6,375 research outputs found

    Creation of the Nonconformal Scalar Particles in Nonstationary Metric

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    The nonconformal scalar field is considered in N-dimensional space-time with metric which includes, in particular, the cases of nonhomogeneous spaces and anisotropic spaces of Bianchi type-I. The modified Hamiltonian is constructed. Under the diagonalization of it the energy of quasiparticles is equal to the oscillator frequency of the wave equation. The density of particles created by nonstationary metric is investigated. It is shown that the densities of conformal and nonconformal particles created in Friedmann radiative-dominant Universe coincide.Comment: LaTeX, 4 pages, no figure

    Space-Time Description of Scalar Particle Creation by a Homogeneous Isotropic Gravitational Field

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    We give the generalization of the method of the space-time description of particle creation by a gravitational field for a scalar field with nonconformal coupling to the curvature. The space-time correlation function is obtained for a created pair of the quasi-particles, corresponding to a diagonal form of the instantaneous Hamiltonian. The case of an adiabatic change of the metric of homogeneous isotropic space is analyzed. We show that the created pairs of quasi-particles in de Sitter space should be interpreted as pairs of virtual particles.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Polarization of Thermal X-rays from Isolated Neutron Stars

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    Since the opacity of a magnetized plasma depends on polarization of radiation, the radiation emergent from atmospheres of neutron stars with strong magnetic fields is expected to be strongly polarized. The degree of linear polarization, typically ~10-30%, depends on photon energy, effective temperature and magnetic field. The spectrum of polarization is more sensitive to the magnetic field than the spectrum of intensity. Both the degree of polarization and the position angle vary with the neutron star rotation period so that the shape of polarization pulse profiles depends on the orientation of the rotational and magnetic axes. Moreover, as the polarization is substantially modified by the general relativistic effects, observations of polarization of X-ray radiation from isolated neutron stars provide a new method for evaluating the mass-to-radius ratio of these objects, which is particularly important for elucidating the properties of the superdense matter in the neutron star interiors.Comment: 7 figures, to be published in Ap

    Cold dark matter and primordial superheavy particles

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    The hypothesis that cold dark matter consists of primordial superheavy particles, the decay of short lifetime component of which led to the observable mass of matter while long living component survived up to modern times manifesting its presence in high energetic cosmic rays particles is investigated.Comment: LaTeX, 5 pages, no figure

    Classification of integrable hydrodynamic chains and generating functions of conservation laws

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    New approach to classification of integrable hydrodynamic chains is established. Generating functions of conservation laws are classified by the method of hydrodynamic reductions. N parametric family of explicit hydrodynamic reductions allows to reconstruct corresponding hydrodynamic chains. Plenty new hydrodynamic chains are found

    Atmospheres and Spectra of Strongly Magnetized Neutron Stars -- III. Partially Ionized Hydrogen Models

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    We construct partially ionized hydrogen atmosphere models for magnetized neutron stars in radiative equilibrium with surface fields B=10^12-5 \times 10^14 G and effective temperatures T_eff \sim a few \times 10^5-10^6 K. These models are based on the latest equation of state and opacity results for magnetized, partially ionized hydrogen plasmas that take into account various magnetic and dense medium effects. The atmospheres directly determine the characteristics of thermal emission from isolated neutron stars. For the models with B=10^12-10^13 G, the spectral features due to neutral atoms lie at extreme UV and very soft X-ray energy bands and therefore are difficult to observe. However, the continuum flux is also different from the fully ionized case, especially at lower energies. For the superstrong field models (B\ga 10^14 G), we show that the vacuum polarization effect not only suppresses the proton cyclotron line as shown previously, but also suppresses spectral features due to bound species; therefore spectral lines or features in thermal radiation are more difficult to observe when the neutron star magnetic field is \ga 10^14 G.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures; ApJ, accepted (v599: Dec 20, 2003

    High-energy threshold reaction rates on 0.8 GeV proton-irradiated thick Pb-target

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    This works presents results of activation-aided determination of threshold reaction rates in 92 209Bi, natPb, 197Au, 181Ta, 169Tm, natIn, 93Nb, 64Zn, 65Cu, 63Cu, 59Co, 19F, and 12C samples and in 121 27Al samples. All the samples were aligned with the proton beam axis inside and outside the demountable 92-cm thick Pb target of 15-cm diameter assembled of 23 4-cm thick discs. The samples were placed on 12 target disks to reproduce the long axis distribution of protons and neutrons. In June 2006, the target was exposed for 18 hours to a 800-MeV proton beam extracted from the ITEP U-10 accelerator. The proton fluence and the proton beam shape were determined using the 27Al(p,x)7Be monitor reaction. The reaction rates were determined by the direct gamma-spectrometry techniques. In total, 1196 gamma-spectra have been measured, and about 1500 reaction rates determined. The measured reaction rates were simulated by the MCNPX code using the following databases: ENDF/B6 for neutrons below 20 MeV, MENDL2 for 20-100 MeV neutrons, and MENDL2P for proton cross sections up to 200 MeV. An acceptable agreement of simulations with experimental data has been found.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables, only pdf file, to be published in Proc. Int. Conf. on Nucl. Data for Sci. and Technology (ND2007), Nice, France, April 22-27, 200

    Residual nuclide formation in 206,207,208,nat-Pb and 209-Bi induced by 0.04-2.6 GeV Protons as well as in 56-Fe induced by 0.3-2.6 GeV Protons

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    5972 independent and cumulative yields of radioactive residuals nuclei have been measured in 55 thin 206,207,208,nat-Pb and 209-Bi targets irradiated by 0.04, 0.07, 0.10, 0.15, 0.25, 0.6, 0.8, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, and 2.6 GeV protons. Besides, 219 yields have been measured in 0.3, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.6 GeV proton-irradiated 56-Fe target. The protons were extracted from the ITEP U-10 synchrotron. The measured data are compared with experimental results obtained elsewhere and with theoretical calculations by LAHET, MCNPX, CEM03, LAQGSM03, CASCADE, CASCADO, and LAHETO codes. The predictive power was found to be different for each of the codes tested, but was satisfactory on the whole in the case of spallation products. At the same time, none of the codes can de-scribe well the product yields throughout the whole product mass range, and all codes must be further improved.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables, only pdf file, to be published in Proc. Int. Conf. on Nucl. Data for Sci. and Technology (ND2007), Nice, France, April 22-27, 20

    Whitham systems and deformations

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    We consider the deformations of Whitham systems including the "dispersion terms" and having the form of Dubrovin-Zhang deformations of Frobenius manifolds. The procedure is connected with B.A. Dubrovin problem of deformations of Frobenius manifolds corresponding to the Whitham systems of integrable hierarchies. Under some non-degeneracy requirements we suggest a general scheme of the deformation of the hyperbolic Whitham systems using the initial non-linear system. The general form of the deformed Whitham system coincides with the form of the "low-dispersion" asymptotic expansions used by B.A. Dubrovin and Y. Zhang in the theory of deformations of Frobenius manifolds.Comment: 27 pages, Late
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