68,916 research outputs found

    Local linear spatial quantile regression

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    Copyright @ 2009 International Statistical Institute / Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability.Let {(Yi,Xi), i ∈ ZN} be a stationary real-valued (d + 1)-dimensional spatial processes. Denote by x → qp(x), p ∈ (0, 1), x ∈ Rd , the spatial quantile regression function of order p, characterized by P{Yi ≤ qp(x)|Xi = x} = p. Assume that the process has been observed over an N-dimensional rectangular domain of the form In := {i = (i1, . . . , iN) ∈ ZN|1 ≤ ik ≤ nk, k = 1, . . . , N}, with n = (n1, . . . , nN) ∈ ZN. We propose a local linear estimator of qp. That estimator extends to random fields with unspecified and possibly highly complex spatial dependence structure, the quantile regression methods considered in the context of independent samples or time series. Under mild regularity assumptions, we obtain a Bahadur representation for the estimators of qp and its first-order derivatives, from which we establish consistency and asymptotic normality. The spatial process is assumed to satisfy general mixing conditions, generalizing classical time series mixing concepts. The size of the rectangular domain In is allowed to tend to infinity at different rates depending on the direction in ZN (non-isotropic asymptotics). The method provides muchAustralian Research Counci

    Transverse spin effects of sea quarks in unpolarized nucleons

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    We calculate the non-zero Boer-Mulders functions of sea quarks inside the proton in a meson-baryon fluctuation model. The results show that the transverse spin effects of sea quarks in an unpolarized nucleon are sizable. Using the obtained antiquark Boer-Mulders functions, we estimate the cos2ϕ\cos 2 \phi asymmetries in the unpolarized pppp and pDp D Drell-Yan processes at FNAL E866/NuSea experiments. The prediction for the cos2ϕ\cos 2 \phi asymmetries in the unpolarized pppp Drell-Yan process at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) is also given.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Physical Review

    Proximity and anomalous field-effect characteristics in double-wall carbon nanotubes

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    Proximity effect on field-effect characteristic (FEC) in double-wall carbon nanotubes (DWCNTs) is investigated. In a semiconductor-metal (S-M) DWCNT, the penetration of electron wavefunctions in the metallic shell to the semiconducting shell turns the original semiconducting tube into a metal with a non-zero local density of states at the Fermi level. By using a two-band tight-binding model on a ladder of two legs, it is demonstrated that anomalous FEC observed in so-called S-M type DWCNTs can be fully understood by the proximity effect of metallic phases.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Double transverse spin asymmetry in the ppˉp^\uparrow\bar{p}^\uparrow Drell-Yan process from Sivers functions

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    We show that the transverse double spin asymmetry (DSA) in the Drell-Yan process contributed only from the Sivers functions can be picked out by the weighting function QTM2(cos(ϕϕS1)cos(ϕϕS2)+3sin(ϕϕS1)sin(ϕϕS2))\frac{Q_T}{M^2}(\cos(\phi-\phi_{S_1})\cos(\phi-\phi_{S_2})+3\sin(\phi-\phi_{S_1})\sin(\phi-\phi_{S_2})). The asymmetry is proportional to the product of two Sivers functions from each hadron f1T(1)×f1T(1)f_{1T}^{\perp(1)}\times f_{1T}^{\perp (1)}. Using two sets of Sivers functions extracted from the semi-inclusive deeply elastic scattering data at HERMES, we estimate this asymmetry in the ppˉp^\uparrow\bar{p}^\uparrow Drell-Yan process which is possible to be performed in HESR at GSI. The prediction of DSA in the Drell-Yan process contributed by the function g_{1T}(x,\Vec k_T^2), which can be extracted by the weighting function QTM2(3cos(ϕϕS1)cos(ϕϕS2)+sin(ϕϕS1)sin(ϕϕS2))\frac{Q_T}{M^2}(3\cos(\phi-\phi_{S_1})\cos(\phi-\phi_{S_2})+\sin(\phi-\phi_{S_1})\sin(\phi-\phi_{S_2})), is also given at GSI.Comment: 6 latex pages, 2 figures, to appear in PR

    Superconductivity mediated by the antiferromagnetic spin-wave in chalcogenide iron-base superconductors

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    The ground state of K0.8+x_{0.8+x}Fe1.6+y_{1.6+y}Se2_2 and other iron-based selenide superconductors are doped antiferromagnetic semiconductors. There are well defined iron local moments whose energies are separated from those of conduction electrons by a large band gap in these materials. We propose that the low energy physics of this system is governed by a model Hamiltonian of interacting electrons with on-site ferromagnetic exchange interactions and inter-site superexchange interactions. We have derived the effective pairing potential of electrons under the linear spin-wave approximation and shown that the superconductivity can be driven by mediating coherent spin wave excitations in these materials. Our work provides a natural account for the coexistence of superconducting and antiferromagnetic long range orders observed by neutron scattering and other experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure