640 research outputs found

    Effects of nuclear molecular configurations on the astrophysical S-factor for 16^{16}O + 16^{16}O

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    The impact of nuclear molecular configurations on the astrophysical S-factor for 16^{16}O + 16^{16}O is investigated within the realistic two-center shell model based on Woods-Saxon potentials. These molecular effects refer to the formation of a neck between the interacting nuclei and the radial dependent collective mass parameter. It is demonstrated that the former is crucial to explain the current experimental data with high accuracy and without any free parameter, whilst in addition the latter predicts a pronounced maximum in the S-factor. In contrast to very recent results by Jiang et al., the S-factor does not decline towards extremely low values as energy decreases.Comment: In press in Physics Letters

    A simple analytic model for astrophysical S-factors

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    We propose a physically transparent analytic model of astrophysical S-factors as a function of a center-of-mass energy E of colliding nuclei (below and above the Coulomb barrier) for non-resonant fusion reactions. For any given reaction, the S(E)-model contains four parameters [two of which approximate the barrier potential, U(r)]. They are easily interpolated along many reactions involving isotopes of the same elements; they give accurate practical expressions for S(E) with only several input parameters for many reactions. The model reproduces the suppression of S(E) at low energies (of astrophysical importance) due to the shape of the low-r wing of U(r). The model can be used to reconstruct U(r) from computed or measured S(E). For illustration, we parameterize our recent calculations of S(E) (using the Sao Paulo potential and the barrier penetration formalism) for 946 reactions involving stable and unstable isotopes of C, O, Ne, and Mg (with 9 parameters for all reactions involving many isotopes of the same elements, e.g., C+O). In addition, we analyze astrophysically important 12C+12C reaction, compare theoretical models with experimental data, and discuss the problem of interpolating reliably known S(E) values to low energies (E <= 2-3 MeV).Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, Phys. Rev. C, accepte

    Impact of Nuclear Reaction Uncertainties on AGB Nucleosynthesis Models

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    Asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars with low initial mass (1 - 3 Msun) are responsible for the production of neutron-capture elements through the main s-process (main slow neutron capture process). The major neutron source is 13C(alpha, n)16O, which burns radiatively during the interpulse periods at about 8 keV and produces a rather low neutron density (10^7 n/cm^3). The second neutron source 22Ne(alpha, n)25Mg, partially activated during the convective thermal pulses when the energy reaches about 23 keV, gives rise to a small neutron exposure but a peaked neutron density (Nn(peak) > 10^11 n/cm^3). At metallicities close to solar, it does not substantially change the final s-process abundances, but mainly affects the isotopic ratios near s-path branchings sensitive to the neutron density. We examine the effect of the present uncertainties of the two neutron sources operating in AGB stars, as well as the competition with the 22Ne(alpha, gamma)26Mg reaction. The analysis is carried out on AGB the main-s process component (reproduced by an average between M(AGB; ini) = 1.5 and 3 Msun at half solar metallicity, see Arlandini et al. 1999), using a set of updated nucleosynthesis models. Major effects are seen close to the branching points. In particular, 13C(alpha, n)16O mainly affects 86Kr and 87Rb owing to the branching at 85Kr, while small variations are shown for heavy isotopes by decreasing or increasing our adopted rate by a factor of 2 - 3. By changing our 22Ne(alpha, n)25Mg rate within a factor of 2, a plausible reproduction of solar s-only isotopes is still obtained. We provide a general overview of the major consequences of these variations on the s-path. A complete description of each branching will be presented in Bisterzo et al., in preparation.Comment: Proceedings of Science 108, XII International Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos 2012 (Cairns, Australia); 6 pages, 2 figure

    Extracting the rp-process from X-ray burst light curves

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    The light curves of type I X-ray bursts (XRBs) result from energy released from the atmosphere of a neutron star when accreted hydrogen and helium ignite and burn explosively via the rp-process. Since charged particle reaction rates are both density and very temperature dependent, a simulation model must provide accurate values of these variables to predict the reaction flow. This paper uses a self-consistent one-dimensional model calculation with a constant accretion rate of dM/dt=5e16g/s (0.045 Eddington) and reports on the detailed rp-process reaction flow of a given burst.Comment: 4 pages, submitted to Nucl. Phys. A as part of the Nuclei in Cosmos 8 proceeding

    CEMP-s and CEMP-s/r stars: last update

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    We provide an updated discussion of the sample of CEMP-s and CEMP-s/r stars collected from the literature. Observations are compared with the theoretical nucleosynthesis models of asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars presented by Bisterzo et al. (2010, 2011, 2012), in the light of the most recent spectroscopic results.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, New advances in stellar physics: from microscopic to macroscopic processes, May 27-31 2013, Roscoff, France, EDP Science, EAS Publications Series, in pres

    The Influence of Reaction Rates on the Final p-Abundances

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    The astrophysical p-process is responsible for the origin of the proton rich nuclei,which are heavier than iron. A huge network involving thousands of reaction rates is necessary to calculate the final p-abundances. But not all rates included in the network have a strong influence on the p-nuclei abundances. The p-process was investigated using a full nuclear reaction network for a type II supernovae explosion when the shock front passes through the O/Ne layer. Calculations were done with a multi-layer model adopting the seed of a pre-explosion evolution of a 25 mass star. In extensive simulations we investigated the impact of single reaction rates on the final p-abundances. The results are important for the strategy of future experiments in this field.Comment: 4 page

    The rp Process Ashes from Stable Nuclear Burning on an Accreting Neutron Star

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    We calculate the nucleosynthesis during stable nuclear burning on an accreting neutron star. This is appropriate for weakly magnetic neutron stars accreting at near-Eddington rates in low mass X-ray binaries, and for most accreting X-ray pulsars. We show that the nuclear burning proceeds via the rapid proton capture process (rp process), and makes nuclei far beyond the iron group. The final mixture of nuclei consists of elements with a range of masses between approximately A=60 and A=100. The average nuclear mass of the ashes is set by the extent of helium burning via (alpha,p) reactions, and depends on the local accretion rate. Our results imply that the crust of these accreting neutron stars is made from a complex mixture of heavy nuclei, with important implications for its thermal, electrical and structural properties. A crustal lattice as impure as our results suggest will have a conductivity set mostly by impurity scattering, allowing more rapid Ohmic diffusion of magnetic fields than previously estimated.Comment: To appear in the Astrophysical Journal (33 pages, LaTeX, including 11 postscript figures