1,934 research outputs found
The local space density of dwarf galaxies
We estimate the luminosity function of field galaxies over a range of ten
magnitudes (-22 < M_{B_J} < -12 for H_0 = 100 km/s/Mpc) by counting the number
of faint APM galaxies around Stromlo-APM redshift survey galaxies at known
distance. The faint end of the luminosity function rises steeply at M_{B_J}
\approx -15, implying that the space density of dwarf galaxies is at least two
times larger than predicted by a Schechter function with flat faint-end slope.
Such a high abundance of dwarf galaxies at low redshift can help explain the
observed number counts and redshift distributions of faint galaxies without
invoking exotic models for galaxy evolution.Comment: 20 pages, 5 included postscript figures, uses AAS LaTex macros.
Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. Two figures and
associated discussion added; results and conclusions unchange
Two-Dimensional Topology of the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey
We study the topology of the publicly available data released by the 2dFGRS.
The 2dFGRS data contains over 100,000 galaxy redshifts with a magnitude limit
of b_J=19.45 and is the largest such survey to date. The data lie over a wide
range of right ascension (75 degree strips) but only within a narrow range of
declination (10 degree and 15 degree strips). This allows measurements of the
two-dimensional genus to be made.
The NGP displays a slight meatball shift topology, whereas the SGP displays a
bubble like topology. The current SGP data also have a slightly higher genus
amplitude. In both cases, a slight excess of overdense regions are found over
underdense regions. We assess the significance of these features using mock
catalogs drawn from the Virgo Consortium's Hubble Volume LCDM z=0 simulation.
We find that differences between the NGP and SGP genus curves are only
significant at the 1 sigma level. The average genus curve of the 2dFGRS agrees
well with that extracted from the LCDM mock catalogs.
We compare the amplitude of the 2dFGRS genus curve to the amplitude of a
Gaussian random field with the same power spectrum as the 2dFGRS and find,
contradictory to results for the 3D genus of other samples, that the amplitude
of the GRF genus curve is slightly lower than that of the 2dFGRS. This could be
due to a a feature in the current data set or the 2D genus may not be as
sensitive as the 3D genus to non-linear clustering due to the averaging over
the thickness of the slice in 2D. (Abridged)Comment: Submitted to ApJ A version with Figure 1 in higher resolution can be
obtained from http://www.physics.drexel.edu/~hoyle
The Power Spectrum of the PSC Redshift Survey
We measure the redshift-space power spectrum P(k) for the recently completed
IRAS Point Source Catalogue (PSC) redshift survey, which contains 14500
galaxies over 84% of the sky with 60 micron flux >= 0.6 Jansky. Comparison with
simulations shows that our estimated errors on P(k) are realistic, and that
systematic errors due to the finite survey volume are small for wavenumbers k
>~ 0.03 h Mpc^-1. At large scales our power spectrum is intermediate between
those of the earlier QDOT and 1.2 Jansky surveys, but with considerably smaller
error bars; it falls slightly more steeply to smaller scales. We have fitted
families of CDM-like models using the Peacock-Dodds formula for non-linear
evolution; the results are somewhat sensitive to the assumed small-scale
velocity dispersion \sigma_V. Assuming a realistic \sigma_V \approx 300 km/s
yields a shape parameter \Gamma ~ 0.25 and normalisation b \sigma_8 ~ 0.75; if
\sigma_V is as high as 600 km/s then \Gamma = 0.5 is only marginally excluded.
There is little evidence for any `preferred scale' in the power spectrum or
non-Gaussian behaviour in the distribution of large-scale power.Comment: Latex, uses mn.sty, 14 pages including 11 Postscript figures.
Accepted by MNRA
Comparison of API 20E and PCR for identification of Salmonella
API 20E and invA PCR were compared for diagnostic accuracy for Salmonella for 310 bacterial isolates from 3 Illinois swine farms. Reactions based on Triple Sugar Iron agar, Lysine Iron Agar, and Salmonella O (poly A/B) antisera tests were also considered
The Apparent and Intrinsic Shape of the APM Galaxy Clusters
We estimate the distribution of intrinsic shapes of APM galaxy clusters from
the distribution of their apparent shapes. We measure the projected cluster
ellipticities using two alternative methods. The first method is based on
moments of the discrete galaxy distribution while the second is based on
moments of the smoothed galaxy distribution. We study the performance of both
methods using Monte Carlo cluster simulations covering the range of APM cluster
distances and including a random distribution of background galaxies. We find
that the first method suffers from severe systematic biases, whereas the second
is more reliable. After excluding clusters dominated by substructure and
quantifying the systematic biases in our estimated shape parameters, we recover
a corrected distribution of projected ellipticities. We use the non-parametric
kernel method to estimate the smooth apparent ellipticity distribution, and
numerically invert a set of integral equations to recover the corresponding
distribution of intrinsic ellipticities under the assumption that the clusters
are either oblate or prolate spheroids. The prolate spheroidal model fits the
APM cluster data best.Comment: 8 pages, including 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA
Extragalactic Foregrounds of the Cosmic Microwave Background: Prospects for the MAP Mission
(Abridged) While the major contribution to the Cosmic Microwave Background
(CMB) anisotropies are the sought-after primordial fluctuations produced at the
surface of last scattering, other effects produce secondary fluctuations at
lower redshifts. Here, we study the extragalactic foregrounds of the CMB in the
context of the upcoming MAP mission. We first survey the major extragalactic
foregrounds and show that discrete sources, the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect,
and gravitational lensing are the most dominant ones for MAP. We then show that
MAP will detect (>5 sigma) about 46 discrete sources and 10 SZ clusters
directly with 94 GHz fluxes above 2 Jy. The mean SZ fluxes of fainter clusters
can be probed by cross-correlating MAP with cluster positions extracted from
existing catalogs. For instance, a MAP-XBACs cross-correlation will be
sensitive to clusters with S(94GHz)>200mJy, and will thus provide a test of
their virialization state and a measurement of their gas fraction. Finally, we
consider probing the hot gas on supercluster scales by cross-correlating the
CMB with galaxy catalogs. Assuming that galaxies trace the gas, we show that a
cross-correlation between MAP and the APM catalog should yield a marginal
detection, or at least a four-fold improvement on the COBE upper limits for the
rms Compton y-parameter.Comment: 27 LaTeX pages, including 5 ps figures and 2 tables. To appear in
ApJ. Minor revisions to match accepted version. Color figures and further
links available at http://www.astro.princeton.edu/~refreg
Dynamics of glomerular ultrafiltration: VI. Studies in the primate
Dynamics of glomerular ultrafiltration: VI. Studies in the primate. Pressures and flows were measured in accessible surface glomeruli of the squirrel monkey under conditions of normal hydropenia. Mean glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressure and the mean glomerular transcapillary hydrostatic pressure difference (ÎP) averaged approximately 45 mm Hg and 35 mm Hg, respectively. These findings are in close accord with recent direct estimates in the rat. The net driving force for ultrafiltration was found to decline from a maximum value of about 12 mm Hg at the afferent end of the glomerular capillary network essentially to zero by the efferent end, indicating that, in the monkey as in the rat, filtration pressure equilibrium is achieved under normal hydropenic conditions. The monkey differs from the rat in one important respect, however, in that, as has long been recognized, the monkey tends to have higher systemic total plasma protein concentrations (CA) than the rat. This is of interest since monkey, like man, is found to have lower filtration fractions than the rat. Since ÎP is found to be essentially similar in monkey and rat, and since, at filtration pressure equilibrium, filtration fraction is determined by ÎP and CA, these observed differences in filtration fraction between rodent and primate must therefore be due to these differences in CA
Mg II Absorber Number Density at z~0.05: Implications for Omega_DLA Evolution
An unbiased sample of 147 quasar/AGN spectra, obtained with the FOS/HST, has
been searched for intervening MgII absorbers over the redshift range 0<z<0.15.
The total redshift path searched is 18.8, with the survey being 80% complete to
a 5-sigma rest-frame equivalent width, W_r(2796), of 0.6 Ang. Main results of
this work are: [1] Four systems were found, with a mean redshift of =0.06,
yielding a redshift number density dN/dz=0.22(+0.12)(-0.09) for absorbers with
W_r(2796)>0.6 Ang. This is consistent with the value expected if these systems
do not evolve from higher redshifts (z=2.2). [2] No systems with W_r(2796)<0.6
Ang were found. It is a 2-sigma result to have a null detection of smaller
W_r(2796) systems. If this implies a turnover in the low W_r(2796) region of
the equivalent width distribution at z~0, then there is at least a 25%
reduction in the average galaxy gas cross section from z<0.2 galaxies. [3]
These systems have strong FeII absorption and are good candidates for damped
Ly-alpha absorbers DLAs (see Rao & Turnshek 2000, ApJS, 130, 1). This
translates to a redshift number density of dN/dz=0.08(+0.09)(-0.05) for DLAs at
z~0. In tandem with the data analyzed by Rao & Turnshek, these results indicate
that the redshift number density of DLAs does not evolve from z~4 to z~0. If
the HI mass function does not evolve from z~0.5 to z~0, then the cosmological
HI mass density is also deduced to not evolve from z~4 to z~0. These z~0
results for MgII absorption-selected DLAs are at odds with those based upon
21-cm emission from HI galaxies by a factor of five to six.Comment: 23 pages, 7 Figures, accepted to ApJ. Replaced version includes
additional figures and tables and substantial modifications to the tex
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