recommended to be performed on the basis of pediatric stroke primary centers. Since 2018, on the basis of the Center for Cerebrovascular Pathology Treatment, Morozov Children’s City Clinical Hospital, 34 children with AIS aged 3,5-14 years received intravenous thrombolytic therapy. The article describes the clinical observations of 4 patients with AIS who underwent treatment with thrombolysis. © 2020, Pediatria Ltd. All rights reserved

    Method of distribution of information traffics in networks of data transmission with the self-similar traffic

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    У даній роботі запропоновано метод розподілу інформаційних потоків в сучасних телекомунікаційних мережах з самоподібним трафіком. Запропонований метод на відміну від відомих враховує самоподібний характер трафіка сучасних телекомунікаційних мереж. Даний метод може бути застосований в процесі проектування телекомунікаційних мереж. Врахування самподібності трафіка під час проектуванні телекомунікаційних мереж дозволить підвищити імовірність своєчасної доставки повідомлень абонентам мережі.В данной работе предложен метод распределения информационных потоков в современных телекоммуникационных сетях с самоподобным трафиком. Предложенный метод в отличии от известных учитывает самоподобный характер трафику современных телекоммуникационных сетей. Данный метод может быть применен в процессе проектирования телекоммуникационных сетей. Учет самоподобности трафика при проектировании телекоммуникационных сетей позволит повысить вероятность своевременной доставки сообщений абонентам сети.In the given work the method of distribution of information streams in modern telecommunication networks with the selfsimilar traffic is offered. The offered method in difference from the known considers self-similar character to the traffic of modern telecommunication networks. The given method can be applied in the course of designing of telecommunication networks. The account of self-similitude of the traffic at designing of telecommunication networks will allow raising probability of timely delivery of messages to subscribers of a network

    Ichthyofauna of fresh and brackish waters of Sakhalin Island: An annotated list with taxonomic comments: 3. Gadidae–cryptacanthodidae families

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