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    Summary: Healthcare is a complex profession involving the state-of-art technology and sometimes leading to unintentional harm. Many factors contribute to the occur rence of medical errors. Patient safety is one of the most serious global health issues and defined as the absence of pr eventable harm to a patient during any pr ocess of medical car e. The frequency of medical er rors is higher than expected. It has been concluded that the majority of medical er rors are not because of the individual attitudes but mainly caused by faulty systems or pr ocesses leading the staff to make mistakes or fail to pr event them. P atient safety is a shar ed responsibility comprised of many stakeholders such as society, patients, nurses, educators, administrators, r esearchers, physicians, government and legislative bodies, pr ofessional associations and accr editing agencies. Medical laborator y services are essential to patient care and need to be available to meet the needs of both patients and car egivers. ISO-1518 9:2007 Medical Laboratories-P articular requirements for quality and competence, an inter nationally recognized standard containing r equirements necessary for diagnostic laboratories to demonstrate their competence to deliver r eliable laboratory services. It applies quality system r equirements to the clinical laboratories with a str ong focus on responsiveness to the needs of patients and clinicians. Applying the per formance improvement strategies focusing on different phases in total testing pr ocess will significantly reduce the errors and therefore will improve the patient safety. In this way, laboratory professionals contribute to improvement of safety and outcomes of care by working in interdisciplinary approach manner. Keywords: patient safety, clinical laboratory, ISO 15189 Kratak sadr`aj: Zdravstvena za{tita je kompleksna profe sija koja uklju~uje najsavremeniju tehnologiju i ponekad do vodi do nenamer ne {tete. Mnogi faktori doprinose pojavi medicinskih gre{aka. Bezbednost pacijenta je je dan od naj ozbilj nijih problema globalnog zdravlja i defini sa na je kao odsustvo {tete po pacijenta koja se mo`e spr e ~iti u toku bilo kog pr ocesa medicinske nege. F rekvenca medicinskih gre {aka je ve}a od o~ekivane. Zaklju~eno je da se ve}ina me dicinskih gre{aka ne javlja zbog pojedina~nih stavova ve} je uzr ok uglavnom u nesavr{enim sistemima ili procesima koji navode osoblje da pravi gr e{ke ili da ne uspeva da ih pr e du predi. Bez bednost pacijenta je zajedni~ka odgovornost mno gih ~i ni laca kao {to su dr u{tvo, pacijenti, sestre, edukatori, admi ni stratori, istra`iva~i, leka ri, vlada i zakonodavna tela, pr o fe sio nalna udru`enja i agencije za akr editaciju. Usluge me dicinske laboratorije su esencijalne u zbrinjavanju pa cijenta i moraju da zadovolje potrebe i pacijenata i zdravstvenih radnika. ISO 15189:2007 Medicinske laboratorije -Posebni zahtevi za kvalitet i kompetentnost je me|unar odno priznati standard koji sadr`i zahteve neophodne da bi dijagnosti~ke la bo rato rije pokazale svoju kompetentnost za pr u`anje po uz danih laboratorijskih usluga. P rimenjuje zahteve sistema kva li teta na klini~ke laboratorije sa sna`nim fokusom na odgovo ru na potrebe pacijenata i klini~ara. Pri me na strategija za pobolj{anje u~inka koje se fokusiraju na razli~ite faze kompletnog pr ocesa testiranja }e zna~ajno smanjiti gre{ke i tako do pri neti bezbednosti pacijenta. Na ovaj nain, laborato rijsko osoblje doprinosi boljoj bez bednosti i ishodima zbri njavanja kroz interdisciplinarni pristup. Klju~ne re~i: bezbednost pacijenta, klini~ka laboratorija, ISO 15189 Patient safety at a glance Healthcare is highly complex pr ofession today and is of ten delivered in a pr essurized and fast-moving environment. It involves state-of-art technology but at the same time different decisions from diffe rent healthcare professionals. Sometimes, unintentional harm could occur. The problem of adverse events i