26 research outputs found

    Square root and division elimination in PVS

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    International audienceIn this paper we present a new strategy for PVS that imple- ments a square root and division elimination in order to use automatic arithmetic strategies that were not able to deal with these operations in the ﰁrst place. This strategy relies on a PVS formalization of the square root and division elimination and deep embedding of PVS expressions inside PVS. Therefore using computational reﰂection and symbolic com- putation we are able to automatically transform expressions into division and square root free ones before using these decision procedures

    An Incremental Approach to AbstractionCarrying Code

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    Abstract. Abstraction-Carrying Code (ACC) has recently been proposed as a framework for Proof-Carrying Code (PCC) in which the code model of the program) whose validity entails compliance with a predefined safety policy. Existing approaches for PCC are developed under the assumption that the consumer reads and validates the entire program w.r.t. the full certificate at once, in a non incremental way. In the context of ACC, we propose an incremental approach to PCC for the generation of certificates and the checking of untrusted updates of a (trusted) program, i.e., when a producer provides a modified version of a previously validated program. Our proposal is that, if the consumer keeps the original (fixed-point) abstraction, it is possible to provide only the program updates and the incremental certificate (i.e., the difference of abstractions). Furthermore, it is now possible to define an incremental checking algorithm which, given the new updates and its incremental certificate, only re-checks the fixpoint for each procedure affected by the updates and the propagation of the effect of these fixpoint changes. As a consequence, both certificate transmission time and checking time can be reduced significantly.

    Proof-producing program analysis

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    Proof-producing program analysis augments the invariants inferred by an abstract interpreter with their correctness proofs. If these invariants are precise enough to guarantee safety, this method is an automatic verification tool. We present proof-synthesis algorithms for a simple flow chart language and domains V → V mapping variables to abstract values and discuss some benefits for proof carrying code systems. Our work has been carried out in Isabelle/HOL and incorporated within a verified proof carrying code system

    Formalising Executable Specifications of Low-Level Systems

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    International audienceFormal models of low-level applications rely often on the distinction between executable layer and underlying hardware abstraction. This is also the case for the model of Pip, a separation kernel formalised and verified in Coq using a shallow embedding. DEC is a deeply embedded imperative typed language with primitive recursion and specified in terms of small-step semantics, which we developed in Coq as a reified counterpart of the shallow embedding used for Pip. In this paper, we introduce DEC and its semantics, we present its interpreter based on the type soundness proof and extracted to Haskell, we introduce a Hoare logic to reason about DEC code, and we use this logic to verify properties of Pip as a case study, comparing the new proofs with those based on the shallow embedding. Notably DEC can import shallow specifications as external functions, thus allowing for reuse of the abstract hardware model

    Abstraction-Carrying Code

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    Abstract. Proof-Carrying Code (PCC) is a general approach to mobile code safety in which programs are augmented with a certificate (or proof). The practical uptake of PCC greatly depends on the existence of a variety of enabling technologies which allow both to prove programs correct and to replace a costly verification process by an efficient checking procedure on the consumer side. In this work we propose Abstraction-Carrying Code (ACC), a novel approach which uses abstract interpretation as enabling technology. We argue that the large body of applications of abstract interpretation to program verification is amenable to the overall PCC scheme. In particular, we rely on an expressive class of safety policies which can be defined over different abstract domains. We use an abstraction (or abstract model) of the program computed by standard static analyzers as a certificate. The validity of the abstraction on the consumer side is checked in a single-pass by a very efficient and specialized abstract-interpreter. We believe that ACC brings the interpretation techniques to the area of mobile code safety. We have implemented and benchmarked ACC within the Ciao system preprocessor. The experimental results show that the checking phase is indeed faster than the proof generation phase, and that the sizes of certificates are reasonable.