1,794 research outputs found

    Multiple and plastic receptors mediate tonic GABAA receptor currents in the hippocampus

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    Persistent activation of GABAA receptors by extracellular GABA (tonic inhibition) plays a critical role in signal processing and network excitability in the brain. In hippocampal principal cells, tonic inhibition has been reported to be mediated by {alpha}5-subunit-containing GABAA receptors ({alpha}5GABAARs). Pharmacological or genetic disruption of these receptors improves cognitive performance, suggesting that tonic inhibition has an adverse effect on information processing. Here, we show that {alpha}5GABAARs contribute to tonic currents in pyramidal cells only when ambient GABA concentrations increase (as may occur during increased brain activity). At low ambient GABA concentrations, activation of {delta}-subunit-containing GABAA receptors predominates. In epileptic tissue, {alpha}5GABAARs are downregulated and no longer contribute to tonic currents under conditions of raised extracellular GABA concentrations. Under these conditions, however, the tonic current is greater in pyramidal cells from epileptic tissue than in pyramidal cells from nonepileptic tissue, implying substitution of {alpha}5GABAARs by other GABAA receptor subtypes. These results reveal multiple components of tonic GABAA receptor-mediated conductance that are activated by low GABA concentrations. The relative contribution of these components changes after the induction of epilepsy, implying an adaptive plasticity of the tonic current in the presence of spontaneous seizures

    Noncanonical spike-related BOLD responses in focal epilepsy

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    Till now, most studies of the Blood Oxygen Level-Dependent (BOLD) response to interictal epileptic discharges (IED) have assumed that its time course matches closely to that of brief physiological stimuli, commonly called the canonical event-related haemodynamic response function (canonical HRF). Analyses based on that assumption have produced significant response patterns that are generally concordant with prior electroclinical data. In this work, we used a more flexible model of the event-related response, a Fourier basis set, to investigate the presence of other responses in relation to individual IED in 30 experiments in patients with focal epilepsy. We found significant responses that had a noncanonical time course in 37% of cases, compared with 40% for the conventional, canonical HRF-based approach. In two cases, the Fourier analysis suggested activations where the conventional model did not. The noncanonical activations were almost always remote from the presumed generator of epileptiform activity. In the majority of cases with noncanonical responses, the noncanonical responses in single-voxel clusters were suggestive of artifacts. We did not find evidence for IED-related noncanonical HRFs arising from areas of pathology, suggesting that the BOLD response to IED is primarily canonical. Noncanonical responses may represent a number of phenomena, including artefacts and propagated epileptiform activity

    Plasticity of GABA(B) receptor-mediated heterosynaptic interactions at mossy fibers after status epilepticus

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    Several neurotransmitters, including GABA acting at presynaptic GABAB receptors, modulate glutamate release at synapses between hippocampal mossy fibers and CA3 pyramidal neurons. This phenomenon gates excitation of the hippocampus and may therefore prevent limbic seizure propagation. Here we report that status epilepticus, triggered by either perforant path stimulation or pilocarpine administration, was followed 24 hr later by a loss of GABAB receptor-mediated heterosynaptic depression among populations of mossy fibers. This was accompanied by a decrease in the sensitivity of mossy fiber transmission to the exogenous GABAB receptor agonist baclofen. Autoradiography revealed a reduction in GABAB receptor binding in the stratum lucidum after status epilepticus. Failure of GABAB receptor-mediated modulation of mossy fiber transmission at mossy fibers may contribute to the development of spontaneous seizures after status epilepticus

    EEG–fMRI mapping of asymmetrical delta activity in a patient with refractory epilepsy is concordant with the epileptogenic region determined by intracranial EEG

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    We studied a patient with refractory focal epilepsy using continuous EEG-correlated fMRI. Seizures were characterized by head turning to the left and clonic jerking of the left arm, suggesting a right frontal epileptogenic region. Interictal EEG showed occasional runs of independent nonlateralized slow activity in the delta band with right frontocentral dominance and had no lateralizing value. Ictal scalp EEG had no lateralizing value. Ictal scalp EEG suggested right-sided central slow activity preceding some seizures. Structural 3-T MRI showed no abnormality. There was no clear epileptiform abnormality during simultaneous EEG–fMRI. We therefore modeled asymmetrical EEG delta activity at 1–3 Hz near frontocentral electrode positions. Significant blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signal changes in the right superior frontal gyrus correlated with right frontal oscillations at 1–3 Hz but not at 4–7 Hz and with neither of the two frequency bands when derived from contralateral or posterior electrode positions, which served as controls. Motor fMRI activations with a finger-tapping paradigm were asymmetrical: they were more anterior for the left hand compared with the right and were near the aforementioned EEG-correlated signal changes. A right frontocentral perirolandic seizure onset was identified with a subdural grid recording, and electric stimulation of the adjacent contact produced motor responses in the left arm and after discharges. The fMRI localization of the left hand motor and the detected BOLD activation associated with modeled slow activity suggest a role for localization of the epileptogenic region with EEG–fMRI even in the absence of clear interictal discharges

    Simultaneous intracranial EEG and fMRI of interictal epileptic discharges in humans

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    Simultaneous scalp EEG–fMRI measurements allow the study of epileptic networks and more generally, of the coupling between neuronal activity and haemodynamic changes in the brain. Intracranial EEG (icEEG) has greater sensitivity and spatial specificity than scalp EEG but limited spatial sampling. We performed simultaneous icEEG and functional MRI recordings in epileptic patients to study the haemodynamic correlates of intracranial interictal epileptic discharges (IED). Two patients undergoing icEEG with subdural and depth electrodes as part of the presurgical assessment of their pharmaco-resistant epilepsy participated in the study. They were scanned on a 1.5 T MR scanner following a strict safety protocol. Simultaneous recordings of fMRI and icEEG were obtained at rest. IED were subsequently visually identified on icEEG and their fMRI correlates were mapped using a general linear model (GLM). On scalp EEG–fMRI recordings performed prior to the implantation, no IED were detected. icEEG–fMRI was well tolerated and no adverse health effect was observed. intra-MR icEEG was comparable to that obtained outside the scanner. In both cases, significant haemodynamic changes were revealed in relation to IED, both close to the most active electrode contacts and at distant sites. In one case, results showed an epileptic network including regions that could not be sampled by icEEG, in agreement with findings from magneto-encephalography, offering some explanation for the persistence of seizures after surgery. Hence, icEEG–fMRI allows the study of whole-brain human epileptic networks with unprecedented sensitivity and specificity. This could help improve our understanding of epileptic networks with possible implications for epilepsy surgery

    Thermal Conductivity of Thermally-Isolating Polymeric and Composite Structural Support Materials Between 0.3 and 4 K

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    We present measurements of the low-temperature thermal conductivity of a number of polymeric and composite materials from 0.3 to 4 K. The materials measured are Vespel SP-1, Vespel SP-22, unfilled PEEK, 30% carbon fiber-filled PEEK, 30% glass-filled PEEK, carbon fiber Graphlite composite rod, Torlon 4301, G-10/FR-4 fiberglass, pultruded fiberglass composite, Macor ceramic, and graphite rod. These materials have moderate to high elastic moduli making them useful for thermally-isolating structural supports.Comment: Accepted for publication in the journal Cryogenic

    Premature mortality in refractory partial epilepsy: does surgical treatment make a difference?

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    Background: Epilepsy carries an increased risk of premature death. For some people with intractable focal epilepsy, surgery offers hope for a seizure-free life. The authors aimed to see whether epilepsy surgery influenced mortality in people with intractable epilepsy. Methods: The authors audited survival status in two cohorts (those who had surgery and those who had presurgical assessment but did not have surgery). Results: There were 40 known deaths in the non-surgical group (3365 person years of follow-up) and 19 in the surgical group (3905 person-years of follow-up). Non-operated patients were 2.4 times (95% CI 1.4 to 4.2) as likely to die as those who had surgery. They were 4.5 times (95% CI 1.9 to 10.9) as likely to die a probable epilepsy-related death. In the surgical group, those with ongoing seizures 1 year after surgery were 4.0 (95% CI 1.2 to 13.7) times as likely to die as those who were seizure-free or who had only simple partial seizures. Time-dependent Cox analysis showed that the yearly outcome group did not significantly affect mortality (HR 1.3, 95% CI 0.9 to 1.8). Conclusion: Successful epilepsy surgery was associated with a reduced risk of premature mortality, compared with those with refractory focal epilepsy who did not have surgical treatment. To some extent, the reduced mortality is likely to be conferred by inducing freedom from seizures. It is not certain whether better survival is attributable only to surgery, as treatment decisions were not randomised, and there may be inherent differences between the groups.<br/

    Quasi-particle Lifetimes in a d_{x^2-y^2} Superconductor

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    We consider the lifetime of quasi-particles in a d-wave superconductor due to scattering from antiferromagnetic spin-fluctuations, and explicitly separate the contribution from Umklapp processes which determines the electrical conductivity. Results for the temperature dependence of the total scattering rate and the Umklapp scattering rate are compared with relaxation rates obtained from thermal and microwave conductivity measurements, respectively.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Density functional theory of spin-polarized disordered quantum dots

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    Using density functional theory, we investigate fluctuations of the ground state energy of spin-polarized, disordered quantum dots in the metallic regime. To compare to experiment, we evaluate the distribution of addition energies and find a convolution of the Wigner-Dyson distribution, expected for noniteracting electrons, with a narrower Gaussian distribution due to interactions. The tird moment of the total distribution is independent of interactions, and so is predicted to decrease by a factor of 0.405 upon application of a magnetic field which transforms from the Gaussian orthogonal to the Gaussian unitary ensemble.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    Symmetry Properties on Magnetization in the Hubbard Model at Finite Temperatures

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    By making use of some symmetry properties of the relevant Hamiltonian, two fundamental relations between the ferromagnetic magnetization and a spin correlation function are derived for the d(=1,2,3)d (=1,2,3)-dimensional Hubbard model at finite temperatures. These can be viewed as a kind of Ward-Takahashi identities. The properties of the magnetization as a function of the applied field are discussed. The results thus obtained hold true for both repulsive and attractive on-site Coulomb interactions, and for arbitrary electron fillings.Comment: Latex file, no figur