6 research outputs found

    Women and Geology in Spain

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    Muchos de los estudios realizados en los últimos años indican que la sensación de invisibilidad y discriminación que sentimos las mujeres dedicadas a la ciencia, y específicamente a la Geología, no es una mera percepción subjetiva, sino que las cifras están ahí corroborando estas sensaciones. Los datos de distintos organismos y elaborados por distintas fuentes siempre indican una menor participación de las mujeres en los órganos de gestión, y una mayor dificultad para alcanzar los puestos de trabajo de niveles más altos. Esto es así a pesar de que el nº de licenciadas de ciencias supera al de los licenciados, pero a lo largo de la carrera profesional se produce una inversión que hace que las geólogas “se pierdan” por el camino. En este trabajo se presentan algunas de estas cifras con objeto de llamar la atención sobre la situación y discutir en la Mesa Redonda sobre las posibles soluciones.Recent studies on women and science show that the perception that women are less visible and discriminated during their professional careers is real and can be demonstrated with data. This situation affects in particular to women geologists. Data from different sources and organisms indicate that women geologist participate less in decision-making committees and have more difficulties to reach the highest positions that their male colleagues. This occurs even considering that the number of women that finish their degrees in Geology is higher than the number of men. Along their professional career there is an inversion, in which women geologist are lost in the way to top positions. In this paper, we present some data in order to call the attention on this situation and to bring to the table a discussion on the possible measures to correct this situation.Depto. de Mineralogía y PetrologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEpu

    Large extensional structures developed during emplacement of a crystalline thrust sheet: the Mondoñedo nappe (NW Spain)

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    The Mondoñedo nappe is a crystalline thrust sheet characterized by large recumbent folds, regional intermediate-pressure metamorphism, synkinematic intrusion of granitoids during nappe emplacement, and an extensional ductile shear zone developed within the nappe during thrusting. A large tectonic window permits the study of the footwall unit, revealing another extensional shear zone contemporaneous with thrusting and a low-pressure metamorphic evolution, in contrast to that of the hanging wall unit. The two main extensional shear zones produced E–W extension parallel to the direction of orogenic shortening and normal to the orogenic structural trend. Furthermore, subordinate N–S longitudinal extension was accommodated by normal faults in the footwall, and some of these faults were used as lateral ramps in late stages of thrusting. The role of the extensional shear zones and faults described is discussed in the context of an evolving orogenic wedge dominated by plate convergence but characterized by large-scale rheological heterogeneities within it. Deep-seated viscous flow, triggered by heat accumulation, seems to account for the horizontal stretching and probable tapering of the orogenic wedge, which was induced by gravitational instabilities due to partial melting and underplating by buoyant continental crust