34 research outputs found
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Supplying the nuclear arsenal: Production reactor technology, management, and policy, 1942--1992
This book focuses on the lineage of America`s production reactors, those three at Hanford and their descendants, the reactors behind America`s nuclear weapons. The work will take only occasional sideways glances at the collateral lines of descent, the reactor cousins designed for experimental purposes, ship propulsion, and electric power generation. Over the decades from 1942 through 1992, fourteen American production reactors made enough plutonium to fuel a formidable arsenal of more than twenty thousand weapons. In the last years of that period, planners, nuclear engineers, and managers struggled over designs for the next generation of production reactors. The story of fourteen individual machines and of the planning effort to replace them might appear relatively narrow. Yet these machines lay at the heart of the nation`s nuclear weapons complex. The story of these machines is the story of arming the winning weapon, supplying the nuclear arms race. This book is intended to capture the history of the first fourteen production reactors, and associated design work, in the face of the end of the Cold War
Efeito do sódio na produção de biomassa e eficiência de uso de potássio em cultivares de arroz irrigado.
Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de sódio e níveis de potássio na produção de biomassa e na eficiência de utilização de potássio em seis cultivares de arroz irrigado, foi realizado o experimento em vasos, com solução nutritiva completa, na UFPel, no segundo semestre de 2006
Pengembangan Buku Teks Bahasa Indonesia Berbasis Media Komik Digital Bermuatan Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis
Keterampilan berpikir kritis merupakan keterampilan abad 21 yang harus diajarkan guru kepada peserta didik melalui pemanfaatan teknologi digital. Latar belakang penelitian dan pengembangan ini adalah peserta didik yang sulit memahami materi teks cerita fiksi serta untuk menghasilkan media pembelajaran komik digital sebagai inovasi pembelajaran pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia kelas IV Sekolah Dasar. Model pengembangan ADDIE yaitu mengimplementasikan secara langsung prosedur Analyze, Designe, Development, Implementation, dan Evaluation.Subjek dalam penelitian ini berupa produk media komik digital materi cerita fiksi. Metode dan instrumen pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan rating scale berupa lembar penilaian yang diberikan kepada 1 orang ahli materi, 1 orang ahli media, 1 orang praktisi dan 30 orang siswa kelas IV SD untuk mengetahui validitas media komik digital. Media komik digital vaid dengan : (a) hasil review ahli materi menunjukkan produk berpredikat sangat baik (92%), (b) hasil review ahli media komik digital berpredikat sangat baik (92%), (c) hasil review pengguna menunjukkan komik digital berpredikat sangat baik(98%). Ini berarti media komik digital valid secara isi dan layak digunakan sebagai media dan sumber belajar, sehingga menjadi solusi meminimalisir hambatan proses pembelajaran yang kurang optimal karena keterbatasan media pembelajaran dan sumber belajar