791 research outputs found

    Perspective and Prospects of Commencing New Education Policy (NEP) of Pakistan: A Review of Conference.

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    This article focuses on four important factors: Assessment, Curriculum and Text Books’ Policy, Teachers for quality education and Education and management, as formulated by Education and Literacy Department of Sindh Government. Open poll discussions and views given by educationists and experts were taken. All the views have been summarized for consideration by all concerned. Chief Minister Sindh, Arbab Ghulam Rahim, Javed Hussain, Education Minister, Hamida Khoro and Education Secretary to Government of Sindh, Ghulam Ali Pasha also shared their opinions on the new Education Policy and Government’s intention to ensure quality education in Sindh Province. The purpose of this article is to review and summarize the views presented in the Education Conference and reach fruitful conclusions. The implications are also made keeping in mind the targets of New Millennium Development Goals (NMDGs).Assessment, Curriculum and Text Book Policy, Education and Management, Literacy

    Family Types, Authority Structure and Women Workers in Sindh Labor Force: Problems and Prospects

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    The development of a society is virtually dependent upon the quality of human resources both male and female, the changing pattern of economic and social development of world societies irrespective of their level of development, necessitates and equal advancement of both the social segments. The numerical reality that women constitute about nearly half of the total population of Sindh ideally assigns to them equal participating role in the economic life of the province. However, like other developing countries, women’s role in Sindh as an active worker-producer of goods and services has not been duly recognized by this male dominated society. With the objective of ensuring increased participation of women, clear-cut guidelines about integrating women in the development process and defining their roles are still lacking in Sindh. The present study is a step in the direction of bridging the gap of information about female labor force participation of Sindh in different, activity rates, industry group, occupation group and employment status in 1981 and 1998 population census. The most important conclusion that emerges from this study is that though percentage of women labor force in different, activities, industry group, occupation group and employment status has mostly increased in 1998 as compared to 1981, but being nearly half of the population this increase is still very low.Family, Authority, Problems, Female, Labor Force, Sindh

    Family Types, Authority Structure and Women Workers in Sindh Labor Force: Problems and Prospects

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    The development of a society is virtually dependent upon the quality of human resources both male and female, the changing pattern of economic and social development of world societies irrespective of their level of development, necessitates and equal advancement of both the social segments. The numerical reality that women constitute about nearly half of the total population of Sindh ideally assigns to them equal participating role in the economic life of the province. However, like other developing countries, women’s role in Sindh as an active worker-producer of goods and services has not been duly recognized by this male dominated society. With the objective of ensuring increased participation of women, clear-cut guidelines about integrating women in the development process and defining their roles are still lacking in Sindh. The present study is a step in the direction of bridging the gap of information about female labor force participation of Sindh in different, activity rates, industry group, occupation group and employment status in 1981 and 1998 population census. The most important conclusion that emerges from this study is that though percentage of women labor force in different, activities, industry group, occupation group and employment status has mostly increased in 1998 asFamily, Authority, Problems, Female, Labor Force, Sindh

    Opisthodorylairnus N. gen., and some new and known species of Dorylaimoidea (Nematoda) from India

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    A new genus Opisthodorylaimus closely related to Thornenema Andrassy, 1959 and Mesodorylaimus Andrhssy, 1959 is proposed, along with the description of three new species, viz., O. maqsoodi n. sp. (type), O. caudatus n. sp., and O. chamoliensis n. sp. It differs from Thornenema in having an unsclerotized lip region and a broad odontostyle, while from Mesodorylaimus it differs in having an opisthomonodelphic reproductive system as well as a broad odontostyle. Jairajpuria oryzae n. sp. differs from J. shamimi Baqri & Jana, 1980 in the shape of lip region, posteriorly situated vulva, unsclerotized vagina and in the absence of a sphincter at the oviduct-uterus junction. Dorylaimus siddiqii n. sp. is close to D. thornei AndrBssy, 1969, but differs in having a shorter and narrower body, differently shaped lip region, smaller and narrower odontostyle and ina bthsen ce of vulval papillae. Calodorylaimus indicus n. sp. differs from C. octo Andrassy, 1969 in having a smaller body, shorter odontostyle, longer oesophagus, posterior vulva and smaller spicules and tail. The male of Thornenema cavalcantii is redescribed. Laimydorus pseudostagnalis and Afrodorylaimus geniculatusa re reportedf or the first time from India

    Livestock: A Reliable Source of Income Generation and Rehabilitation of Environment at Tharparkar

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    This paper attempts to identify the farming and growth rate of livestock and demographic conditions helping in its growth and focus is specially to examine: (i) to know the trend of growth of performance of livestock farming; (ii) to promote fencing of farmland and conservation of rangeland for fodder (iii) to find the new topics for further research. Hypothesis given bellow are tested in the light of above objectives: (i). it is hypothysed that livestock farming is reliable source of income generation; (ii). it is also hypothysed that reforming of farmland and rangeland will provide abundant fodder and will prove sustainable source of income generation and rehabilitation of environment. Two alternatives hypothesis are also set: (i). livestock farming is not reliable source of income generation, if properly managed too. (ii) reforming of farmland and rangeland will not provide abundant fodder and will prove sustainable source of income generation and rehabilitation of environment. The study reveals that the important component of agriculture sector is livestock and is an insurance against harvest failures and a source of easily cashable investment capital. It has more than 22 percentage of share of whole province’s livestock. Agriculture dependent families are 81 percent and 92 percent families have opinion that livestock is the only first level sustainable source of livelihood in Tharparkar and needs more attention of researchers to evaluate it.Livestock, Trends, Comparison, Tharparkar, Growth rate, Rehabilitation, Reforming

    Relationship of serum adiponectin and resistin to glucose intolerance and fat topography in south-Asians

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    Objectives South-Asians have lower adiponectin levels compared to Caucasians. It was not clear however, if this intrinsic feature is related to aspects of glucose metabolism. This study aims to determine the relationship between body fat distribution and adipocytokine in South-Asian subjects by measuring serum adipocytokines, adiposity, insulinemia, and glucose tolerance levels. Methods In this cross-sectional study, 150 South-Asians (80 males, 70 females) were included, 60 had NGT (Control group, Age 51.33 ± 11.5, BMI 27 ± 2.3), 60 had IGT (Age 57.7 ± 12.5, BMI 27.2 ± 2.7), 30 had type 2 DM (Age 49.5 ± 10.9, BMI 28 ± 1.7). Measures of adiposity, adipocytokines and other metabolic parameters were determined. Parameters were measured using the following: a) Plasma glucose by glucose oxidase method b) CRP by immunoturbidimetric method (Roche/Hitachi analyser) c) insulin by Medgenix INS-ELISA immunoenzymetric assay by Biosource (Belgium) d) Leptin, Adiponectin by radioimmunoassay kits by Linco Research (St. Charles MO) e) Resistin by immunoassay kits by Phoenix Pharmaceuticals INC (530 Harbor Boulevard, Belmont CA 94002, USA). Results Adiponectin concentrations were highest in NGT, decreased in IGT and lowest in DMT2, (both p < 0.01). Leptin was significantly higher in DMT2 than IGT and NGT p = 0.02 and 0.04 respectively. There was a significant positive relationships between log adiponectin and 2-hr insulin values, p = 0.028 and history of hypertensions and a ischemic heart disease p = 0.008 with R = 0.65. There was a significant inverse correlation between log adiponectin and resistin, p < 0.01. Conclusion Resistin levels had an inverse correlation with adiponectin levels, indicating an inverse relationship between pro-inflammatory cytokines and adiponectin. Adiponectin levels were related to glucose tolerance

    Smart Energy Management System for Minimizing Electricity Cost and Peak to Average Ratio in Residential Areas with Hybrid Genetic Flower Pollination Algorithm

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    Demand Side Management (DSM) plays a significant role in the smart grid to minimize Electricity Cost (EC). Home Energy Management Systems (HEMSs) have recently been studied and proposed explicitly for HEM. In this paper, we propose a novel nature-inspired hybrid Genetic Flower Pollination Algorithm (GFPA) to minimize cost with an affordable delay in appliance scheduling. Our proposed GFPA algorithm combines elements of the Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Flower Pollination Algorithm (FPA) to create a hybrid approach. To assess the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, we consider a scalable town consisting of 1, 10, 30, and 50 homes, respectively. The proposed solution finds an optimal scheduling pattern that simultaneously minimizes EC and Peak to Average Ratio (PAR) while maximizing User Comfort (UC). We assume that all homes are homogeneous regarding appliances and power consumption patterns. Simulation results show that our proposed scheme GFPA performs better when applying Critical Peak Pricing (CPP) signal using different Operational Time Intervals (OTIs) and compared with unscheduled, GA, and FPA-based solutions in terms of reducing cost since they achieve on average 98%, 36%, 23%, and 22%, respectively. Similarly, PAR averages 98%, 36%, 59%, and 55%, respectively. While, UC comparing to GA and FPA, are around 88%, 48%, and 63%, respectively. Our proposed scheme achieves better results by applying Real Time Pricing (RTP) signals and different OTIs. As these schemes, i.e., unscheduled, GA, FPA, and GFPA, achieve cost on average 92%, 50%, 29%, and 28%, respectively. While PAR on average 94%, 39%, 62%, and 56%, and UC for GA, FPA, and GFPA on average 98%, 52%, and 49%, respectively. Overall, ourproposed GFPA algorithm offers a more effective solution for minimizing EC with an affordable delay in appliance scheduling while considering PAR and UC
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