3 research outputs found

    Progress on development of the new FDIRC PID detector

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    We present a progress status of a new concept of PID detector called FDIRC, intended to be used at the SuperB experiment, which requires pi/K separation up to a few GeV/c. The new photon camera is made of the solid fused-silica optics with a volume 25 x smaller and speed increased by a factor of 10 compared to the BaBar DIRC, and therefore will be much less sensitive to electromagnetic and neutron background. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Study of H-8500 MaPMT for the FDIRC detector at SuperB

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    An overview of ongoing studies on the Hamamatsu H-8500 Multi-Anode Photomultiplier (MaPMT) is presented. This device will be used for the FDIRC Particle Identification Detector (PID) of the SuperB experiment. The H-8500 MaPMT has been chosen for its excellent single photon timing capabilities and its highly pixilated design. Results on timing studies, gain uniformity, single photoelectron detection efficiency uniformity and cross-talk are presented

    SuperB Progress Reports -- Detector

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    his report describes the present status of the detector design for SuperB. It is one of four separate progress reports that, taken collectively, describe progress made on the SuperB Project since the publication of the SuperB Conceptual Design Report in 2007 and the Proceedings of SuperB Workshop VI in Valencia in 2008. The other three reports relate to Physics, Accelerator and Computing