7 research outputs found

    Early Permian diamond-bearing proximal eskers in the Lichtenburg/Ventersdorp area of the North West Province, South Africa

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    Diamond-bearing gravels of the Lichtenburg-Ventersdorp area of the North West Province are associated with north-south orientated sinuous 'runs' that occur almost entirely on a flat erosional surface of the Malmani dolomites (Transvaal Supergroup) at some 1,500 m elevation. East to west, this dolomite plain measures 150 km, and northsouth it is on average 40 km wide. This unconformity, which first developed before the Pretoria Group sedimentation over a period of at least 80 Myr, is marked by siliceous breccias (palaeo-karst infill) and conglomerates (reworked breccias). It was exhumed in pre-Karoo and post-Gondwana times. Glacial pavements and remnants of thin Lower Karoo sediments are also found on this polyphase surface. The gravels that make up these 'runs' and sinkholes directly or indirectly linked to these runs, are coarse-grained, very poorly-sorted, and are best described as diamictites. The 'runs' are narrow, elongated, generally positive ridges that meander across the dolomite surface and are up to 30 km long and between 80 to 300 m wide. They have always been regarded as post- Cretaceous drainage features linked to southward-flowing river systems. Diamonds were discovered in these 'runs' and they have produced some 12 million carats. However, no Cainozoic fossils or artefacts have ever been found in almost 90 years of mining. From new field evidence, geomorphological studies, age dating from inclusions in diamond and zircon and clay analyses, it is proposed that these coarse-grained runs represent proximal palaeoeskers of the last deglaciation of the Dwyka continental ice sheet, that are preserved on this ancient 'palimpsest' surface. The age of the deposit is constrained by two populations of agate within the diamictites that are linked to two separate volcanic units of the Pretoria Group. In addition, the youngest crustal zircon ages from the gravels are 1 Ba, but mantle zircons from Lichtenburg suggest that these have been derived from Cambrian age kimberlites. Analysis of inclusions in diamond support a Neoproterozoic to Cambrian source for the diamonds, so the absence of diamonds from Mesozoic kimberlites and Cainozoic fossils within the gravels support the conclusion that the runs are of Karoo age.http://sajg.geoscienceworld.orgam2018Geolog

    Prospecting history leading to the discovery of Botswana’s diamond mines : from artefacts to Lesedi La Rona

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    Bechuanaland/Botswana has a long and colourful history in exploration and mining. Here these activities are subdivided into three phases: pre-historic, historic and modern. Quarrying stone in Botswana was ongoing 500,000 years ago during the Early Stone Age (ESA). Actual mining of stones probably only started during the Middle Stone Age (MSA) i.e. post 250,000 BP, and the first prehistoric hard rock mining of specularite and limonite, likely started during the Late Stone Age (LSA) 20,000 to 2,000 BP. In east Botswana iron and copper were mined from AD 800 onwards; the mining of gold started in the thirteenth century. Historic mining started with the re-discovery of gold close to Francistown in 1865 and lasted until the 1950s. Rumours of diamonds in Bechuanaland had already surfaced in the 1880s, and it was Ngamiland, in the northwest, that was first explored systematically for diamonds and gold between 1896 and 1899. A joint initiative between Anglo American and De Beers started serious prospecting parts of eastern Bechuanaland between 1932 and 1938; and in 1938 the first diamond finds in Bechuanaland were reported. Modern mining and exploration started with the signing of an agreement in 1959, allowing Consolidated African Selection Trust Ltd. (CAST) into the Bamangwato Tribal Reserve. CAST found a few diamonds in the Motloutse River, but concluded that these were reworked and dropped the exploration rights. De Beers believed that these diamonds had come from west of the Motloutse headwaters, across the watershed in the Kalahari. This ultimately led to the discovery of the Orapa kimberlite field in 1967, a year after Botswana became independent. This discovery triggered a major exploration boom across Botswana adding important diamond-bearing kimberlites such as at Letlhakane (1968), Jwaneng (1973), Gope (1981) and Lerala (1991).http://link.springer.com/journal/7102019-12-01hj2018Geolog

    Fossil trees from the basal Triassic Lebung Group at the Makgaba site, west of Mokubilo, Botswana

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    Fossil wood samples were collected from an area underlain by Karoo Supergroup rocks along the southern edge of Sua Pan in east central Botswana. From the local stratigraphy it suggests that these fossils have been derived from the Mosu sandstones that occurs at the base of the Mosolotsane Formation and which is time-equivalent to the Molteno Formation in South Africa that is of Triassic age. Based on the arrangement of tracheid pits the fossil wood has been identified as Agathoxylon, and most likely Agathoxylon africanum. This species has a Permian to Triassic time range in southern Africa and probably is the first published record of Agathoxylon africanum in Botswana.https://www.wits.ac.za/esi/palaeontologia-africanaam2019Geolog


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    Rewbell Jean François. Élection de MM. l’abbé Besse, Fournier de La Charmie et Verchère de Reffye comme secrétaires de l'Assemblée, lors de la séance du 7 mai 1791. In: Archives Parlementaires de 1787 à 1860 - Première série (1787-1799) Tome XXV - Du 13 avril 1791 au 11 mai 1791. Paris : Librairie Administrative P. Dupont, 1886. p. 658

    Overview of diamond resources in Africa

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    From the discovery of diamonds in South Africa in 1866 until the end of 2013, Africa is estimated to have produced almost 3.2 Bct out of a total global production of 5.03 Bct, or 63.6% of all diamonds that have ever been mined. In 2013 African countries ranked 2nd (Botswana), 3rd (DRC), 6th (Zimbabwe), 7th (Angola), 8th (South Africa), and 9th (Namibia), in terms of carat production and 1st (Botswana), 4th (Namibia), 5th (Angola), 6th (South Africa), 7th (Zimbabwe), and 9th (DRC), in terms of value of the diamonds produced. In 2013 Africa produced 70.6 Mct out of a global total of 130.5 Mct or 54.1%, which was valued at US8.7billionrepresenting61.5 8.7 billion representing 61.5% of the global value of US 14.1 billion.http://www.episodes.orgam2016Geolog

    Identification of patients with recurrent glioblastoma who may benefit from combined bevacizumab and CCNU Therapy: A Report from the BELOB Trial

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    The results from the randomized phase II BELOB trial provided evidence for a potential benefit of bevacizumab (beva), a humanized monoclonal antibody against circulating VEGF-A, when added to CCNU chemotherapy in patients with recurrent glioblastoma (GBM). In this study, we performed gene expression profiling (DASL and RNA-seq) of formalin-fixed, paraffinembedded tumor material from participants of the BELOB trial to identify patients with recurrent GBM who benefitted most from bevaCCNU treatment. We demonstrate that tumors assigned to the IGS-18 or "classical" subtype and treated with bevaCCNU showed a significant benefit in progression-free survival and a trend toward benefit in overall survival, whereas other subtypes did not exhibit such benefit. In particular, expression of FMO4 and OSBPL3 was associated with treatment response. Importantly, the improved outcome in the bevaCCNU treatment arm was not explained by an uneven distribution of prognostically favorable subtypes as all molecular glioma subtypes were evenly distributed along the different study arms. The RNA-seq analysis also highlighted genetic alterations, including mutations, gene fusions, and copy number changes, within this well-defined cohort of tumors that may serve as useful predictive or prognostic biomarkers of patient outcome. Further validation of the identified molecular markers may enable the future stratification of recurrent GBM patients into appropriate treatment regimens