35 research outputs found

    Positive schizotypy and Motor Impulsivity correlate with response aberrations in ventral attention network during inhibitory control

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    Inhibitory control (IC) aberrations are present in various psychopathologies, including schizophrenia spectrum and personality disorders, especially in association with antisocial or violent behaviour. We investigated behavioural and neural associations between IC and psychopathology-related traits of schizotypy [Oxford-Liverpool Inventory of Feelings and Experiences (O-LIFE)], psychopathy [Triarchic Psychopathy Measure (TriPM)], and impulsivity [Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS-11)], using a novel Go/No-Go Task (GNG) featuring human avatars in 78 healthy adults (25 males, 53 females; mean age = 25.96 years, SD = 9.85) and whole-brain functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in a separate sample of 22 right-handed healthy individuals (7 males, 15 females; mean age = 24.13 years, SD = 5.40). Behaviourally, O-LIFE Impulsive Nonconformity (impulsive, anti-social, and eccentric behaviour) significantly predicted 16 % of variance in false alarms (FAs). O-LIFE Unusual Experiences (positive schizotypy) and BIS-11 Motor Impulsivity predicted 15 % of d prime (d’) (sensitivity index) for the fastest (400 ms) GNG trials. When examined using fMRI, higher BIS-11 Motor Impulsivity uniquely, and also together with Unusual Experiences, was associated with lower activity in the left lingual gyrus during successful inhibition (correct No-Go over baseline). Additionally, higher Impulsive Nonconformity was associated with lower activity in the caudate nucleus and anterior cingulate during No-Go compared to Go stimuli reactions. Positive schizotypy, motor, and antisocial-schizotypal impulsivity correlate with some common but mostly distinct neural activation patterns during response inhibition in areas within or associated with the ventral attention network

    Scenario-specific aberrations of social reward processing in dimensional schizotypy and psychopathy

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    Data availability: The datasets generated and/or analysed for the investigations reported in this paper are available in the OSF repository, https://osf.io/fp6qb/, https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/FP6QB.Copyright © The Author(s) 2022. The feelings of reward associated with social interaction help to motivate social behaviour and influence preferences for different types of social contact. In two studies conducted in a general population sample, we investigated self-reported and experimentally-assessed social reward processing in personality spectra with prominent interpersonal features, namely schizotypy and psychopathy. Study 1 (n = 154) measured social reward processing using the Social Reward Questionnaire, and a modified version of a Monetary and Social Incentive Delay Task. Study 2 (n = 42; a subsample of Study 1) investigated social reward processing using a Social Reward Subtype Incentive Delay Task. Our results show that schizotypy (specifically Cognitive-Perceptual dimension) and psychopathy (specifically Lifestyle dimension) are associated with diverging responses to social scenarios involving large gatherings or meeting new people (Sociability), with reduced processing in schizotypy and heightened processing in psychopathy. No difference, however, occurred for other social scenarios—with similar patterns of increased antisocial (Negative Social Potency) and reduced prosocial (Admiration, Sociability) reward processing across schizotypy and psychopathy dimensions. Our findings contribute new knowledge on social reward processing within these personality spectra and, with the important exception of Sociability, highlight potentially converging patterns of social reward processing in association with schizotypy and psychopathy.L.A.W and M.V. were supported by Brunel University London College of Health, Medicine, and Life Sciences Doctoral Scholarships and L.E. was supported by Erasmus+ programme

    Distinct neural signatures of schizotypy and psychopathy during visual word-nonword recognition

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    Data availability statement: The data used in this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.Copyright © 2022 The Authors. Previous behavioural data indicate lower word-nonword recognition accuracy in association with a high level of positive schizotypy, psychopathy, or motor impulsivity traits, each with some unique contribution, in the general population. This study aimed to examine the neural underpinnings of these associations using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in a volunteer sample. Twenty-two healthy English-speaking adults completed self-report measures of schizotypy (Oxford-Liverpool Inventory of Feelings and Experiences [O-LIFE]), psychopathy (Triarchic Psychopathy Measure [TriPM]), and impulsivity (Barratt Impulsiveness Scale [BIS-11]) and underwent whole-brain fMRI while performing a lexical decision task (LDT) featuring high and low-frequency words, real nonwords, and pseudohomophones. Higher positive schizotypy (Unusual Experiences) was associated with lower cerebellum activity during identification of low-frequency words (over real nonwords). Higher Boldness (fearless dominance) and Meanness (callous aggression) facets of psychopathy were associated with lower striatal and posterior cingulate activity when identifying nonwords over words. Higher Motor Impulsivity was associated with lower activity in the fusiform (bilaterally), inferior frontal (right-sided), and temporal gyri (bilaterally) across all stimuli-types over resting baseline. Positive schizotypy, psychopathy, and impulsivity traits influence word-nonword recognition through distinct neurocognitive mechanisms. Positive schizotypy and psychopathy appear to influence LDT performance through brain areas that play only a supportive (cerebellum) or indirect role in reading-related skills. The negative association between Motor Impulsivity and activations typically found for phonological processing and automatic word identification indicates a reduced bilateral integration of the meaning and sound of mental word representations, and inability to select the appropriate outputs, in impulsive individuals.This research received no specific grant from any funding agency, commercial or not-for-profit sectors

    Development of a low-seroprevalence, αvβ6 integrin-selective virotherapy based on human adenovirus type 10

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    Oncolytic virotherapies (OV) hold immense clinical potential. OV based on human adenoviruses (HAdV) derived from HAdV with naturally low rates of pre- existing immunity will be beneficial for future clinical translation. We generated a low- seroprevalence HAdV-D10 serotype vector incorporating an αvβ6 integrin-selective peptide, A20, to target αvβ6-positive tumor cell types. HAdV-D10 has limited natural tropism. Structural and biological studies of HAdV-D10 knob protein highlighted low-affinity engagement with native adenoviral receptors CAR and sialic acid. HAdV-D10 fails to engage blood coagulation factor X, potentially eliminating “off-target” hepatic sequestration in vivo. We engineered an A20 peptide that selectively binds αvβ6 integrin into the DG loop of HAdV-D10 fiber knob. Assays in αvβ6+ cancer cell lines demonstrated significantly increased transduction mediated by αvβ6-targeted variants compared with controls, confirmed microscopically. HAdV-D10.A20 resisted neutralization by neutralizing HAdV-C5 sera. Systemic delivery of HAdV-D10.A20 resulted in significantly increased GFP expression in BT20 tumors. Replication-competent HAdV-D10.A20 demonstrated αvβ6 integrin-selective cell killing in vitro and in vivo. HAdV-D10 possesses characteristics of a promising virotherapy, combining low seroprevalence, weak receptor interactions, and reduced off-target uptake. Incorporation of an αvβ6 integrin-selective peptide resulted in HAdV-D10.A20, with significant potential for clinical translation

    Ocena ryzyka porazenia pszenicy przez Tapesia yallundae

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    The objective of the study was to design a prediction model for eyespot (Tapesia yallundae) infection based on climatic factors (temperature, precipitation, air humidity). Data from experiment years 1994-2002 were used to study correlations between the eyespot infection index and individual weather characteristics. The model of prediction was constructed using multiple regression when a separate parameter is assigned to each factor, i.e. the frequency of days with optimum temperatures, humidity, and precipitation. The correlation between relative air humidity and precipitation and the infection index is significant.Celem podjętych badań było opracowanie modelu opisującego ryzyko porażenia roślin przez T.yallundae. W przeprowadzonej analizie uwzględnianymi parametrami były liczba dni: z temperaturą 4 - 10°C, opadami powyżej 3 mm oraz wilgotnością powietrza powyżej 80%. Stwierdzono występowanie istotnej korelacji pomiędzy indeksem porażenia roślin a wspomnianymi parametrami