12 research outputs found

    Composite materials for medical purposes basedon polyvinylpyrrolidone modified with ketoprofenand silver nanoparticles

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    A method for obtaining composite medical materials based on polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP K15) modified with ketoprofen in a medium of supercritical carbon dioxide and with Ag nanoparticles prepared by metal vapor synthesis is developed. A system in which ketoprofen and Ag nanoparticles with an average size of ~16 nm are uniformly distributed over the bulk of PVP is obtained. It is found that the yield of ketoprofen from the composite in the physiological solution is higher than that for an analogous system obtained by mechanical mixing of the components

    'RadioAstron'-A telescope with a size of 300 000 km: Main parameters and first observational results

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    The Russian Academy of Sciences and Federal Space Agency, together with the participation of many international organizations, worked toward the launch of the RadioAstron orbiting space observatory with its onboard 10-m reflector radio telescope from the Baikonur cosmodrome on July 18, 2011. Together with some of the largest ground-based radio telescopes and a set of stations for tracking, collecting, and reducing the data obtained, this space radio telescope forms a multi-antenna ground-space radio interferometer with extremely long baselines, making it possible for the first time to study various objects in the Universe with angular resolutions a million times better than is possible with the human eye. The project is targeted at systematic studies of compact radio-emitting sources and their dynamics. Objects to be studied include supermassive black holes, accretion disks, and relativistic jets in active galactic nuclei, stellar-mass black holes, neutron stars and hypothetical quark stars, regions of formation of stars and planetary systems in our and other galaxies, interplanetary and interstellar plasma, and the gravitational field of the Earth. The results of ground-based and inflight tests of the space radio telescope carried out in both autonomous and ground-space interferometric regimes are reported. The derived characteristics are in agreement with the main requirements of the project. The astrophysical science program has begun. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd