16 research outputs found

    On the singular homology of one class of simply-connected cell-like spaces

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    In our earlier papers we constructed examples of 2-dimensional nonaspherical simply-connected cell-like Peano continua, called {\sl Snake space}. In the sequel we introduced the functor SC(−,−)SC(-,-) defined on the category of all spaces with base points and continuous mappings. For the circle S1S^1, the space SC(S1,∗)SC(S^1, \ast) is a Snake space. In the present paper we study the higher-dimensional homology and homotopy properties of the spaces SC(Z,∗)SC(Z, \ast) for any path-connected compact spaces ZZ

    Confirmation of Anomalous Dynamical Arrest in attractive colloids: a molecular dynamics study

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    Previous theoretical, along with early simulation and experimental, studies have indicated that particles with a short-ranged attraction exhibit a range of new dynamical arrest phenomena. These include very pronounced reentrance in the dynamical arrest curve, a logarithmic singularity in the density correlation functions, and the existence of `attractive' and `repulsive' glasses. Here we carry out extensive molecular dynamics calculations on dense systems interacting via a square-well potential. This is one of the simplest systems with the required properties, and may be regarded as canonical for interpreting the phase diagram, and now also the dynamical arrest. We confirm the theoretical predictions for re-entrance, logarithmic singularity, and give the first direct evidence of the coexistence, independent of theory, of the two coexisting glasses. We now regard the previous predictions of these phenomena as having been established.Comment: 15 pages,15 figures; submitted to Phys. Rev.

    The modulo 2 cohomology algebra of the wreath product Σ∞∫X

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    Si isotope homogeneity of the solar nebula

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    The presence or absence of variations in the mass-independent abundances of Si isotopes in bulk meteorites provides important clues concerning the evolution of the early solar system. No Si isotopic anomalies have been found within the level of analytical precision of 15 ppm in Si/ Si across a wide range of inner solar system materials, including terrestrial basalts, chondrites, and achondrites. A possible exception is the angrites, which may exhibit small excesses of Si. However, the general absence of anomalies suggests that primitive meteorites and differentiated planetesimals formed in a reservoir that was isotopically homogenous with respect to Si. Furthermore, the lack of resolvable anomalies in the calcium-aluminum-rich inclusion measured here suggests that any nucleosynthetic anomalies in Si isotopes were erased through mixing in the solar nebula prior to the formation of refractory solids. The homogeneity exhibited by Si isotopes may have implications for the distribution of Mg isotopes in the solar nebula. Based on supernova nucleosynthetic yield calculations, the expected magnitude of heavy-isotope overabundance is larger for Si than for Mg, suggesting that any potential Mg heterogeneity, if present, exists below the 15 ppm level